A lot of people here obviously have not been hunting and are not familiar with cartridge ballistics. If you hit a Bear in the chest with 12 guage at 35 yards or less, that fucker is going down like a two dollar hooker. A Kodiak might take another shot. Not to mention, if you tag a bear with in the torso with 12 gauge ammunition and it doesn't go down, you have enough time for at least two more follow up shots. Or more, if you're not stupid and know how to move around. Slugs will put down whatever the fuck is infront of it, besides large African game.
Bears are big, bears are tough, but bullets are bullets and bears are not bullet proof. You can put down a bear with a .223 semi-auto if you know how to shoot and can hit vitals. Oh, and who ever said bears can run as fast as horses... please, oh lawd, STFU. Bears are fast... faster than humans. But they're not that fast.
Bears are big, bears are tough, but bullets are bullets and bears are not bullet proof. You can put down a bear with a .223 semi-auto if you know how to shoot and can hit vitals. Oh, and who ever said bears can run as fast as horses... please, oh lawd, STFU. Bears are fast... faster than humans. But they're not that fast.