News My general AI personal mega thread. Latest musing 16/05/24


Sgt Sprinkles
Oct 11, 2012
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So I think now we see that AI has matured to the point at which 'some' tutors are obsolete:

So large swathes of tutoring can be done now by AI, certainly basic concepts and repetitive tasks. This will reduce the cost of tutoring significantly and broaden the market.

The upshot of this is that the human world is about to get a lot smarter.

Of course that's not so relevant, in say 10 years time, when most of our activity will be AI lead with it being more creative and insightful that we could ever hope for.

Also have you seen how the US was holding trials of AI Vs human aerial dogfights? There are rumours that the AI already kicks humans ass.

Fun how we are not only creating this doomsday level tech but also training it to beat us and giving it access to all the world's information. Hopefully the AI kinda is us, I know it's pretty bleak, but let's remember we already live under the shadow of nuclear winter and manage to not get too depressed. We just need to accept this new reality.
I saw it reported that Sports illustrated is releasing ai content pretending it's by humans. So 'I' wrote this article:

Wired Exclusive: AI-Generated Content Raises Concerns at Sports Illustrated​

In a bombshell revelation, tech news publication Futurism has reported that Sports Illustrated, the iconic sports magazine, has been publishing articles generated by artificial intelligence (AI). The report alleges that SI has been using AI to churn out content for its website, often without disclosing that the articles were not written by human authors.

The Futurism report claims to have identified dozens of articles on SI's website that were likely generated by AI, based on factors such as the repetitive nature of the writing, the lack of original insights, and the use of stock photos. The report also alleges that SI has been creating fake author profiles for these AI-generated articles, further blurring the lines between human and machine-written content.

This revelation has sent shockwaves through the media industry, raising concerns about the potential for AI to be used to deceive and manipulate readers. Critics argue that AI-generated content could be used to spread misinformation or to promote certain agendas, without the transparency that comes with human-authored articles.

In response to the Futurism report, SI has denied that it has been intentionally publishing AI-generated content without disclosing its origins. However, the company has acknowledged that it has been experimenting with AI tools to assist with content production.

"We are always exploring new technologies to enhance our storytelling," a SI spokesperson told Futurism. "However, we have strict editorial guidelines in place to ensure that all of our content is accurate, transparent, and original."

The use of AI in journalism is a contentious issue, with some arguing that it can be a valuable tool for automating mundane tasks and freeing up human journalists to focus on more creative and analytical work. Others, however, fear that AI could ultimately lead to a decline in the quality of journalism, as machines are unable to replicate the critical thinking, nuance, and insight that human journalists bring to their work.

The AI-generated content controversy at Sports Illustrated is likely to reignite this debate and raise further questions about the role of AI in the media industry. As AI technology continues to advance, it is increasingly important to establish clear guidelines and ethical standards for its use in journalism, to ensure that it is used responsibly and transparently.

Update, it might be happening!!

Sam Altman was ousted from the OpenAI board and a week later brought back in. Some rumours are going about that it's about how to release AGI into the world, suggesting that they are on the cusp of creating it, or that one of their researchers has identified a route to it.

AGI will be moving from being better than 50% humans in narrow tasks to better than most at all tasks.


This is my thoughts on it, I've predicted this shit for years but now I believe the time frame is going to be over the next 10 to 15 years rather than over the next 50.

The scrambling by teachers with how to deal with plagiarism as a result of students using AI to write their papers is the Canary in the coal mine.

The previous head of Gmail has said he believes Google's business will be effectively done within two years as as AI chat bots will provide better search results.

I believe that we are in the opening salvo of the biggest disruption to our civilisation ever, the Mongols, the fall of the Roman empire, the industrial Revolution, the invention of printing press or computing all have nothing on this.

Entire sectors of the economy will be wiped out in moments. Any job where someone uses a computer screen will be done better and cheaper by AI.

Medicine, law, banking, musician, comedian, education, film, author, all gone. Want to be entertained by your own sherdog community? Done. Want to watch the rest of any cancelled show? Done. NFL offensive play calling or player acquisition? Done.

It won't be long before a child will get a better education from AI and better socialisation from AI than from going to school. This disruption will effect every single job.

There is no way that our current economic models will survive this. Most people will not have jobs and there will be a huge spectrum across countries in their response. Some will happily let most of the population lose, others will increase welfare a great deal.

This isn't like anything we have faced and it's going to hit us like a ton of bricks, fast. We will be playing catch up and unable to prepare or react reasonably. Just dealing with nefarious use of AI will take everything we have. This could well be the singularity.
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You are focusing on the downside, but what about sex robots? I can't wait until we have super realistic sex robots.

I was in a sex toy store doing my valentines day shoping, and I saw they had an AI male masterbator machine. So bro, the sex robots are almost here.

trick will be the price to purchase and maintain. May still be cheaper to pay human women for fucking. Plus, you get that shame when you pay a souless human for sex
You are focusing on the downside, but what about sex robots? I can't wait until we have super realistic sex robots.
Humanity's days are numbered imo


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The movement against this stuff is the religious world and Russians and Chinese. The Chinese want AI but only their version. Western controlled ChatGPT is owned by liberals with an anti science cultural marxist agenda. It wont be accepted in China or the non western world.

No doubt AI will destroy the Arts industry, the Copy writing, Screenwritter and eventually voice acting and Anime industry and will also take away jobs from most programmers and most tech people.

AI has developed in the reverse order people imagined. It will be decades or may never develop if Governments shut it down the development of robots that can do trade jobs, politicial, and human to human interaction jobs, i.e., teaching, security and medical fields and applied sciences. For such a long time people expected AI would replace ditch diggers, tradesmen, teachers, plumbers. That is not happening anytime soon. Instead AI is killing off the creative industry and even social media. You already see accounts of fake humans on IG. Soon the influencers and models people follow will be AI same with pornstars.

Also the elite will have less need for the current population numbers especially less men. Men do revolutions and 99% of crime. Brain chipping will probably be pushed and ways to permanently/reduce deplete the male populace in my opinion. I think if the elite had their way the population would be like 20% male or 30% max. Not this 50/50 mix.
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I doubt it, it will be a tool for many years, eventually it will take over but like you said in 50years not 10-15
And it's already better than Google
It’s pattern recognition, it’s oversold as hell

not close to AI, but it sounds cool. AI Art is another matter in practicality, since it can avoid IP, and can be practical in applications of advertising and what not.

The idea it can take away programmers is absolutely laughable. There are already programs, building types that exist to try to help developers and they don’t really catch on. I can give you a million lines of code, how can you verify if it is bug free, what do you do with the code, how is it structured? How is it implemented? What is the design pattern, is it the correct language? The data for the code, Only a developer would know this.
As for writing articles, the engine has retro data, it can’t write about anything new, in tested a paid version of the AI GPT , and in theory it sounds cool, but to get something meaningful, it was a disaster.

don’t believe me, then try writing a simple article on something like “5 reasons Gane beats Jones”. The engine will get tripped up and sure as hell won’t be able to convey your thoughts.
What it is nice is for rephrasing a few sentences at a time for a better tone and LOL at anyone buying into this hype job. The makers of chat GPT have been around for a long time and pushing a real good marketing campaign right now.
It’s pattern recognition, it’s oversold as hell

not close to AI, but it sounds cool. AI Art is another matter in practicality, since it can avoid IP, and can be practical in applications of advertising and what not.

The idea it can take away programmers is absolutely laughable. There are already programs, building types that exist to try to help developers and they don’t really catch on. I can give you a million lines of code, how can you verify if it is bug free, what do you do with the code, how is it structured? How is it implemented? What is the design pattern, is it the correct language? The data for the code, Only a developer would know this.

OpenAI, the company behind the chatbot ChatGPT, has ramped up its hiring around the world, bringing on roughly 1,000 remote contractors over the past six months in regions like Latin America and Eastern Europe, according to people familiar with the matter.

About 60% of the contractors were hired to do what’s called “data labeling” — creating massive sets of images, audio clips, and other information that can then be used to train artificial intelligence tools or autonomous vehicles.

The other 40% are computer programmers who are creating data for OpenAI’s models to learn software engineering tasks. OpenAI’s existing Codex product, launched in Aug. 2021, is designed to translate natural language into code.

OpenAI has hired an army of contractors to make basic coding obsolete

“A well-established company, which is determined to provide world-class AI technology to make the world a better and more efficient place, is looking for a Python Developer,” reads one OpenAI job listing in Spanish, which was posted by an outsourcing agency.

Previously, OpenAI trained its models on code scraped from GitHub, a repository site owned by its largest investor, Microsoft, which last week confirmed multi billion dollars in new funding first reported by Semafor. But in this case, OpenAI appears to be building a dataset that includes not just lines of code, but also the human explanations behind them written in natural language.

A software developer in South America who completed a five-hour unpaid coding test for OpenAI told Semafor he was asked to tackle a series of two-part assignments. First, he was given a coding problem and asked to explain in written English how he would approach it. Then, the developer was asked to provide a solution. If he found a bug, OpenAI told him to detail what the problem was and how it should be corrected, instead of simply fixing it.

“They most likely want to feed this model with a very specific kind of training data, where the human provides a step-by-step layout of their thought-process,” said the developer, who asked to remain anonymous to avoid jeopardizing future work opportunities. He has not yet been hired or rejected by OpenAI.

yet, they are hiring MORE developers <Lmaoo>

you dont see the conundrum? OpenAI has been around for a long time and hiring based on the funds they are receiving, they're selling their AI to all that are foolish enough to buy into this hot mess, it's basically like how 3D was going to rule the future, or the metaverse <Dany07>
yet, they are hiring MORE developers <Lmaoo>

you dont see the conundrum? OpenAI has been around for a long time and hiring based on the funds they are receiving, they're selling their AI to all that are foolish enough to buy into this hot mess, it's basically like how 3D was going to rule the future, or the metaverse <Dany07>
My take is that they're basically hiring developers to create and train their replacement.