You're not arrogant I saw you in the video. If anything you're shy or call it socially awkward. What you mean sherdogger, there's like 300 k people on her. Or just 10 k. Depends on what accounts count. I mean no person with that hair cut and way of talking to a camera in a gym is ever arrogant. Sorry had to break it to you. The sooner you let go of the delusion the quicker you can improve.
I'm literally only bored today and yesterday and therefore posting in this thread, and cause somebody finally uploaded a video instead of "saying" how strong they are. Even just how you take things serious on a forum tells enough about how you can't be arrogant, cause only people with high social and economic standings can be arrogant. The rest can be delusional.
I still got respect for the forum I been visiting for close to 20 years. But you look like mr socially awkward personified. You don't look confident but more weird. I'm not into being a mean guy but you are sub average on all accounts. Ok I took it too far. Sometimes I should shut up. But you can't be that delusional.
You look more like a fat guy than a athlete. Like powerlifters are fat but huge. Squatting 275 isn't amazing when your body fat percentage is like 36. If you're gonna be mediocre at powerlifting for a regular person, not for a competitor, you will just look like a fat guy to the public. You're not strong enough to make up for the getting fat of powerlifting. I mean you're sweating bullets in the winter from just warming up and doing a max out front squat. You would gas out after 15 minutes of any bjj, muay thai, soccer, football, basketball or whatever class.
I would consider myself in the middle socially ect ect but I am not delusional. Like you read a book and think you're getting idolized on Sherdog. Most people won't talk to you. I hope the rest of the forum aren't like that or I will have to delete my account

. Maybe we're all just some weirdos on here, worse than I don't know what. But instagram gets boring, too many videos pictures. I still like Sherdog.
Ok I'm done being mean, hope you take it to heart to self improve, your speech, hair cut and attitude. I mean you are healthy it's not like you got autism and I make fun of it. That video was just cringe goofy. I don't know how to help you, as in what suggest. Like talk more to regular people and don't make these cringe videos. I bet I'm cringe too. But that was really cringe. Arrogant about what ? Being 240 pounds and squatting 330 ? I mean I never saw your 500 deadlift ect ectt. Ok front squat 275. Well for a 240 pound guy to squat 275 front is not competition worthy, right ?
Plus it made you pretty fat, eating for it. Your cardio is really weak. So, told you, for a powerlifter you gotta be really really strong to be impressive outside of that niche. General people will see a tree stump, they won't be like that guy probably front squats 275. You probably can't run. It's fine, you are healthy, people will give you advice, but first you gotta realize you look like a nerd. Admit it to yourself, find your charm. You try to play pretend that you are a athlete, like as a defensive mechanism. If we don't tell you you look like a tree stump nerd and talk awkwardly, you will just live in that delusion forever.
So, told you, you are a healthy man, you should lose a bunch of body fat, cause noone is impressed by those lifting numbers for them to make up for the fat gain of your hobby of powerlifting. Shave bald and lose fat, you'll be 4x more attractive. And humble yourself. You're getting super agitated and childish about every disagreement and comment someone makes online. You look like you collect pokemon cards not like you are some athlete. I personally have gained too much fat but I'm aware of it. Also your speaking skills mirror your social intelligence. You gotta ;
Step 1 - shave head
Step 2 - talk like a normal person, just polite and humble. You don't got the social skills to pull of arrogance and not look like a fool
Step 3 - cut excess body fat
Step 4 - you are not an athlete, you are a powerlifting hobbyist, if you wanna be an athlete you gotta do much much more
Step 5 - believe in yourself, but don't lie to yourself.
Step 6 - cry a little cause I hurt your feelings
Step 7 - paypall me all your money, all of the 500 dollars