Incel - fad or reality?


Oct 12, 2018
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If i told you 'incel' a decade ago you would have probably wondered if i'm autistic or something else, and if perhaps I meant to say intel. The word is new and the old (not in a bad way) world has done without it for thousands of years. How come society and civilizations have thrived without it and I mean even the idea or concept behind the word. We went from monkeys to space exploration without need of such word. Why does it suddenly wildly appear everywhere like pokemon. Is this a fad like bitcoin and fidget spinners that will rapidly melt away like steel beams or is it here to stay?

Also I would like to thank god and the wholy trinity for making this thread happen.
Fad. Just like with every single news bit or "hot take" related to internet culture, the scale and prevalence are greatly exaggerated.
I’d just like to remind Sherdog that before there were Incels, there was True Forced Loneliness.

This gentleman here paved the way...

Fad. Just like with every single news bit or "hot take" related to internet culture, the scale and prevalence are greatly exaggerated.

Internet culture HATES him. Click below to find how how i mean why

I’d just like to remind Sherdog that before there were Incels, there was True Forced Loneliness.

This gentleman here paved the way...

Well... this is what happens when society accepts mental illness lol. In the old world this guy would be strapped to a bed with electrodes all over his 70's face. Today we like to pretend it's not their fault and that with sufficient hand-holding everything will be fine
There has always been sad, angry, lonely people.

Now, it’s quite possible that the Internet is exasperating the issue, especially where they can learn to be a troll in society.
Imagine if Holden Caufield has been given a smartphone
I’d just like to remind Sherdog that before there were Incels, there was True Forced Loneliness.

This gentleman here paved the way...

TFL was definitely Incels 1.0
There has always been sad, angry, lonely people.

Now, it’s quite possible that the Internet is exasperating the issue, especially where they can learn to be a troll in society.
Thanks Al Gore for giving mentally ill a voice platform
Reality, but also a hot buzzword / topic as of late.

They've always been around, just not as categorized and sensationalized.
Most people I work with have a very vague idea of what it is and very few are aware of internet parlance in general. MSM is blowing non issues into boogeymen
The term is a fad. The group of people themselves have always been a reality.

You have to remember that this is a label they gave themselves - "involuntarily celibate" shortened to "incel". 100 years ago, the random incels would be isolated cases, they would fade into irrelevance or change. Now, thanks to the internet, they can bond together through their misery. They neither fade away because they now have an in-group nor do they change because they have fellow incels telling them that their experience is not their fault, it's happening to others.

The term is appearing everywhere because these incels are yet another vocal social minority that uses the internet to amplify their social presence beyond their actual numbers. The media picks up on them because we've had some very sensationalist crimes committed by people who share their opinions, such as that guy Elliot Rodger.

They're not going anywhere, although the term they self-refer by might change.
Thanks Al Gore for giving mentally ill a voice platform
If Al Gore hadn't went and invented the internet. The world would be a better place. Having said that, he was a pioneer of the internet and I thank him in all the sacrifices he made in inventing the internet.

1. Jesus
2. Al Gore
It's just the latest buzzword. In about 5 years nobody will even remember what it meant.

Just think of all the buzzwords they had in the 2000´s, does anybody remember any of that shit? Not really.

Words like that go out of date quickly, which is why smart people do not use them.
If Al Gore hadn't went and invented the internet. The world would be a better place. Having said that, he was a pioneer of the internet and I thank him in all the sacrifices he made in inventing the internet.

1. Jesus
2. Al Gore

Yet the guy who got bj from Monica won presidency (yes it happened after but still)

I think it's important to separate the word and the phenomenon. Remember cuck? Incel is the new insult around these parts.

As for the phenomenon, I would say there are two factors.
1. These bitter celibates have no doubt existed throughout history however they had no way to communicate, organize and create echochambers of toxic ideas together the way they do now.
2. The advent of internet and technology means the newer generations have a lot less social skills than previous ones. In the past people would just end up learning social skills simply by virtue of having no choice but to confront social situations and learn from them. A chunk of socialization is now completely optional and a lot of younger people simply live through screens and social media. The irony of saying this on an internet forum isn't lost.
I really only encounter the words "incel" and "cuck" on the internet. Never once heard them in real life.
I think it's important to separate the word and the phenomenon. Remember cuck? Incel is the new insult around these parts.

As for the phenomenon, I would say there are two factors.
1. These bitter celibates have no doubt existed throughout history however they had no way to communicate, organize and create echochambers of toxic ideas together the way they do now.
2. The advent of internet and technology means the newer generations have a lot less social skills than previous ones. In the past people would just end up learning social skills simply by virtue of having no choice but to confront social situations and learn from them. A chunk of socialization is now completely optional and a lot of younger people simply live through screens and social media. The irony of saying this on an internet forum isn't lost.

The weridest thing about the word "cuck" is that it didn't even mean the directed insult most of the time. It was just an inserted insult word
Incels have always existed throughout history It's just now they have the internet to express their grievance and disdain towards society as well as to form a community of other incels too.
Incels have always existed throughout history It's just now they have the internet to express their grievance and disdain towards society as well as to form a community of other incels too.

Jk ^_________^
I never knew what cuck meant. Thought my wife was just really friendly