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How Big a gun do you need to take down a angry Grizzly?

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Jul 27, 2006
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So i was all pondering on what would take down a angry bear if you ever happened to get down with one. Now these things weight like a ton and they're like 8 feet tall. I was thinking a boomstick to the chest wouldnt be strong enough to stop it, but maybe the face.
Winchester 30-06 but then again i've seen a hunter fail to bring down a lion. 50 caliber to the face maybe?
counter strike terms plz. So are you guys saying a 12 gauge to the chest would hardly stop it?
Bears can run almost as fast as a horse so depending how close the animal is and how good a shot you are under pressure you are likely to have a difficult time aiming with much precision.

As for caliber, if you're being charged, then quite simply the bigger the better. A wounded bear can be a very determined opponent and it often takes several shots to stop one.

As for the 12 gauge suggestion, I know that grizzlies have been killed with slugs but I don't know anyone personally who has done it and couldn't tell you whether that is a preferable choice of gun or not. I can tell you that it is a good choice for protection from black bear.
12 ga slugs or 000 buck is sufficient.
Are you asking what caliber is cabable of taking down a Grizzly bear? Pretty much any calibur will kill most animals if you shoot it in the right place. Infact, one of the largest bears ever killed in North America was killed with a 22. Shot right behind the ear. Ofcourse nobody in their right mind would rely on a 22 for protection agianst bears. I'm just saying..

If your asking what I would take out with me into bear country for protection? It certainly wouldn't be any small calibur Rifle or any handgun. It would be a large caliber Rifle or shotgun. For a rifle it wouldn't be anything smaller then a 7mm magnum. 45-70 is an excellent choice for bears. I personally would most likely take a 12 guage shotgun loaded with 3 inch magnum slugs. At Close range, this will stop King Kong himself. Buckshot is less effective with Bears. Super Super effective with human beings though. Don't listen to people telling you bullshit about shotguns. Shotguns are some of the most deadly handheld weapons on Earth for most any two legged or 4 legged creatures. You know except for big African game like Elephants and Rhinos. I've heard people actually say they wouldn't take a 12 guage shotgun with them for protection against bears, yet they would take a 44 magnum pistol!!!! lol As if that shotgun is not 10 times more powerful and more deadly. That's peoples retarded logic for you.
I"ve read stories of grizzleys taking 4-5 shots with large caliber rifles and being unfazed.
12 gauge with buckshot to the face, hopefully u get an eye, magnum slugs for the body. Winchester 30 30 i've heard can do the job but it wouldn't be my first choice.
I"ve read stories of grizzleys taking 4-5 shots with large caliber rifles and being unfazed.

Sure, if you miss vitals. If you don't hit vitals, your not gonna stop it no matter how big a gun you shoot it with.
Big brown bear (griz) is about as close to African Big/Dangerous Game you can get in North America. Choose your hardware with great care.

If you are hunting, you can use something in the 30-06, 300 Mag, 270 or 7mm range. I would feel under powered unless it's a set shot from distance. But even then...dicey.

For "protection" or up-close hunting: 338 Mag, 375H&H, 416 or larger would be much more likely to have the "go-away Boo-Boo" power you are looking for.
a 44 mag would probably be like getting shot by a 9mm or .22 to a grizzly bear.
Big brown bear (griz) is about as close to African Big/Dangerous Game you can get in North America. Choose your hardware with great care.

A full grown African Elephant can weigh over 14,000 pounds. I realy don't think the two are that comparible. Grizzly's are not the biggest brown bears in North American btw. The Kodiak is quite abit bigger. Weighing upwards of 1500 pounds. And still yet, not as big as a Polar bear.
.475 Linebaugh is a great "protection" round for bears.

Can one of the mods make a rule that if you haven't actually been hunting you aren't allowed to talk about it in here. I've read some of the stupidest shit in this forum... Some of you have obviously never shot anything outside of your game console.

Here's some information on the .475 Linebaugh since I can't imagine many of you have heard of it...

Freedom Arms Premier Grade .475 Linebaugh
Learn the real names of guns, ya N00b. lol.

My choices, up close, Desert Eagle .50 cal; medium range, AR-15 in Beowulf .50; distance. Barrett Light .50 cal rifle.

I thought you were a legit redneck...
Alot of guides I have talked to have told me that Bear Spray is more effective than large cal. pistols. Most don't penetrate well and just make a large grizzly mad. Around camp they keep a 12 ga. loaded with large buck or a slugs.

If I was hunting grizzlies I probably would want to use a .30-06 or larger. I've hard of Inuits killing polar bears with .22s but that is just crazy.
I thought you were a legit redneck...

Dont get me wrong. I love my Mossberg 500 and would be quite confident of magnum slugs to take down a big-ass bear in close or medium range. I'd say a 12 gauge is my #2 choice for that situation.
Why anybody would choose a pistol over a Shotgun in close quarters combat, against a bear expecially, is beyond me. Doesn't make much sense.
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