How many doggers could do the One Punch Man training?

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Gold Belt
Dec 21, 2009
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It's pretty much a joke in the Anime, how his secret to One Punch KO power is his secret training regime.

The Basics,
100 Sit ups
100 Push-ups
10k Run
100 Squats

Sounds easyish right? Could you do it? If not, how long would it take you to get to this level?
And most importantly, how long could you keep it up for??

This seems to be the real issue, you can search and find many people that did the challenge, but over a short period of time could not keep doing it, it was too taxing on them , is there some truth to the joke?

Is the point that you have to push yourself, as time goes on to keep going?

He says to do it for 3 years, i think way before that you would have found your breaking point.

Lets say, you have an average work out routine, and cardio. Lift 3 days a week and run a mile or two for cardio on your workout days, or even run 3-5miles on your off workout days. How hard would it be to get to that point? Of being able to do it everyday??

And how long could you MAINTAIN it?

The killer seems to be the run. EVERY DAY

Here are some fails, one guy quits at 13 or 14 days and the other stops at 21 and feels like death..

This guy cut the 10k RUN to 10k STEPS LOL, thats not even remotely the same!!

You can search, there seems to be not many, if anyone at all that can keep it up for any real length of time??

So Sherdog ,how many of you could do this routine EVERY DAY?
I used to do all of that everyday, except for the 10k.....
Running sucks
It's not easy. I was helping a friend prep for a Marathon and one workout she was doing to mix things up was 10 , 5ks to start a month.

The push ups , sit ups and body weight squats are easy but a 10k every time would wear me out.
The running seems to be what gets everyone...
Yeah, it definitely takes a toll on your body. And the one kid in the video who was saying he didn't notice any changes in has body (no increase in muscle mass), well no shit, you know how many calories you burn running 10k everyday? He probably lost muscle mass in his upper body doing that much cardio, and with zero recovery time.
Yeah, it definitely takes a toll on your body. And the one kid in the video who was saying he didn't notice any changes in has body (no increase in muscle mass), well no shit, you know how many calories you burn running 10k everyday? He probably lost muscle mass in his upper body doing that much cardio, and with zero recovery time.
or ate like shit during it also
I do a similar routine but I suspect too many posters are too tired from masterbating all day to do this.
I wouldn't make it through one lunch training never mind one punch
If you are a runner this is nothing. I hate running so I could not do this everyday out of shear loathing. But yeah, in one day this is easy. 100 situps is a warm up and a joke. 100 push ups is routine when I am training and not being lazy. 100 squats is no problem after a few days. The run is just boring. I typically bike for an hour+ quite often. But running is so damn slow that running for an hour+ everyday is not enjoyable. Unless if I do it downtown in a different route everytime, then maybe.
Used to do 100 sit ups, push ups, squats, and pull ups with a 5km run. 10k run would be killer though.
Did they ever make a second season of that show? I liked all the fight scenes the last two episodes are my favorite.
That's light military pt. Was I a super soldier?
You can't run that much and avoid injury.
I used to run almost every day for damn near 12 years, that shit messed my knees up.
Hell, you could leave off all the other shit and I still couldn't run 10K every day.

Maybe twice a week, tops. My knees are still OK and I want to keep them that way.
If you are a runner this is nothing. I hate running so I could not do this everyday out of shear loathing. But yeah, in one day this is easy. 100 situps is a warm up and a joke. 100 push ups is routine when I am training and not being lazy. 100 squats is no problem after a few days. The run is just boring. I typically bike for an hour+ quite often. But running is so damn slow that running for an hour+ everyday is not enjoyable. Unless if I do it downtown in a different route everytime, then maybe.

Used to do 100 sit ups, push ups, squats, and pull ups with a 5km run. 10k run would be killer though.

You can't run that much and avoid injury.

I used to run almost every day for damn near 12 years, that shit messed my knees up.

It’s the every day part I think that fucks with people. For 10k

I used to run ALOT, but not every single day , 4-5 days a week was normal. This is on top of the running I did while playing baseball etc also.

I’d run 3-5 miles at least every other day, for a while I was doing 3 miles every morning before school during the week, but normally not on week ends.

That’s the killer I think, when I first saw this I like everyone else laughed, it the reality of it is , I bet it’s a real killer to get off the couch and do this every single day.
Herschel Walker is in his 50's and still does mad calisthenics. He used to do 3,500 pushups and 3,500 situps a day. Now he just does 3,500 total.

For a while, Walker was doing about 3,500 push-ups a day. Since starting MMA though, Walker has cut the push-ups down to 1,500 a day, but still hits the 3,500 total with sit-ups.

10k every day would destroy your knees and kill any gains you got from the other stuff.

You have go give yourself recovery days or you will keep your body in a constant broken down state. That's not a smart workout.