Hyper-masculinity in the third world - do Western conservatives really want to live like them?

That could well be said for anxiety disorders like panic disorder or PTSD, but what about psychotic disorders like schizophrenia?

Results showed that Latino Americans (13%) and African Americans (15%) had a higher lifetime rate of psychotic symptoms than Euro-Americans (9%) and Asians (9%).

Furthermore, white folks are way, way more likely than black or Latino people to commit suicide: and that's not just in pluralist societies. I think boiling all of that down to "mental illness is a cop out" is very dangerous. While I agree that economics is the primary catalyst in most areas (crime, education, overall health), it's unwise to use it as a blanket justification.

If we're showing higher rates then it has nothing to do with access to "Treatment". There are no preventative measures for what is essentially a neurological illness. Stress and drug use have been associated with higher incidences of psychotic illness, which is thought to possibly be a triggering event. The only two explanations are to say white people are genetically less predisposed, or again, being poor is a huge risk factor for mental illness.

Frankly, I am so disenchanted by the industry that I wouldn't be surprised if homeless black folk are being wheeled into clinics, slapped with a diagnosis, and then pumped up with zombie drugs being sold to the government at massive profit. The actual science behind the "science" is bunk at best.
Toward Manhood by Larry Pesavento sheds all the light anyone needs on this subject
I want Hyper non-pussyness + Hyper Honesty.

Hyper-Masculinity is stupid IMO.....Lots of Hyper Masculinity is basically pussyness in disguise because you're afraid what others think.

Does that make me less of a man? Of course not, I want PRIDE FC rules with elbows.

I also believe in starting to use terminology like "You don't have ovaries to fight Holly Holm"(Just like "You don't have the balls to fuck with me") or "You're now women enough to fight Cyborg" (Just like "You're not man enough to fight me")....Why? Because not only is it fair to women but I feel women should feel similar "macho" pressure like men have felt for thousands of years....I feel women would understand men much more and we could both evolve passed it.
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Yeah that's fair. The link I posted there points out that the young girls in Brazil often marry of their own accord to escape poverty.

One of these days I'll venture into the favelas and wave a green card around and take the first childless 19 year old cutie I can find and take her back to the states.
Take as many as you can.