this is like one of those old horror movie curses. the only way to stop it is to murder foot or sacrifice a virgin aka @GoldenAzazel lmao
Alzheimers is genetic, Vampiro needs a few more chairshots to the head to prevent it from getting worse
You all know what that means! It's for the PWD to close down we can all fill our minds with extra knowledge as @warriorscommando educates with select readings from his favorite twitter topics. I hope everyone enjoys! I'll be back in a few hours to reopen the PWD...I know everyone is going to love this event!



As this fuckery has gone on long enough, I (Mansa Falsedawn of the PWD Universe) am calling for a FIRING SQUAD to be assembled to dispose of all who have committed crimes against the Universe.

The charges are as follows:

@Minotauro Rex Foot for the crime of gimmick infringement, sad ladding, being a mark ass trick, and not putting adequate respek on Viper the rapper's name.

@D.R.H. for the crime of subjecting the Universe to wario and upsetting @lakersfan45

@warriorscommando for aiding and abetting @D.R.H. in crimes committed against the Universe

@AbellaDanger for not knowing Kaye Fabe, and other general acts of debauchery involving a penis

As per the directive, all the previously mentioned are deemed GUILTY. So speaketh the Mansa, ordained by the Just Bleed God himself (blood be upon him).

Fuck this gay earth and everything in it.

i volunteer, my red comrade
Might be time for the Glorious JUST BLEED Revolution.....

Brother: Firing Squad is too kind..

Death by Sodomy from Gargaroth, the Thorn Cocked Demon who Ejaculates Burning Sand.....

I volunteer. i will give my everlasting word to the just bleed god.

You all know what that means! It's for the PWD to close down we can all fill our minds with extra knowledge as @warriorscommando educates with select readings from his favorite twitter topics. I hope everyone enjoys! I'll be back in a few hours to reopen the PWD...I know everyone is going to love this event!


Rebelfett's death has unhinged you.