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How Big a gun do you need to take down a angry Grizzly?

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A lot of people here obviously have not been hunting and are not familiar with cartridge ballistics. If you hit a Bear in the chest with 12 guage at 35 yards or less, that fucker is going down like a two dollar hooker. A Kodiak might take another shot. Not to mention, if you tag a bear with in the torso with 12 gauge ammunition and it doesn't go down, you have enough time for at least two more follow up shots. Or more, if you're not stupid and know how to move around. Slugs will put down whatever the fuck is infront of it, besides large African game.

Bears are big, bears are tough, but bullets are bullets and bears are not bullet proof. You can put down a bear with a .223 semi-auto if you know how to shoot and can hit vitals. Oh, and who ever said bears can run as fast as horses... please, oh lawd, STFU. Bears are fast... faster than humans. But they're not that fast. :rolleyes:

It might be overkill, but you'll know for sure that thing is dead.
So shoot it angain.. and again... until it stops moving. You unload a whole chamber of 3" magnum slugs into the sweetspot of any bear in the world and it aint gonna be alive long enough to go Kamikaze. Sorry but I'd rather trust my life to an actual weapon then a can of spray keeping me from being mauled by a 1000 - 1500 pound animal.

Where do you get a 3" magnum handgun? I was talking about spray or handgun and I chose to carry spray because a handgun is much more likely to wound than to kill a large bear no matter how many shots you take. Spray, on the other hand, actually has a very good record with large bears. I used to work in the bush in northern British Columbia and spray saved one of the locals the first year it was introduced.
if your fishing in alaska a handgun is fine. theres gonna be like 50 other people around you with their guns that r all gonna unload on the bear too. when i used to go down trails where i really thought i mght have a run in alone with a bear it was always a shotgun. if your shooting a bear its going to be at close range so penetration shouldnt be a problem. i wanted to be positive i was gonna hit the fucker.
you could use anything from a .223 upwards if you can place the shot. slugs out of a shotgun would be hard as shit to put down a grizzly. grizzlies are only a step away from a kodiak.
Anything close to a 223 shouldn't even be considered when talking about stopping a bear. :rolleyes: Do you think that little bitty 223 is gonna have more knock down power then a three inch magnum slug from a 12 guage shotgun? :icon_neut Where do you people come up with this crap?

If your talking rifles you would be pretty retarded to take anything below a 30-06.
Anything close to a 223 shouldn't even be considered when talking about stopping a bear. :rolleyes: Do you think that little bitty 223 is gonna have more knock down power then a three inch magnum slug from a 12 guage shotgun? :icon_neut Where do you people come up with this crap?

If your talking rifles you would be pretty retarded to take anything below a 30-06.

i believe .44 magnums are used to stop bears. double or triple ought should do it.
I am totally appalled at this thread. I usually hang out at the UFC/WEC page.. and I mean.. this thread is about hunting grizzly's, and it has gone for 7 pages now yet NO ONE has posted that motifake of Fedor armbarring a grizzly?!? And you call yourself sherdoggers...
I am totally appalled at this thread. I usually hang out at the UFC/WEC page.. and I mean.. this thread is about hunting grizzly's, and it has gone for 7 pages now yet NO ONE has posted that motifake of Fedor armbarring a grizzly?!? And you call yourself sherdoggers...

LOL, 7 pages, im just as surprised as you are..

well i started this madness.. now i must end it...

So i was all pondering on what would take down a angry bear if you ever happened to get down with one. Now these things weight like a ton and they're like 8 feet tall. I was thinking a boomstick to the chest wouldnt be strong enough to stop it, but maybe the face.

The most powerful gun you could carry, nothing less. A .357, .270, buckshot, etc? An angry, presumably charging, large bear?

If you go to a bear-hunting forum and they have an MMA sub-forum, ask about the Sylvia/Fedor fight there. Or what technique to use in a defensive hand-to-hand situation.
Damn am I glad we don't have bears
in Australia. The most dangerous animals
we have are drunken Aboriginals...joking!
Go with a pistol. The holster won't get in your way as much when you climb the nearest tree.
reqirements for taking down an angry bear

1. law/javelin missile system
1. nuclear warhead
Winchester 30-06 but then again i've seen a hunter fail to bring down a lion. 50 caliber to the face maybe?

Yeah it depends on the area your bullet penetrates. .50 cal to the face would be nasty you'd want to keep the head not demolish it! A good shot to the heart or lungs, the bear would probably survive for a while buy he would bleed to death. If you really don't want to wait maybe take a couple well placed shots.
The most powerful gun you could carry, nothing less. A .357, .270, buckshot, etc? An angry, presumably charging, large bear?

If you go to a bear-hunting forum and they have an MMA sub-forum, ask about the Sylvia/Fedor fight there. Or what technique to use in a defensive hand-to-hand situation.

You are right but, there are different people in different fields of work on Sherdog. Probably not too many hunters but yes, there are some people that know what they are talking about.
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