Jungle Boogie

7.14 Sun
10:40 am - Part 1
Treadmill 52 min 3.1mph @6% incline

Part 2

Did as much outside as could stand, heat fatigue was a killer today

10 min heavy bag warm up

Box Step Up (24") 2 x 20
KB Suitcase Carry (28kg) 120ft x 2 ea side

KB Renegade Rows (28kg) 5 / 8
HusaCarry (165) 120ft x 2

Up/Down to High Jump (32") 8 / 8
KB Gunslingers (28kg) 10 / 10

KB Front Rack Carry (28kg) 120ft x 2
Kneeling to Step Up (30") 2 x 5 ea side

+20min swim

From a few weeks ago, last time really had fun in gym before pain took over.... not the cause.

You took that Sandbag to Suplex City

You took that Sandbag to Suplex City

<lol> Bork approved. The Freedom sandbag team did not take on the challenge like they do every other move. They jump up to try the next slam, throw, get up, got no takers on a suplex collab.

7.15 Mon

6 min EMOM:
1 min Jump Rope
10 Offset Dual KB DL (28kg)

Flying Knees 6 / 8 / 4 / 10 / 15 / 15 / 5
Tri Pressdown Rope (40) 3 x 12

Plank with Legs suspended by bands 4 x 30sec
Alt Body Kicks on heavy bag 12 / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20

Box Step Ups (24") 10 / 14 / 10
Quake Bar Front Rack 1 leg Balance Holds (45plates) 45sec ea leg
Close Range Elbow on bags 20 / 20

+20 min swim
This line cracked me up. I had to go do some work on LSU campus recently. The girls aren't wearing bras in public now. Just straight Pointer Sister V-necks and button downs with only 1 button at chest holding it closed. Its amazing and really hope it becomes the next fad. And the Smith machine is perfectly acceptable for isolation :cool: only can't claim bench PRs on it.

You are 100% spot on with the pulling being pain free. Did notice that with the sled, anything to body seems fine. Its going away from. And bro fist bump on suplex work!

7.4 Gymdependence Day

Reverse Hyper (100) 10 / 10 / 12
DB Row (100) 10 ea / 10e / 7e
GHD Situp 3 x 15

Up/Down Box Jump (30") 3 x 12
L-Sit Holds 3 x 20 sec

V-Grip Lat Pulls (115) 3 x 10
Squat (230) 5 (280) 4 (320) 5 / 5
Box Squat (410) 5 / 5 / 5

Twist Bar Plank 2 x 1min
Husafell Bag Hold (200) 3 x 1 min

Band Curls (Green) 4 x 10
Oblique Side Crunch (45 plate) 3 x 12 ea
Lay Down Tri Pushdown (50 ) 3 x 12

Smith Machine Close Grip Bench might be my only option for the next month or so. I'm a member of two gyms. The one with the SM is fairly easy to get to by public transport. The one with the Swiss Bar is literally on the other side of the city from where I live. Since I only train there once a week, I usually just get a taxi due to the distance.

Unfortunately, the Edinburgh Festival and Fringe starts at the end of July. Roughly 4 Million tourists will visit the city within 6 weeks or so. To put that into perspective, the native population is only about 500,000. So travelling any significant distance is a fucking nightmare due to congestion and road closures. And taxis become as easy to find as rocking horse shit.

So I'll have to confine my training to the gym within easy reach, which means replacing Swiss Bar Bench with Smith Machine CGB.

Not a perfect situation, but one plays the cards one is dealt.
^^ Quoted that in The Bat Cave for Notes Tracking


In the dead of FN Louisiana Heat Wave . Sunshine workout

AMRAP 40 minutes timer. + time to drag stuff out and pick it up
Husafell Bag Carry (200) 60ft
Sprint 60ft with Hurdles (32" x 37" x 32")
10 Dual KB Swings (18kg)

6:30p Part 2
30 min Vest Ruck Walk
15 more minutes dropped vest , kept walking
7.17 Wed - On vacation

25min Run / Walk cycles in woods .
2.70 mile total

45min AMRAP:

Run 60ft with Box Vault Jump (54") > Hurdle 32" > Hurdle 37" > Hurdle 32" > Zercher Yoke Carry back 60ft

KB Swing & Jump (32kg) 50 ft
Dual KB Row & Pull Back (28kg) 50ft
Husafell Bag Squats (165) 25 ft walking squats

+ 20 min swim

Set up few obstacle courses in yard.

Run 60ft with (4) Jumps (32" x 32" x 37" x 56") , Then Run empty Yoke back 60ft x 7 rounds

Sled Pull (1 Plate) 60ft > Trapbar Carry (270) 60ft x 12 rounds

Training Bag Shoulder Carry (115) 60ft > Sprint back. Pick up 2nd bag (80) carry 60ft & Sprint back x 5 rounds

+ 20 min swim

Twist Bar Planks 3 x 1 min
Pause DL (225) 3 x 5

GHD Situp 3 x 10
Lay on Belly, Get up & High Jump 3 x 10

Flying Knees 10 / 10 / 12 / 10
Pause DL 5 Count hold (315) 3 x 5

Alt High Knees 20 / 20 / 15
Box Vault Jumping (30") 20 / 20 / 22

Oblique Leans (45 plate) 3 x 12 ea
Hurdle Jumping (37" x 32") 7 / 5 / 5

5 min ab work
2:50-4:10 p

Box Vault Jumping (38" x 38" ) 20 / 30 / 30 / 30
GHD Situp 3 x 10

Snap Bag Suplex (115) 5 / 5 / 5
Chest Suplex (220) 5
Hack Squat (3plate) 10 (4plate) 8 (5 plate) 5

Plank Knees to Bag 20
Burpee to Side Jump (32") 10

Oblique Pull Downs w/ Band (Green) 10 ea side
Lunge to Box Step Up (30") 7 ea

20 min Curvemill walk

30 min treadmill 3.1mph @ 8% incline

Burpee Jump Over (32") 3 x10
KB Gorilla Rows (32kg) 15 (36kg) 12 / 15

KB Swing (40kg) 3 x 25
Split Box Jumps (30") 10 (38") 10 (44") 4 x 10

Straight Leg DBL KB DL (32kg) 3 x10
Side Plank Crunches 3 x 10 ea side

Bar Shrugs (135 ) Burnout
Forearm DB Curls (25) Burnout
Tri Pushdown (30) Burnout

+ 20 min swim
7.24 Wed

Grabbing some footage for LionHeart Sand Plates. I didn't count reps or sets. Just constant rounds

Farmer Carry on Treadmill - 2 plate
Plate Oblique Twist - Side to side - 1 plate
Swinging Lunges- 2 plate
Step Ups (20" Box)- 1 plate
Surrenders - 2 plate
Alt Knee Ups - 1 plate
Gorilla Rows - 2 plate
Bag Drags - 3 plates
Clean to Burpee - 115 on bar
GHD Situps - 1 plate

Split box jumps (47" x 47") 5 / 5

Ortho 2nd appt. No improvement after 30 days of no overhead and no pressing. Constant pain at point of collarbone. Doc stuck a needle straight down between AC joints to help with inflammation. Said give it a couple weeks before it really kicks in. If same pain in 30 days, MRI. [Fast forward 2 days and ROM is improving, very slight dip in pain - typing this on Saturday]

20 min EMOM :

1 min Plank
12 Banded Lat Pull downs (green)
12 DB Curls (25)
12 Rope Tri Pushdowns (40)

25 min Curvemill walk

Ortho 2nd appt. No improvement after 30 days of no overhead and no pressing. Constant pain at point of collarbone. Doc stuck a needle straight down between AC joints to help with inflammation. Said give it a couple weeks before it really kicks in. If same pain in 30 days, MRI. [Fast forward 2 days and ROM is improving, very slight dip in pain - typing this on Saturday]

20 min EMOM :

1 min Plank
12 Banded Lat Pull downs (green)
12 DB Curls (25)
12 Rope Tri Pushdowns (40)

25 min Curvemill walk

I hope the treatment works and you continue to improve.
I hope the treatment works and you continue to improve.
He said it would take 2-3 weeks before any change. Today (Aug 4th , shot was on July 25th) was the 1st time I've been able to painlessly raise arm over head in 45 days. Even did 1 pull up. Still have stabbing sensation when reaching across body, it's promising but not full sign of relief . Thanks for checking up.

7-27 UFC 304

Jump Knees & Elbows 2 min rounds x 5

Sprawl burpee while holding bag (165) 5 / 6 / 7

Snap Suplex Bag (185) 4 / 5 / 5
Triple High Jump (32" x 37" x 43" ) 6 / 6 / 5

Bag Rows w/ Rope (250) 10 / 12 (275) 14 / 10 / 10
Band Overhead, Pulldown into Flying Knee (Green) 15 / 10 / 10

Banded Ab Pulldowns (Purple) 5 x 50
1 min Run x 4

Husa Carry (200) 80ft x 3
Dual KB Cleans (18kg) 3 x 10

Clean & Squat (135) 3 x 5
Double High Jump (43" x 37" ) 2 (37" x 32") 5 / 5

GHD Situp 3 x 15
KB Swing (40kg) 25 / 25 / 20

KB Oblique Crunch (28kg) 15 ea side

1 min Run x 3
KB Swing (40kg) 3 x 25

Single Arm Deficit KB DL (20" box) (28kg) 10 (40kg) 10 / 10 /10
GHD Situp 3 x 15

Seated KB Jump (28kg) 5 (22kg) 5 / 5 / 5
Quake Bar Oblique Twist (18kg bells ) 5 x 10

Calf Raises (90#) 15 / 30 / 10 / 10 / 10