Jungle Boogie

6.28 Fri

1 Min Run x 3
Dual KB Cleans (28kg) 3 x 10

EMOM 5 Min:
Bag on Shoulder (185) > Double Jump (32" x 32" ) > Bag on Shoulder (185)
Moment of fucking hell realization. Shouldering the bag is fucking my shoulder up. Started hurting like a bich 3rd round. This is the devil movement.

Zercher Yoke Carry (200) 50t x 4
Squat (230) 5
KB Gorilla Row (32kg) 3x 10

DB Curls (30) 2 x 12
Tri Cable push down (40) 20 / 25

Reverse Crunch 30
Back Bend Glute Raises 20

+20 min swim

Out in sun cooking in heat

EMOM 10 min :
1 min fan bike
Zercher Yoke Carry (200) 80ft

Sled Pull Back Peddle with Harness (2 Plate) 40ft x 10

Bag Bear Hug Carry 100ft x 2 (235 / 215 / 200 / 185 / 165)

High Jump (37" x 56") 8

Seated Ring MU From L-sit 2 / 2 / 2 / 2
Box Squat to High Bag Extension (185) 5 (215) 2 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3

Band Supported V-Leg Raises 4 x 10
7.1 Mon

Trying to find routine without shoulder pissing me off.

1 mile run . 6min 35 sec

12 Gorilla Row (36kg) > 5 Triple Jumps (37" x 32" x 32") x 3 rounds

1 mile run. 6min 16 sec

12 DB Curls (35) > 12 Tri Pushdowns (50) x 3 rounds

1 mile run . 6 min 9 sec

10 Hanging Leg Raises > (3) 10 sec L-sit holds x 2 rounds

2 min plank
30 Reverse Crunches
30 Ab Bicycles
7.1 Mon

Trying to find routine without shoulder pissing me off.

1 mile run . 6min 35 sec

12 Gorilla Row (36kg) > 5 Triple Jumps (37" x 32" x 32") x 3 rounds

1 mile run. 6min 16 sec

12 DB Curls (35) > 12 Tri Pushdowns (50) x 3 rounds

1 mile run . 6 min 9 sec

10 Hanging Leg Raises > (3) 10 sec L-sit holds x 2 rounds

2 min plank
30 Reverse Crunches
30 Ab Bicycles

Story of my Goddamn life. :(
Story of my Goddamn life. :(
Its such a pain in the dick. Almost every upper body movement involves some sort of shoulder inclusion. Push ups, hanging, any front holds, KB cleans, momentum jumping, sprinting, 95% of pressing , lat pull downs. Getting to be a mental torment. Hoping you find some sanity in your search of movements.


8 Min EMOM:
45sec Run
45sec Jump Rope

Battle Ropes 4 x 1 min
Hack Squats (3plate) 4 x 10

GDH Raise 5 / 6 / 7
Trap Bar Shrugs (150) 3 x 15

Reverse Hyper (100) 3 x10
KB Front Squat (22kg) 3 x 10

Bag Throws Over 8ft Yoke (50) 30

Sled Back Peddle with Harness (2plate) 40ft x 4
Triple Frog Jump (32" x 32" x 24" ) 5 / 4 / 5
Its such a pain in the dick. Almost every upper body movement involves some sort of shoulder inclusion. Push ups, hanging, any front holds, KB cleans, momentum jumping, sprinting, 95% of pressing , lat pull downs. Getting to be a mental torment. Hoping you find some sanity in your search of movements.


8 Min EMOM:
45sec Run
45sec Jump Rope

Battle Ropes 4 x 1 min
Hack Squats (3plate) 4 x 10

GDH Raise 5 / 6 / 7
Trap Bar Shrugs (150) 3 x 15

Reverse Hyper (100) 3 x10
KB Front Squat (22kg) 3 x 10

Bag Throws Over 8ft Yoke (50) 30

Sled Back Peddle with Harness (2plate) 40ft x 4
Triple Frog Jump (32" x 32" x 24" ) 5 / 4 / 5

Thanks, bro. You too.

After experimenting more than a girl in her first year of collage, I've found a couple of Pressing movements that don't aggravate my shoulders. Primary pressing exercise is Swiss/Football Bar Bench. To the point where I actually bought a new and better Swiss Bar and donated it to my gym.

The second pressing exercise is JM Press on a Smith Machine. And yes, I know the reaction of most people on here when they read the words, "Smith Machine" is,

fb4 (1).jpg

But the SM works superbly well for JM Presses. It eliminates the need for balance and allows one to focus completely on the triceps.
Its such a pain in the dick. Almost every upper body movement involves some sort of shoulder inclusion. Push ups, hanging, any front holds, KB cleans, momentum jumping, sprinting, 95% of pressing , lat pull downs. Getting to be a mental torment. Hoping you find some sanity in your search of movements.


8 Min EMOM:
45sec Run
45sec Jump Rope

Battle Ropes 4 x 1 min
Hack Squats (3plate) 4 x 10

GDH Raise 5 / 6 / 7
Trap Bar Shrugs (150) 3 x 15

Reverse Hyper (100) 3 x10
KB Front Squat (22kg) 3 x 10

Bag Throws Over 8ft Yoke (50) 30

Sled Back Peddle with Harness (2plate) 40ft x 4
Triple Frog Jump (32" x 32" x 24" ) 5 / 4 / 5
I landed on my shoulder doing a suplex and then it would fall outa socket all the time. I went to work building line with my uncle because of that injury. I could pull ropes with heavy weight to myself vertically and horizontally without bothering my shoulder at all. Granted being strapped to a pole helps a lot with the vertical pull safety aspect of things
After experimenting more than a girl in her first year of collage,

The second pressing exercise is JM Press on a Smith Machine. And yes, I know the reaction of most people on here when they read the words, "Smith Machine" is,
This line cracked me up. I had to go do some work on LSU campus recently. The girls aren't wearing bras in public now. Just straight Pointer Sister V-necks and button downs with only 1 button at chest holding it closed. Its amazing and really hope it becomes the next fad. And the Smith machine is perfectly acceptable for isolation :cool: only can't claim bench PRs on it.

I landed on my shoulder doing a suplex and then it would fall outa socket all the time. I went to work building line with my uncle because of that injury. I could pull ropes with heavy weight to myself vertically and horizontally without bothering my shoulder at all. Granted being strapped to a pole helps a lot with the vertical pull safety aspect of things
You are 100% spot on with the pulling being pain free. Did notice that with the sled, anything to body seems fine. Its going away from. And bro fist bump on suplex work!

7.4 Gymdependence Day

Reverse Hyper (100) 10 / 10 / 12
DB Row (100) 10 ea / 10e / 7e
GHD Situp 3 x 15

Up/Down Box Jump (30") 3 x 12
L-Sit Holds 3 x 20 sec

V-Grip Lat Pulls (115) 3 x 10
Squat (230) 5 (280) 4 (320) 5 / 5
Box Squat (410) 5 / 5 / 5

Twist Bar Plank 2 x 1min
Husafell Bag Hold (200) 3 x 1 min

Band Curls (Green) 4 x 10
Oblique Side Crunch (45 plate) 3 x 12 ea
Lay Down Tri Pushdown (50 ) 3 x 12
7.5 Fri

Minimal Rest between sets, very high pace

1 mile warm up 5min 57 sec

Burpee to Broad Jump 3 x 8
KB Swing (40kg) 3 x 50

20 sec Jog to 10 sec Sprint to 30 sec recovery walk x 3
Rings Hanging Leg Raise 3 x 15

Bag Goodmorning into Squat (165) 3 x 5
Hanging Knee Tucks 3 x 10

Winded 1 mile run 6min 13 sec
Finished Walking until 10min mark. Distance 1.30 mile

5 min Ab finisher (deadbugs / Laying leg raises / reverse crunch / hip raises / oblique crunches )

BW: 180

EMOM 6 min:
45 sec Jump Rope
20 KB Swings (40kg)

Straight Bar Pulldowns (60) 3 x 10
GHD situp 3 x 15

Husa Carry (200) 100ft x 3
Banded Tri Pressdown (purple) 20/ 25 / 25

Seated Cable Row (100) 15 (120) 15 (130) 15 (140) 11
Box Jump Vaulting (30" ) 15 (40") 15

Trap bar Shrug (160) 2 x 1min
Atlas Stone Hold (100) 2 x 30sec (Fuck Rogue Rubber Stones, can't use them when sweating)

Frog Squat Broad Jumps 100ft
Oblique Leans (28kg KB) 12 ea x 3

Flow Hurdles over boxes (30" x 30") 20 / 12

1 mile 6 m 47 sec

+ 30 min swim

Front Rack Training Bag Carry (80) 3 x 1min
Burpee to Broad Jump 6

Cable Seated Rows (140) 12 / 12/ 10 / 10 / 10
Squat (230) 5 / 5

Army Crawl 3 x 100ft
Husa Carry (200) 3 x 100ft

Para Bars Leg Swings 20
Jumping High Knees 20 / 20 / 12 / 10

Para Bars Hand Walks 3 x 30 sec
Box Vault jumping (30" x 30") 3 x 10

Treadmill 20 min 3mph @6% incline

Reverse Hypers (100) 3 x 12
Inverted Ring Rows 3 x 15

Cleans (135) 3 x 10
Box Jump (40") 10 (44") 8 (48") 5

Pause DL (225) 3 x 10
GHD Situp 3 x 20

KB Gunslingers (18kg) 3 x 10
KB Gorilla Rows (36kg) 10 / 10 / 8

Front Squat (135) 5 / 5
Quad Jumping (32" x 38" x 32" x 30") 14 / 15

Run 2 min x 4
Cleans (135) 4 x 5

6 min EMOM:
1 min Jump Rope
10 Seated Cable Row (140)

Bag on Left Shoulder Only [right shoulder is toast] (185) 3 x 3
Hack Squat (3 plate) 3 x 10

Cleans (155) 3 x 5
Rope Tri Pushdown (50) 6 (40) 6 / 12 / 12 / 12

Speed DB Curls (15s) 20 / 25 / 20
Quad Jumping (32" x 30" x 32" x 30") 10
Quad Vault Jumping (32" x 45" x 32" x 45" ) 10 / 10

Bag Squat to Burpee (200) 5 / 5

10 min EMOM:
1 min Run
5 Cleans (155)

Husa Carry (200) 4 x 100ft
Triple Jumping / Hurdle / Vaulting (32" x 32" x 45") 8 / 8
(32"x 32"x51") 6
(32"x 32"x56") 8
(32"x 32"x60") 3 / 4

KB Gunslingers (28kg) 3 x 10
Tri Pushdown Rope (40) 3 x 15

KB Gorilla Rows (28kg) 2 x 12
Squat (230) 2 x 5

Dual KB Cleans (28kg) 10
Jumps (32" to Broad) 20

Box Step Ups (20") 3 x 20
Bag Pull (200) 3 x 80ft

High Jump from Distance (32") 6 (37") 4 / 4 / 4 / 5
H2H KB Rows (32kg) 3 x 20

Trap bar DL (310) 5 (400) 3 / 1 (490) 3 / 3 / 1
Bag Drag (200) 3 x 80ft

Triple Jump (32" x 32" x 45") 4 x 5
Husa Carry (200) 80ft x 1

Ring V-sits 2 x 10
Dual 45# plate walks 100ft x 5
7.14 Sun
10:40 am - Part 1
Treadmill 52 min 3.1mph @6% incline

Part 2

Did as much outside as could stand, heat fatigue was a killer today

10 min heavy bag warm up

Box Step Up (24") 2 x 20
KB Suitcase Carry (28kg) 120ft x 2 ea side

KB Renegade Rows (28kg) 5 / 8
HusaCarry (165) 120ft x 2

Up/Down to High Jump (32") 8 / 8
KB Gunslingers (28kg) 10 / 10

KB Front Rack Carry (28kg) 120ft x 2
Kneeling to Step Up (30") 2 x 5 ea side

+20min swim

From a few weeks ago, last time really had fun in gym before pain took over.... not the cause.