Tim Burton is under attack for not having diversity. They even pointed out a cartoon character in Nightmare Before Christmas named Oogie Boogie who is a villain. They are mad because he is voiced by a black actor, and name is apparently racist. Also that he wears something they say resembles a Klan hood. Which doesn't make sense, but hey the left rarely do amirite?
https://www.businessinsider.com/nightmare-befbut hey, thore-christmas-oogie-boogie-racist-2020-12
How about the Lord of the Rings where the left feel the Orcs represent blacks? Tons of articles. Same with the left bitching about Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars. How about the backlash with toxic masculinity? This whole girl power and LBGTQ push is FOR the left BECAUSE they bitch.
Honestly, you have terrible takes and are just like a little kid who throws rocks and runs away.
The right would complain about Ripley today? GTFOH.....did they complain about the strong female leads in Hunger Games? Did they complain about Wonder Woman? How about Wandavision? Uma Thurman in Kill Bill? Beckinsdale in Underworld? Theron in Fury Road? NO, people bitch when shit needs to be bitched about because it sucks. People like you are just dishonest party suckers.