Elections Israel Secretly Targets U.S. Lawmakers With Influence Campaign

Most of the politicians are afraid to go against Israel's interests because if they do, money will start pouring into the opposition during the next election cycle.

On top of that, the Jewish lobbies have literally given money to every single Senator.

It's just political suicide. Even though support for Israel is an albatross to US interests.

Calling BS.

The US's unwavering support for Israel does virtually nothing for the United States while actively undermining U.S. strategic interests. On top of that, Israel has repeatedly attempted to pressure the US into direct confrontation with Iran, despite this being completely counter to U.S. interests and regional stability
It's all about how you phrase it. Could the US influence Israel to do whatever the US wants if Congress voted for it and the President supported it? Yes. The US could order Israel to be dismantled if it really wanted.
But what does the US wants? The US isn't nearly as united in their goal as Israel. It's not of a single mind.
You have multiple politicians that defend completely different, opposite political positions.
A bunch of these are Zionists who defend Israeli interests first and foremost.
For example, Mitch McConnell supports invading and killing everybody at the ICC if they arrest Netanyahu, while Rashida Tlaib is a Palestinian supporter who would probably support Netanyahu being tried for killing civilians.

Meanwhile, non-Arab Israeli politicians, right or left will always support Israel. Even if they disagree on lesser things.
It's all about that sweet sweet Evangelical Christian vote/donation.

This is the part that I find most fascinating.

On one hand you have American Jews who offer their support for Israel. This is easy to understand.

On the other hand, you have Evangelicals (Christians with absolutely no ties to Israel) who are also diehard supporters of Israel. Why?

To the best of my knowledge it has something to do with Armageddon and what the bible says will happen in the final battle. Basically that Israel needs support in order for the "good guys" to win.

Is that more or less it?
This is the part that I find most fascinating.

On one hand you have American Jews who offer their support for Israel. This is easy to understand.

On the other hand, you have Evangelicals (Christians with absolutely no ties to Israel) who are also diehard supporters of Israel. Why?

To the best of my knowledge it has something to do with Armageddon and what the bible says will happen in the final battle. Basically that Israel needs support in order for the "good guys" to win.

Is that more or less it?
I think there are some who believe in that but it's mostly, Jesus was Jewish, Moses, Abraham etc were Jewish, these are the good guys we read about in the Bible, hence Jewish people are good and have a special place. They're kind as seen as proto-Christians.
Catholics and mainline Protestants have a more critical view of things and aren't that stupid.
This is the part that I find most fascinating.

On one hand you have American Jews who offer their support for Israel. This is easy to understand.

On the other hand, you have Evangelicals (Christians with absolutely no ties to Israel) who are also diehard supporters of Israel. Why?

To the best of my knowledge it has something to do with Armageddon and what the bible says will happen in the final battle. Basically that Israel needs support in order for the "good guys" to win.

Is that more or less it?
More or less, plus preserving access as tourists.
Well a recent poll showed Israelis favor Trump over Biden. Despite him being "literally Hitler" according to Shertifa. :eek:
And evangelicals love Trump, a decidedly horrible Christian -- and that's being charitable. Not sure what your point here is.
And evangelicals love Trump, a decidedly horrible Christian -- and that's being charitable. Not sure what your point here is.
Looks like I struck a nerve.

These were just the most voted comments. The NYT is mostly read by liberals but it's a very large newspaper regardless, so lots of people read and comment on it but it's likely more left leaning comments will be more upvoted. I added it to show what the average reader of the NYT thinks about it.
There is a paywall for the NYT, Yahoo copied it there, it's the same article, I'm going to edit the OP:

Some posters here are a part of this influence campain. Not targeted towards lawmakers but the public. Google Hasbara operations
@Cuauhtemoc very relevant to the thread :

AIPAC Halts Campaign Fundraising for Republicans Who Voted Against Emergency Israel Aid

AIPAC, the powerful and divisive Israel-U.S. lobby group, pulled funding for 15 Republican lawmakers' reelection campaigns after they refused to vote for the recent $14 billion Israel aid bill, though the halt is unlikely to affect the politicians' reelection chances

How can the USA function as an independent democracy regarding any matter that involves israel if a foreign lobby who isn't registered foreign gives and cut unlimited funds to influence their stance on that subject ??
Well a recent poll showed Israelis favor Trump over Biden. Despite him being "literally Hitler" according to Shertifa. :eek:

If you use your brain it's really really not the gotcha moment you tought it is. A country accused of genocide and whose prime minster is under international arrest warrant is favoring someone in a foreign election. Yep.

PS: And IDGAF about Biden or Trump both suck
This is the part that I find most fascinating.

On one hand you have American Jews who offer their support for Israel. This is easy to understand.

On the other hand, you have Evangelicals (Christians with absolutely no ties to Israel) who are also diehard supporters of Israel. Why?

To the best of my knowledge it has something to do with Armageddon and what the bible says will happen in the final battle. Basically that Israel needs support in order for the "good guys" to win.

Is that more or less it?

The Evangelicals (whose political influence is most asserted by CUFI, and they have a lot of influence as a voting bloc despite being comprised of sectarians who would turn on each other the millisecond the US become a theocracy) are anti-semitic Zionists. I know that seems like an oxymoron but its not. They dont give a single sh*t about Jewish people having a safe place to exist, or having religious freedom. What they believe is that once the Israelis take that land, eliminate all the Arabs, they themselves will declare another Holy War in which they will be successful at presenting Jews with two options: convert or face the same fate as the Arabs. Regardless, of which is chosen, once it's done "The Rapture" will be triggered.

Now, you could make a case that not all of them are true believers and they just use this as a socio-political cudgel to pursue power, but so what? The naked desire for genocide is the naked desire for genocide, regardless if it's because of religious nonsense or resource control. This is why it was necessary to make Israel a far right dictatorship. Technically it's not a dictatorship yet but every move Netenyahu makes is to hold onto power because they let too many far right Zionists into their Government. Funded, in no small measure, by people who want THEM dead ultimately.
Obama went hog wild influencing Israel elections in the past. It's interesting that they are speaking up.