Elections Israel Secretly Targets U.S. Lawmakers With Influence Campaign

I bet majority of Americans can’t name one israeli politician.
The Evangelicals (whose political influence is most asserted by CUFI, and they have a lot of influence as a voting bloc despite being comprised of sectarians who would turn on each other the millisecond the US become a theocracy) are anti-semitic Zionists. I know that seems like an oxymoron but its not. They dont give a single sh*t about Jewish people having a safe place to exist, or having religious freedom. What they believe is that once the Israelis take that land, eliminate all the Arabs, they themselves will declare another Holy War in which they will be successful at presenting Jews with two options: convert or face the same fate as the Arabs. Regardless, of which is chosen, once it's done "The Rapture" will be triggered.

Now, you could make a case that not all of them are true believers and they just use this as a socio-political cudgel to pursue power, but so what? The naked desire for genocide is the naked desire for genocide, regardless if it's because of religious nonsense or resource control. This is why it was necessary to make Israel a far right dictatorship. Technically it's not a dictatorship yet but every move Netenyahu makes is to hold onto power because they let too many far right Zionists into their Government. Funded, in no small measure, by people who want THEM dead ultimately.
I don't doubt some crazy evangelical thinks about this but I doubt the average US evangelical who votes for Trump wants to declare a Holy War to convert all Jews and cause The Rapture.
I don't doubt some crazy evangelical thinks about this but I doubt the average US evangelical who votes for Trump wants to declare a Holy War to convert all Jews and cause The Rapture.

That's the overall Evangelical position. This was from 6 years ago:

Edit - I hadn't seen this yet but I guess Al Jazeera is doing a series on this:

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It's all about how you phrase it. Could the US influence Israel to do whatever the US wants if Congress voted for it and the President supported it? Yes. The US could order Israel to be dismantled if it really wanted.
But what does the US wants? The US isn't nearly as united in their goal as Israel. It's not of a single mind.
You have multiple politicians that defend completely different, opposite political positions.
A bunch of these are Zionists who defend Israeli interests first and foremost.
For example, Mitch McConnell supports invading and killing everybody at the ICC if they arrest Netanyahu, while Rashida Tlaib is a Palestinian supporter who would probably support Netanyahu being tried for killing civilians.

Meanwhile, non-Arab Israeli politicians, right or left will always support Israel. Even if they disagree on lesser things.
- Just searched this guy. He is one of Gasper uncles!
That's the overall Evangelical position. This was from 6 years ago:

The overall Evangelical position, 90 million people in the US alone, and they got one single guy with crazy eyes saying it. I've never read a big church espousing that position publicly.
By the way, the Obama clip is pretty funny. He is saying that Israel should maintain itself Jewish and Democratic. He's basically saying that it's okay for Israel to be an ethnostate, a big no-no for liberals. But, it's okay for Israel. Imagine if he was saying the US should be a Christian, democratic State, or worse, a White Christian State.
This is the part that I find most fascinating.

On one hand you have American Jews who offer their support for Israel. This is easy to understand.

On the other hand, you have Evangelicals (Christians with absolutely no ties to Israel) who are also diehard supporters of Israel. Why?

To the best of my knowledge it has something to do with Armageddon and what the bible says will happen in the final battle. Basically that Israel needs support in order for the "good guys" to win.

Is that more or less it?
That's exactly what it is because Christianity generally believes that the Jewish people need their own state and they need to rebuild their Temple and begin Temple worship as one of the signs that Jesus is going to return... Because of this selfish Christians support policies and actions by israel that are against our interests and sometimes outright evil just to make it easier for Israel to get their Temple built and begin that process.

One of the most disappointing things in my life is having seen one Christian that is actually quite advanced spiritually fall for this basic stupidity and idiocy and extreme self centeredness. I'm sure if he had more and better information he wouldn't have but he did.

The worst part about it is that if you believe the Bible, then you know that nobody knows when the second coming would be, which means that they're willing to support evil in the hopes that they could somehow sway God to bring about a specific good that they should know from scripture they cannot predict the time of. I think it reveals a profound disrespect for God and the gospel and an attempt to try to wield control over when the second coming happens.
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That's exactly what it is because Christianity generally believes that the Jewish people need their own state and they need to rebuild their Temple and begin Temple worship as one of the signs that Jesus is going to return... Because of this selfish Christians support policies and actions by israel that are against our interests and sometimes outright evil just to make it easier for Israel to get their Temple built and begin that process.

One of the most disappointing things in my life is having seen one Christian that is actually quite advanced spiritually fall for this basic stupidity and idiocy and extreme self centeredness. I'm sure if he had more and better information he wouldn't have but he did.

Sounds like this Jesus guy needs to come already so Americans can stop wasting their hard earned money on this place called Israel that the bible keeps going on about.
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Sounds like this Jesus guy needs to come already so Americans can stop wasting their hard earned money on this place called Israel that the bible keeps going on about.

That or else certain Christian groups could actually live their principles instead of supporting Israel selfishly.
If you use your brain it's really really not the gotcha moment you tought it is. A country accused of genocide and whose prime minster is under international arrest warrant is favoring someone in a foreign election. Yep.

PS: And IDGAF about Biden or Trump both suck
The overall Evangelical position, 90 million people in the US alone, and they got one single guy with crazy eyes saying it. I've never read a big church espousing that position publicly.
By the way, the Obama clip is pretty funny. He is saying that Israel should maintain itself Jewish and Democratic. He's basically saying that it's okay for Israel to be an ethnostate, a big no-no for liberals. But, it's okay for Israel. Imagine if he was saying the US should be a Christian, democratic State, or worse, a White Christian State.

Come on man, how many people do you think a documentary is supposed to interview? 86 million? They show trends, and in the Al Jazeera video they interview plliticans who publicly confirm their alignment with the Christian Zionist position. Mike Pence spoke at a large event with John Hagee, he was the Vice President for f*ck's sake. Big Churches espouse this all the time, that you dont hear about means nothing, there are videos of them doing it. They also interviewed Schaeffer, whose Father was arguably the most influential Evangelical leader of his day who got people appointed to Reagan's cabinet. He is the one responsible for making abortion THE issue to rally the religious right behind. The formation of CUFI is ABOUT this Armageddon nonsense. And Hagee undeniably had Trump's ear.

Not sure what reaction you're looking for about Obama. You wouldn't ever hear me say his foreign policy was sound, or even half his domestic policy.
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Drawing straight out of Vladimir Putin's playbook, after also being indicted like his Russian counterpart by the ICC for war crimes, Netanyahu's government has tried to influence American elections by running a disinformation campaign on social media.
According to the New York Times, "Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs ordered the operation, which used fake social media accounts urging U.S. lawmakers to fund Israel’s military", and "The campaign began in October and remains active on the platform X. At its peak, it used hundreds of fake accounts that posed as real Americans on X, Facebook and Instagram to post pro-Israel comments. The accounts focused on U.S. lawmakers, particularly ones who are Black and Democrats, such as Representative Hakeem Jeffries, the House minority leader from New York, and Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia, with posts urging them to continue funding Israel’s military."

While "Countries such as Iran, China, North Korea, Russia and the US have previously been linked to similar tactics aimed at influencing public opinion and creating controversy."
"If verified, this would be the first known campaign by the Israeli government to directly influence US lawmakers."

Meta has shutdown the accounts related to the incident but they're still active on X.
Due to the privileged status of Israel in American politics it's unlikely anything will come out of it, however, is it even legal for a foreign government to use American social media companies, to pose as Americans and try to influence elections? How different is that from the Russian 2016 interference that involved targeted ads to certain demographics? It's certainly not the same as the hacking of the e-mails, however, is it still interference, if to a lesser degree?
Or just a big nothing burger from the Greatest Ally?

Comment section on the NYT, taken from reader's picks, mostly negative about Israel:
About AIPAC:

Replying to a guy who said every country has the right to lobby for its interests in the US:

Link without paywall:
I mean yeah for sure. Our representatives are for sale, just ask Russia and the oil industry.
This is the part that I find most fascinating.

On one hand you have American Jews who offer their support for Israel. This is easy to understand.

On the other hand, you have Evangelicals (Christians with absolutely no ties to Israel) who are also diehard supporters of Israel. Why?

To the best of my knowledge it has something to do with Armageddon and what the bible says will happen in the final battle. Basically that Israel needs support in order for the "good guys" to win.

Is that more or less it?
- It's because the First Bro suported mass genocide of inocent people. I usually put Christ in my homeless threads, and suposedly Christians cheer the suffering of homeless, like they're are less humans because they dont have homes.
For everyone else here is the 2nd part of that documentary. It features the Christian Nationalist infiltration of the Military, that d*ckhead fron part 1 wrecking his bike, nearly killing himself a d his wife, and then claiming he was visited by Angel's and told to be an even bigger genocidal lunatic. And a nice section where some of the "dont indoctrinate muh kids" crowd having a bunch of children read a script about the might of the US as a Christian Nation:

Yeah, I think they do our bidding, not the other way around. I think the ADL and AIPAC especially have a very minor to literal zero actual influence, certainly not anything that resembles outright control. Nikki Haley isn't even a current us politician, just an aspiring one.

I think the US government has sway over the entire world and if they're lucky and we like you, we might listen to your complaints, not the other way around.

Israeli mainstream media conspiracy is just casual antisemitism.

Nobody believes you bro. Israel has a gigantic sway over US politicians.