JDS on Cain "He hits like a girl"

Saw this tonight myself. JDS appeared 100% serious, but he's prob just trying to sell them wolf tickets, son. If he WAS serious, well then he's insane. Cain literally beat him in the face so much it changed shape during the fight.
Cain's finishing junior this time.



Yeah I can see the "love taps" Cain was hittin him with did nothing to his appearance. I don't know what kind of women Junior hangs with, but they most be monsters.

there you go
JDS did a great job selling the fight.

All the stupid idiots watching have taken the comment very seriously and are now more motivated to buy the ppv to watch him lose because he insulted Cain in a really super serious way.
If someone punches you about 100 times and still can't knock you out then yes you can say your opponent hits like a girl
CHRISTMAS WILL come early on OCT 19. It is on!!!!!!
JDS chin will be shattered this time!!
Cain's finishing junior this time.

Cain will finish JDS AND finish his career! Just wait you JDS nuthuggers. JDS will NEVER be relevant again after this fight. He has pissed Cain off and Cain will beat the snot out of him and retire him.

Say bye to the final relevant JDS in the UFC!
Watch it now. JDS "I think I am a better fighter".
LOL. He is really going to piss Cain off
JDS "He got lucky because I was overtrained in the first fight"

REALLY? Seriously this guy is one of the most delusional fighters in the history of MMA
Wow, some of you guys are beyond stupid. Do you guys not know how to read? JDS said this in the PRIMETIME show that aired TODAY.

TS is not talking about the radio talk show.
I agree with the TS on this one. Ever since Junior Dos Santos got the belt he has acted very cocky. I think Cain Velasquez really humiliated him when he beat him. He took away his aura of invincibility and forced him to question himself. All of this shit about being over trained and Cain being unable to finish him is just Junior's way of making excuses and shrugging off Cain's win. He badly wants to redeem himself and forget about the second fight.

He really shouldn't be saying Cain hits like a girl even as a joke. So I guess a girl can knock Dos Santos down and batter his face for 25 minutes. Is that what he's saying? He should be saying that Cain was the better man last time and he's looking to win the rubber match.
After JDS beat Cain, Cain could have been on the cover of GQ

After Cain beat JDS, JDS could have played sloth from The Goonies.