Crime HERE WE GO AGAIN, Another MAGA Right Wing extremist Murders his Father for......TAKING THE VACCINE

When someone doesn't want to do something, they pretend if it is not 100% effective it isn't worth doing which in this case flies in the face of R0. They're like children.

And when someone didn't want to do something, after that thing has come and gone, they'll point to all the negative effects of it which were unknown at the time as evidence of why the shouldn't have done it in the first place.

"See? this emergent, unpredictable global phenomenon that happened that we scrambled to adapt to, we didn't guess everything right. Therefore, I was right to be a defiant 6 year old. Also, the fact that it didn't turn out as bad as we worried it could have, this isn't evidence of the fact the decisions we made might have actually made a difference, it's instead just also evidence that I was right to be a petulant asshole. Things that were bad = evidence I was right. Things that were good = evidence I was right."
nothing here includes anyone saying "vaccines make it impossible for you to transmit covid". it's all a few second clips removed from all context purposely.

They are saying vaccines prevent things like transmission. This is true. Like body armor prevents you from getting shot. These statements speak to the general effect of these things, they don't guarantee anything, that's simple reading comprehension.

Like I said you'd have to be a moron who flunked 7th grade bio class to not grasp this. Or someone overreacting to make a political point that's not really true

Are you seriously making the argument that someone saying

"You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

Really means.

" you can catch and spread covid regardless of vaccination "


“vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick”.


" vaccinated people can carry the virus and get sick?

Are you seriously making the argument that someone saying

"You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

Really means.

" you can catch and spread covid regardless of vaccination "


“vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick”.


" vaccinated people can carry the virus and get sick?


Yea biden spoke too broadly in a town except no adult with a functioning brain watching that actually took as him quoting medical research because people generally graduated 7th grade and have experienced both vaccines and respiratory viruses and can deduce he was generally speaking.

If you go through the millions of times vaccines were discussed you will find like a handful of sound bytes you can clip where it's spoken about too broadly but that's the extent of it.

In no way shape or form was the vaccine actually presented to the public as a guaranteed fail proof cure all and the only people you can argue could reasonably assumed that would be mentally handicapped.
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Do the Math people.
we are HUMANS, OUR FLESH IS WEAK, WE ARE MORTAL, you bleed just like any poor homeless or disabled person.
YOU cant bully/politic your way outta reality. So with that said we need to take GLOBAL WARMING

I'm not even sure what I just read here....

Are we now blaming covid on global warming?
Sorry, I thought you meant "powers TO be" as a reference to some known future power, as opposed to powers that be.

Canada also has a large rural population and plenty of space, but again, I don't think this idea of just going outside works for the cities of the world, where most people live.

And, I think one of the things that bugs me about much of the outrage of how COVID was handled is the seeming lack of nuance - call it retrospective falacy, maybe. COVID was an unknown quantity, we didn't know how it was going to play out or evolve or what we were really dealing with. Now that we have learned some things, and after the virus mutated multiple times, it's all too easy to look back and say we were dumb. I'd say more than being dumb, we were ignorant. As in, we didn't know.

No doubt, that sounds pretty reasonable. However, I don't think there are too many situations like that for most people on the planet. For your average citizen of Hong Kong, or Moscow, or whatever, even just GETTING to the small business food vendor (if it even exists) likely requires the use of public transportation and walking around in small, densely-populated areas.

I remember this, indeed. I don't know the answer to this question, but I do think it' the fundamental question: Did we have reason to believe that vaccinations WOULD reduce the likelihood of transmission, and that turned out to be not true after we had collected data? - OR - did the so-called experts all know this was bullshit all along and somehow got everyone on board with this big lie in order to... kill grandmothers and increase uptake of a useless vaccine? I think the latter of these options is far more unlikely, and requires a pretty massive suspension of disbelief to think the relevant experts in all countries were so easily bamboozled. I do not for one second disbelieve that big pharma would do what it could to make as much money as possible, but I don't know that I go the extra step of believing there was a coordinated intentional misinformation campaign.

Thank you for the condolences. She was quite demented and was taken care of very warmly by the staff at the nursing home, so as far as these things go, at least we've that to be thankful for. She was a very gentle soul, and was easily cared-for at the end.

Yes. I'm unfamiliar with these specific happenstances, but of course they are horseshit. Again, though. I can pretty easily understand this as a manifestation of global corporate capitalism. We see nasty shit happening like this every fucking day, virus or not, because of the way the system is set up. Call me jaded, but I dont think it's too hard to believe that a pharmaceutical company did its best to exploit a historically unprecedented "market opportunity" - that's what they are designed to do.

I'd lean to more damage being caused to the younger generations being more repercussions of the lockdowns.

I can only speak for myself and the locations I've lived. Even during the Spanish flue they seemed to understand respiratory spread better indoors.

Church gatherings and even court proceedings in 1918 were held outdoors, even in the streets.

Restricting people inside especially in Australia was dumb. Simple things like outdoor waiting areas at drs, not forcing everyone into the same stores . Beaches should never close for a respiratory virus.. Seems global policies should be avoided in hindsight. Needs far more information regarding climate population density etc and should have been at a more local level here.

Add in the threats and punishments to all " unvaccinated " regardless the reason.

I'm not one of those big conspiracy nuts. I just think certain people used it to their benefit like everything. I think the world got conned by the fear promoted by those who profited.

I think the vaccine helped those in the at risk categories.... ( early variants ) although omicron destroyed delta. It originated in south Africa ( low vaccination) like many virologists said would occur naturally.....

So... I don't give it all the credit.

[ edit sorry fucked up quoting]
Yea biden spoke too broadly in a town except no adult with a functioning brain watching that actually took as him quoting medical research because people generally graduated 7th grade and have experienced both vaccines and respiratory viruses and can deduce he was generally speaking.

If you go through the millions of times vaccines were discussed you will find like a handful of sound bytes you can clip where it's spoken about too broadly but that's the extent of it.

In no way shape or form was the vaccine actually presented to the public as a guaranteed fail proof cure all and the only people you can argue could reasonably assumed that would be mentally handicapped.

Hah. You have far more belief in people than I. I have very little doubt millions of people heard that and believed it...
Look all jokes aside We better get a handle on these MAGA morons before Global warming or another virus crisis gets leashed upon us.
Cause if that happens we are DEAD.
im not saying left wingers dont do crazy stuff But they are more rational over the safety of others
than the opposite side.

Was covid man made, Could be, are the vaccines safe , I dont know But theres ways to handle these situations.

People close to me died of covid and that made me go get the vaccine

you have a solution for curing then your options are either to mask up and isolate or get the vaccine...

these right wing dummies turned this into something else.

cause these people are too far gone.

Tone it down a bit. You got a good gimmick going.
mentally stable genius.

imagine murdering your own father and throwing your life away just to own the libs. damn. that's like the second one this week. these people are deranged and violent. at what point can we officially label them as a death cult and a terrorist organization?

Remember this?
All they need is a little push..
Where did people say taking the vaccine makes it impossible for you to transmit covid? Literally anyone who took jr. high biology knows that is not how vaccines work.

They’re all on tape saying it.

US President Joe Biden, for example, said in July 2021 that “you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations”.

White House chief medical adviser Dr Anthony Fauci said in May 2021 that vaccinated people become “dead ends” for the virus.

CDC director Rochelle Walensky said in March 2021 that “vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick”.

In Australia, politicians and health officials held millions of people hostage for months, lecturing and threatening them to get vaccinated to regain their “freedoms”.

The vaccines were the “way out” of the pandemic, they were not to just to protect ourselves but to “protect others”, they would “stop the spread”, and not getting vaccinated was “selfish”.

Vaccine passports, the “vaccinated economy”, were necessary so people who “did the right thing” would feel “safe” knowing they weren’t “mixing” with the unvaccinated, who were a “risk to the community”.

nothing here includes anyone saying "vaccines make it impossible for you to transmit covid". it's all a few second clips removed from all context purposely.
Yea biden spoke too broadly in a town...
How many is that now? Two? Very scary.
Until we realize mental health is not a partisan issue, we will continue to see things like this.
Hah. You have far more belief in people than I. I have very little doubt millions of people heard that and believed it...

No one that actually receives vaccines for respiratory viruses is under the illusion they are some complete cure, except like toddlers. Not millions of people, not the general public, only complete fools who haven't been sick or grasped the simplest concepts around vaccines.

You have to pretend people lived in caves until covid and never heard of vaccines to act like there was some tangible campaign to trick the public into believing it was a cure. It's a little tin-foily
There's 80M+ MAGA supporters in America. You're going to have a couple of dumbasses in any group that large.
No one that actually receives vaccines for respiratory viruses is under the illusion they are some complete cure, except like toddlers. Not millions of people, not the general public, only complete fools who haven't been sick or grasped the simplest concepts around vaccines.

You have to pretend people lived in caves until covid and never heard of vaccines to act like there was some tangible campaign to trick the public into believing it was a cure. It's a little tin-foily

This wasn't a vaccine.
No one that actually receives vaccines for un with biden and the cdc said whatrespiratory viruses is under the illusion they are some complete cure, except like toddlers. Not millions of people, not the general public, only complete fools who haven't been sick or grasped the simplest concepts around vaccines.

You have to pretend people lived in caves until covid and never heard of vaccines to act like there was some tangible campaign to trick the public into believing it was a cure. It's a little tin-foily

I don't know man.. 9% of Americans over 25 didn't finish high school... pretty sure that's millions.

I mean people believe in the flat earth. You're seriously going to tell me that Biden and the head of the cdc and the media all saying it stops transmission somehow nobody believed them...

Are you for real? I mean you asked who said it. I provided it. And now it's " well nobody believed that "...

I would say that trying to refute the fact Biden. The cdc. The media politicians. Pharmaceutical companies all lied to the public by " well nobody believed that anyhow " is revisionist and tin-foily more so than thinking people would listen to a president / cdc / media during a pandemic.