Economy Joe, Jill, and Hunter are broke

The beauty of that is Comer did the same thing with his brother and was on Fox News clutching pearls about how shady it was Biden did it. Peak politician hypocrisy. Let me guess it was good when Comer did the same thing because he has an R after his name.
Is it shady or not?
Is it shady or not?
You never loaned family money?
Comer and Biden said they loaned family money, and people loan family money every day
For those saying they doubt he is broke. Just keep in mind he paid almost 3 million in cash for his Delaware beach out. He also owns multiple other homes. Big and expensive houses cost a lot to maintain, property taxes, etc

Rented a mansion in VA for $20k a month.

Plus reported he and Jill spend a lot buying furniture and decorating their housss (costs money)

Plus politico had already reported last year that their current books since becoming president are not selling

So lots of factors going on that could lead to his bank account drying up. Not to mention Hunter ran out of money and had to ask Joe to pay for his prositites and drugs.
Having massive debt makes perfect economic sense as long as inflation is high and interest is low.
this has gotta be it
What's funny is the DOJ and the IRS have supposedly been investigating Joe and Hunter for several years, yet MOST of the bank accounts and documents were not discovered until the House oversight committee subpoenaed a bunch of records. That must be a real crack investigative team over at the DOJ and IRS.
apparently Jill and Joe and almost a million in debt. Hunter has no money and his sugar daddy is now leaving him.

Most interesting is that both Joe and Jill had books come out that didn’t make any profit for the publisher and have netted zero royalties

Remember when the left laughed about Trump not having 500 mil in liquid cash? Well it turns out Biden can’t even afford the Delaware beach out he spends 90% of his presidency at.

Maybe Joe’s daughter can save them by publishing her diary

I dunno about you guys. But I don’t trust someone who cannot manage their finances. At least trump had millions of cash on hand and other assets he was not in massive debt with

1) do you understand what a mortgage is? Assets and liabilities?

2) I thought you were one of those proclaiming that Biden was money laundering and profiting personally from being a politician?
What's funny is the DOJ and the IRS have supposedly been investigating Joe and Hunter for several years, yet MOST of the bank accounts and documents were not discovered until the House oversight committee subpoenaed a bunch of records. That must be a real crack investigative team over at the DOJ and IRS.

any day now. but just not today.
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The beauty of that is Comer did the same thing with his brother and was on Fox News clutching pearls about how shady it was Biden did it. Peak politician hypocrisy. Let me guess it was good when Comer did the same thing because he has an R after his name.
Don't project your hyper partisan shit on me, nut.. I think the entire government, with rare exception, is a stinking, puss ridden mass of grifting and corruption.
Over tax and overspend to justify more taxes.
Just because I think Biden is a corrupt piece of shit doesn't mean I carry water for the R's. Fuck, I've always been registered as Independent and voted straight D when slick Willie was POTUS. He was a piece of festering shit, but a little closer to the people.
I feel the same about Trump. I know that hurts your vaginoplasty, but I'd bet that deep down you can forgive me.
I can 100% believe that his books didn't sell. And nothing about Joe Biden has ever suggested a guy who rolls in loot. His tax returns for years have show a decent upper middle class income. Which isn't surprising since he isn't a great public speaker and never became President until now, which is where the real money for speaking engagements come from.