Media Jon Jones threatens troll online - “it’s not hard to find you”

Jon would find that person if possible, and would show up like a bully (unless it was a man instead of a defenseless female) being really mad that they dared to repeat a tiny portion of the many known scumbag acts that Jon is known to have done...outside of the cage.
So he goes to the guys house and then what?

Takes a leak on the guys forehead?

I don’t get it.
"several billionaires friend" your bosses aren't your friends Jon

They're not his bosses. He's an independent contractor.
These people (Sherdoggers included) would be shitting themselves if they were face-to-face with Jon <lol>

or maybe he'd be shitting himself when he realizes the real world isn't an octagon and there isn't any rules or refs to stop you from getting stabbed/shot/clubbed/ganged up on and beaten to death. the real world is wild and it's full of crazy people who don't give a fuck.
People who troll professional fighters online are pretty pathetic, but Jon responding makes him look almost as bad and is only going to encourage them to behave this way more .

I'm not even famous and I know to leave trolls alone. Although I'm not even sure this person is a troll, calling Jones out on ducking Aspinall while continuing to hold onto the title is a reasonable reaction from an MMA fan.

Also what a stupid response, this random guy could be a gangbanger for all Jones knows. Even if he's a fucking loser he could absolutely monitor where Jones is and show up with a gun to assassinate him. Anyone can get got.
or maybe he'd be shitting himself when he realizes the real world isn't an octagon and there isn't any rules or refs to stop you from getting stabbed/shot/clubbed/ganged up on and beaten to death. the real world is wild and it's full of crazy people who don't give a fuck.

If he's a fraction of the socio/psychopath that people here say, he's well aware. <lmao>
These people (Sherdoggers included) would be shitting themselves if they were face-to-face with Jon <lol>
No they wouldn't. They only act tough behind a keyboard. Their won't acted scared because they know they won't be recognized. They will become two-faced and go into fellatio-mode when in his presence.