Is anyone hurting for cash with the whole Corona thing?

I'm pretty fucked. Money is dwindling and I have no more coming in. I've been trying to get a job doing something else but nobody Is hiring right now and I'm actually starting to get worried that I might get it.. so staying home is probably for the best. Might have to pay rent late or something I dunno
Well, some non working class are affected pretty hard: all that invested too much in tourism business etc, some businessmans that operate in tourism etc are in debts due to business plus now they are without clients.
I for example know one lady, she recently bought cafee/ pub and now……….:D
She ofc fired employees, each day they are at work must be paid and tax too, ofc mortgage tax she still will pay, what bank will tell her about her Credit line payments, I don't know.
Also monthly payments for security alarm system etc stuff.
I get hit a lot.
Plus I can't now get unemployment benefits……………..
If I was just some paid employee and now fired, then I immediately get scheduled for benefits.
My wife's industry and my industry is thriving. My bonus should be large this quarter and she's working overtime.

I know a lot of people this has hit though. Mainly small business owners that are affected. I know people taking a leave of absence as they have no option for childcare. Others are factories that are closed.
Boxers, these that aren't well known and had recently paid training camps & now fights are cancelled, too aren't happy. Sponsors too of course etc.
Gyms suffer a lot too.
I feel terrible for all the folks struggling right now because I lost my job back in 2008 & it sucked. But this time around things are much better . I work from home now & although there's been a slow down with how busy I am I'm still working 9.5 hours every day M-F. And even if I wasn't, my wife's a licensed mental health counselor & her job pays enough for us both to live comfortably so we're good.
lucky man
I’ve been laid off indefinitely (1-2 months) but I have a lot of money saved. I lost a good bit in the market. But with the time off I’ve had plenty of time to play opportunities in the market and have made back my loses. I bought a couple bullion bars yesterday (Gold looking to go up!) So I’d say I’m doing good. Hope everyone else is as well. Lot of opportunities out there right now in the market. If you’re into that.
A lot of people are getting fired.

I think the vast majority of them will be fine, financially. Not like most people are living hand to mouth, or can't collect unemployment benefits. Chances are companies will rehire as soon as restrictions are lifted, too.
I'm pretty lucky that my company is an essential service. We're getting tons of overtime, I worked 12 hours Mon/Tue and again today. It's all on a computer though so it's rather easy.

A lot of people aren't so lucky and are being laid off or let go altogether. It must be stressful times for them especially the ones with families. There's EI available but apparently it's next to impossible to get a hold of them due to massive traffic. Even when they do get a hold of them who knows how long until any money actually comes. Daycares I don't think are running either so even if someone with young kids is still working, having no daycare would make things complicated.
i work for a public utility that cant be shut down so ive been lucky not to have my work/finances impacted. But I did have a facebook friend, someone i havent seen in 20 years who wasnt even that close a friend to begin with, contact me just 24 hours ago saying that hes in a bad spot and is staying at a motel 6 with his wife and 2 kids and asked if i could call the hotel and give them permission to run my card for 1 additional nights stay at 107$. My only hesitation was that i might be getting scammed so I made sure the whole hotel for 1 night was legit and spoke with the hotel directly. I figure worst case scenario, this guy is getting wasted looking for a helping hand to get him and his boys another nights stay. But the alternative was that a man with a family was in need of help and according to him, might have to sleep in a car. I can look myself in the mirror with either of those possibilities if I helped which I did.

Oh he contacted you too? Damn how many nights this mfer trying to stay at Motel 6 for?
Nope still working as normal. I wish my job would close for a couple months. I make a lot but I fucking hate work.
I made an OnlyFans account and I side hustle hand sanitizer on IG.

My story is a bit complicated, but financially I’m not struggling. I work for one of the largest “essential businesses” right now. Part of the problem is my wife (just got married 2 weeks ago) and I were staying with the folks until we got our own place. Now that everything is in a tail spin,I don’t know whether to rent an Airbnb, quit my job, etc. I’m basically the only person putting people at risk by going to work. I have a decent savings, but we have no idea how long this could go on for, therefore paying for insurance and living expenses could deplete what I have in a matter of 8 months.
So basically everyone on sherdog is fine because they have way to much in their savings to worry about and their stocks are fine,

But they know people who have hard times stories to share...
I'm good, i work in IT so we're pretty much even more under demand now with everyone using their phones even more and working remotely. Feel sorry for any casual working Sherbros though
Same. Working under IT was definitely a good choice
I am making exactly the same because I am on salary and work from home regardless.

However, is it great for my long-term outlook that my company is taking it in the shorts? No. If this goes over 6 months there are going to be big problems.
78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck with 1/3rd of them having no savings whatsoever. And that's considering the fact that the average American makes between 28k to 42k a year - if you make $33k a year, your'e in the 1% of earners in the world. And yet folks in the U.S., the best earners, are about to get fucked. Let alone the rest of the planet.

This thing will wreck the world (if it goes on like this). And of course you only hear about the struggles of the rich cause the profile of the perfect C-19 victim fits the profile of most bored boomers who run this shindig. None of these drastic measures would've been implemented had they not been worried about their own ass and mainly different demographics were targeted.

Purchasing power parity man. US has high costs despite the dollar being more than most currencies on earth.
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It has not even been 2 weeks yet. Wait until the 8 week mark, people will be hurting then.

Curious to see how fast the gov gets those checks out
With no more random outings with the wife or family assistance obligations I've got more cash on hand than I've had in a very very long time.
My wife's industry and my industry is thriving. My bonus should be large this quarter and she's working overtime.

I know a lot of people this has hit though. Mainly small business owners that are affected. I know people taking a leave of absence as they have no option for childcare. Others are factories that are closed.
What's your outlook on the housing market now?

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