Incel - fad or reality?

The weridest thing about the word "cuck" is that it didn't even mean the directed insult most of the time. It was just an inserted insult word

I think it's because the notion of cuck came to the attention of the mainstream public for the first time a few years back and it struck sherdog's imagination because of how ridiculous it is. They used it for everything. Now the new weird thing is incel.
The term is a fad. The group of people themselves have always been a reality.

You have to remember that this is a label they gave themselves - "involuntarily celibate" shortened to "incel". 100 years ago, the random incels would be isolated cases, they would fade into irrelevance or change. Now, thanks to the internet, they can bond together through their misery. They neither fade away because they now have an in-group nor do they change because they have fellow incels telling them that their experience is not their fault, it's happening to others.

The term is appearing everywhere because these incels are yet another vocal social minority that uses the internet to amplify their social presence beyond their actual numbers. The media picks up on them because we've had some very sensationalist crimes committed by people who share their opinions, such as that guy Elliot Rodger.

They're not going anywhere, although the term they self-refer by might change.
But it seems the world incel is being applied to a broader class of people (males). I'm getting married and i've been called numerous times incel llol
Well... this is what happens when society accepts mental illness lol. In the old world this guy would be strapped to a bed with electrodes all over his 70's face. Today we like to pretend it's not their fault and that with sufficient hand-holding everything will be fine
You’re on Sherdog and questioning whether incels exist?
But it seems the world incel is being applied to a broader class of people (males). I'm getting married and i've been called numerous times incel llol
I can't explain the actions of the people around you. But the original class of people it refers are to are pretty exclusively male. So, that's not a broader class.

And what exactly is an "incel" isn't some textbook dictionary term. It's just dudes who can't get laid and don't think it's their fault when it's really the fault of their various issues. Maybe you have various issues and you're lucky to be getting married at all? :D
I can't explain the actions of the people around you. But the original class of people it refers are to are pretty exclusively male. So, that's not a broader class.

And what exactly is an "incel" isn't some textbook dictionary term. It's just dudes who can't get laid and don't think it's their fault when it's really the fault of their various issues. Maybe you have various issues and you're lucky to be getting married at all? :D
Nah, i'm the most tolerant person there ever was. Just try me
The term is a fad. The group of people themselves have always been a reality.

You have to remember that this is a label they gave themselves - "involuntarily celibate" shortened to "incel". 100 years ago, the random incels would be isolated cases, they would fade into irrelevance or change. Now, thanks to the internet, they can bond together through their misery. They neither fade away because they now have an in-group nor do they change because they have fellow incels telling them that their experience is not their fault, it's happening to others.

The term is appearing everywhere because these incels are yet another vocal social minority that uses the internet to amplify their social presence beyond their actual numbers. The media picks up on them because we've had some very sensationalist crimes committed by people who share their opinions, such as that guy Elliot Rodger.

They're not going anywhere, although the term they self-refer by might change.

Very true, though in the past, at least in some communities/cultures, they could turn to the Church. It would have been viewed as a rather righteous choice, a noble calling if you will, to become a monk/priest/etc... It would have given their mind focus, or at least distract them from turning into Jack the Ripper.

While the choice still remains, it holds much less value to modern society.
There's a question lurking at the fringe of the concept that opposes a central tenent of American identity, and that is something like: what does ethical behaviour look like when one is confined to the bottom of a hierarchy?

The mainstream answer for a long time was you're never really confined because the hierarchy is merit-based, and merit can be learned and produced via effort (see Pick-Up Artists, in the relationship domain). Incels obviously do not take that to be the case, but I wonder if this part of a broader societal turning away from that idea.
There's a question lurking at the fringe of the concept that opposes a central tenent of American identity, and that is something like: what does ethical behaviour look like when one is confined to the bottom of a hierarchy?

The mainstream answer for a long time was you're never really confined because the hierarchy is merit-based, and merit can be learned and produced via effort (see Pick-Up Artists, in the relationship domain). Incels obviously do not take that to be the case, but I wonder if this part of a broader societal turning away from that idea.

Nothing in society is purely merit-based. Attractiveness is one of things that is the least merit-based. Society doesn't like to acknowledge that fact because it's depressing. The issue with incels is that they go too far, they go past acknowledging it and straight into believing looks are absolutely everything - the "blackpill" - and then they neglect other areas upon which they could improve on. And many of them e.g. Minassian, Elliot Rodgers, aren't even ugly, it's all in their head.
Incel is just a new word for loser, and losers have always been a problem in society.
Nothing in society is purely merit-based. Attractiveness is one of things that is the least merit-based. Society doesn't like to acknowledge that fact because it's depressing. The issue with incels is that they go too far, they go past acknowledging it and straight into believing looks are absolutely everything - the "blackpill" - and then they neglect other areas upon which they could improve on. And many of them e.g. Minassian, Elliot Rodgers, aren't even ugly, it's all in their head.

All the looks in the world won’t over come a social disorder when trying to snag that Stacy. lol
I’d just like to remind Sherdog that before there were Incels, there was True Forced Loneliness.

This gentleman here paved the way...

remember when he said sherdog was worse than nazis
Incel is old hat.

Volcel is the frightening future.
I’d just like to remind Sherdog that before there were Incels, there was True Forced Loneliness.

This gentleman here paved the way...

Holy shit. I remember that
There has always been sad, angry, lonely people.

Now, it’s quite possible that the Internet is exasperating the issue, especially where they can learn to be a troll in society.

I used to post on /k/ as a firearm nerd, and used to go to /pol/ a lot for happenings but Jesus the last eight years have been insane.

What I noticed was a switch, a lot of dudes were white knight neckbeards and thought being "nice" would get them pussy. It didn't work and instead they grew to resent women and the men who get laid.

Like look, I get laid. And y'all have all seen pics of me. It's not that hard lol.
There’s nothing involuntary about them not being able to meet women. Its just a cop out so they can avoid looking in the mirror and addressing the real issues in their lives. There are always going to be more fortunate people in life, better looking, more money ect. But that doesn’t mean your stuck, you can always take steps to improve your life, working out, going out, joining groups, meeting people and improving your overall social skills. I understand life can be pretty unfair, but you shouldn’t let that be your cop out so you never have to put forth any effort in life.