Jungle Boogie


Deep push up on Bells 20 / 20 / 30
Dual Rope Climb 14ft x 3
Box Jump (44") 2 x 5 (48") 3 / 3

KB Gorilla Rows (28kg) 20 / 20 / 30
DL (315) 5 (405) 5 / 5
Pull Up Ladder 2 x 3

Bag Squats (185) 3 x 5
Handstand Holds 4 x 30sec
Ring Dips 3 x 10

10 min EMOM:
12 Tri Push Downs (40#)
12 KB Gunslingers (18kg)

+40 min swim

Suplex Day

Back Bend Push Ups 5 / 10 / 10
Ring Flow Get Ups 2 x 10

Band pull apart (black) 3 x 20
Bag over Shoulder (185) 4

Snap Suplex W/ training Bag (115) 6 / 6 / 4 / 6
Handstand Push Ups 5 x 20 sec attempts

Suplex on Cheese Wedge (75) 5 (125) 3 (185) 2 /2 / 3 / 3 / 3
Bag Suplex - All in launch (220) 6 / 2 / 8 / 5

Front Handspring to Jump Knee 15 / 15

Burpee Over Box (20") 3 x 10
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 15

Left & Right Side Round Off 20 / 20
Backbend Press Up 10 / 10

Dual KB C&P (18kg) 10 (22kg) 10 (28kg) 10
Hanging Alt Knee Raises 3 x 20

Bag Vertical High Extension (220) 5
Wall Walk x 3

Mace Swing (25#) 10
Back Bend Kick over 1

5 min handstand holds

+ 5 min swim

1 min run x 5
Band Pull Apart (black) 5 x 20

Dual KB Cleans (22kg) 10 (28kg) 10 / 12
Weight Push UP (75) 5
Tricep Push ups 10 / 15 / 15

Standing Alt Knee to Elbows 3 x 50
Oblique Crunch (22kg) 10 ea / 12 ea / 15 ea

Dual KB Gunslinger (28kg) 3 x 10
Wall Walks 3 x 30 sec

Bar Clean (135) 3 x5
Bag Grapple Rolling (185) 3 x 20
6.14 Fri

Elbow to Knees 2 x 50
KB Oblique Crunch (22kg) 2 x 15 ea

L-sit Windshield wipers 3 x 20 sec
Single Ring Pull Up from laying 2 x 10 ea side

Bag High Ext (185) 12 (215) 10
Side Plank Reach Ups (10#) 2 x 10 ea

High Para Bars Alt Knee Raises 2 x 30
Handstand from Kneel 2 x10

Rotation Bar Planks 2 x 1min
180 Degree Jumps 2 x 10

Made some High Hurdles

Double Jump (37" x 43" 5 / 5 / 5/ 5 / 5 / 5 /2 / 5 /5 / 5 / 5
Dual KB Snatch (18kg) 10 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5

Bag On Shoulder Carry (185) 50ft x 12
Mace Swings (25#) 10 ... .nope , shoulder said fuck those

+ 5 min swim
6.16 Fathers Day

Lay Down / Get up & Jump 10 / 10 / 7
High Para Bars Inverted Row 10 / 10 / 20

Kneeling Para Bars Press Up 5 / 5 / 5 / 7
Banded Low Rows (Green) 4 x 10

High Vertical Bag Ext (185) 5 (235) 5 (275) 6
Quake Bar Press (45# Plate) 5 / 7 / 5 / 5

Trap Shrug (230) 10 (320) 7
Trap Bar DL (410) 5 (500) 3 / 2 / 2 / 2

Bag Suplex (220) 2 / 2 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5
Wedge Squats (230) 5 / 5/ 5 / 10

Rings Handstand Press Up 2 / 2

Feet in Rings Tuck Push Up 3 x 10
Pipe Climbs x 6

Bag Throw (165) Over Hurdle (32") Jump over & Repeat 6 / 6 / 5
Dual KB C&P (28kg) 5 / 5 / 5

KB Gunslinger (36kg) 10 / 10 (32kg) 10
Bag Power Bomb (235) 2 / 5 / 5

Bag on 30" Box then Jump on top (215) 3
Triple Hurdles (43" / 37" / 32" ) 3 / 10 / 6 / 8

Lay Down / Get Up / Push up 3 x 10
Dual KB Snatch (22kg) 8 / 10 / 10

Triple Hurdle (37" x 32" x 32" ) 5 / 5 / 5
Dual KB C&P (28kg) 5 / 5 /5

Hack Squat (2plate) 3 x 10
Cable Face Pulls (20) 10 / 12 / 15

EMOM 7 Min:
Bag on Shoulder (235 / 215 / 185 )

DB Curls (25) 3 x 15
Tri Pushdowns (50) 3 x 15

+ 10 min swim

Left work at lunch from absolute exhaustion. Took at 3 hour nap, fatigue heavy.

Feel the same, stayed through entire work day. Tired as fuck, leaning against whatever was near just wanting to go to bed. Body aching.

Won the covid test with ++ score. Fuck this shit and whoever keeps spraying it in the air. Have medicine hangover, food all sounds terrible and stomach is trying to digest DayQuil & Flu Tea on empty.


AM. Finally have some energy. Up moving around again. Cleaning house and Lysol spray before family gets home from beach vaca. May try to get some activity in this afternoon.
Hope you make a full recovery soon!
Appreciate the bro power in healing. <RomeroSalute>

When it rains , you get wet. This round of covid was very tame and seems to be gone with lingering sinus noises. Glad for that. This morning was also the ortho appt had to schedule because right shoulder has been a mother fucker for over a month. He used big words I'm not going to attempt but it's either AC joint arthritis (very minimal shown in Xray) or some giant O word that has to do with bone oesto .... clavical .... where they start to break down on both sides of the joints. Long sad story, he told me no overhead, no pressing, no cross body, no nothing that irritates it for a month. And live on ibuprofen for 2 weeks. Caught something early enough that he thinks can clear up without needing surgery to "put space between the bones" . I'm no doctor and these were not his exact words, listening wasn't great after he said take it easy for a month. I laughed, he laughed, the Xray tech was cute.
Getting pummeled by shit news and mental moral. So I left there and went bought a brand new ZTR Hustler Raptor mower. Getting ready for body to atrophy down to 165lbs.

Slow entry to gym. Low output, respiratory check. (This was done the day before ortho visit)

10 Push Up > 2 Pull Up x 3

Band Pull Apart (black) 15 / 15 / 20
Pec Deck (230) 10 / 10 / 15

Bag Floor Press (165) 3 - shoulder hates this
Above Bar Muscle Press Up 10 / 10
KB Gorilla Rows (28kg) 10 (32kg) 10

+ 30 min swim

Left work at lunch from absolute exhaustion. Took at 3 hour nap, fatigue heavy.

Feel the same, stayed through entire work day. Tired as fuck, leaning against whatever was near just wanting to go to bed. Body aching.

Won the covid test with ++ score. Fuck this shit and whoever keeps spraying it in the air. Have medicine hangover, food all sounds terrible and stomach is trying to digest DayQuil & Flu Tea on empty.


AM. Finally have some energy. Up moving around again. Cleaning house and Lysol spray before family gets home from beach vaca. May try to get some activity in this afternoon.

Fuck Covid. :mad: I had that shit a couple of years ago. Felt like a dose of the Flu.

Pro Tip: don't try to rush back into heavy training. A week after I was clear, I still felt tired after even moderate workouts.

Get well soon, bro.
Fuck Covid. :mad: I had that shit a couple of years ago. Felt like a dose of the Flu.

Pro Tip: don't try to rush back into heavy training. A week after I was clear, I still felt tired after even moderate workouts.

Get well soon, bro.
Hope your body is all on the up n up ! Physically and cellular , we got work to do! Preciate the boost of healing.

6.25 (Post Ortho visit) Tues

DB Chickenwing Flys (30) 3 x 10
Up / Down Hurdle Jump (32") 3 x 8

Dual KB Carry (36kg) 100ft x 3
Cable Isolated Tri Crossover (20) 3 x 10

Trap Bar Carry (270) 50ft x 4
Double Jump (37" to 40" Box) 6 (37" to 44" Box) 2 / 2 / 2 / 2

Laying Ab Bicycles 10 / 20 / 20
HusaBag Carry (165) 50ft x 5

Standing Knees into 60# Water Ball 4 x 10

+10min swim
11:30-1 p

30 min Treadmill 3 mph @ 6% incline

Cable Low Row (20) 2 x 10
HusaBag Pick Up (165) 2 x 5

A2G Bag Squats (165) 7 / 5
KB Gorilla Row (32kg) 10 / 10

Step Up Knees (20") 16 / 16
Single KB Swing (40kg) 15 / 15

Deficit KB DL (20" Box & 36kg) 12 / 7
Single Ring Invert Row 10 / 12

Incline Board Lunges 10ea x 2
HusaBag Kang Squats (200) 5 / 5

10 min treadmill walk

Sled Pull - 6ft Rope (3plates) 50ft x 6
Step Up and Jump (24" box) 10 / 10 / 10

Incline Dual KB Lunges (18kg) 10 / 10
Deficit KB DL (36kg) 8 / 8 / 8 / 8

Bag Pick Up to Kang Squat (200) 6 / 6
Reverse Crunches 25 / 25

Sled Pull Hand Over Hand Rope (3plate) 50ft x 2
Hack Squat (3plate) 8 / 6 / 6

DB Curl & Squat (25) 10 (35) 7 / 7
Broad Jumps 9ft x 5 / 10

+20 min swim