fighters that don't deserve the crap they take

Forrest. Dude is arguably a top 10-all time LHW based on his resume and accomplishments, but people act like he was just some scrub who got lucky a couple times because of his connections with the "TUF era"
If Matt Hardy continues to improve his ground game add him to the list too. If he doesn't he needs to be given more crap until he does.

Matt Hardy is already pretty damn solid on the ground. You can ask Hurricane Helms and Shannon Moore if you don't believe me.
Hendricks - People act like he shouldn't be angry, and that he should be happy about getting fucked in the ass by the UFC. He has every right to be outraged in his situation.

The smaller divisions

Mir, Rampage and Bisping deserve all the crap they get and Sylvia to a lesser extent
Fedor got crap because of his crazy fans and plus M-1
Might mouse gets a lot of crap because people can't get over the McCall, Urushitani and Benavidez hypes, because he's small and because he's "boring" (I don't think he's boring at all)

Cruz gets way to much shit, he's hardworking and has a very serious personality, something which I appreciate. Just because he doesn't finish, everybody thinks he'll lose to whoever is being thrown to him
I'm tired of getting atheism pushed in my face 24/7. Welcome to freedom of speech, fucking deal with. I do.

Atheists annoy me too, but come the fuck on. Atheism being pushed in your face 24/7 is annoying, Christianity being pushed in your face 24/7 is having laws passed by the American government based on stupid Christian values.
Shogun and Fedor by far

These two right here,

I can understand people might get disappointed in Shogun's tap but cmon he took a beating for 3 rounds straight and was constantly looking for the finish, and after the Hendo fight i think he has more than redeemed himself so i dont see why people would hate him.

Fedor, judging by his fights, comments and personality nobody that isnt a bigot should hate him at all, i can see people being annoyed by M-1 but that should stay strictly with them and Vadim and partly on Dana aswell.

Even if Fedor had a shit career he has always been humble in defeat and in victory and you'd find it a challenging to find evidence of him talking shit or disrespecting his opponent.
It's been years since TUF 1. Yet, people still hate on Koscheck for no fucking reason, other than he tries to hype up his fights by playing the "bad guy" role.
It's been years since TUF 1. Yet, people still hate on Koscheck for no fucking reason, other than he tries to hype up his fights by playing the "bad guy" role.

Could be trying to pick fights with an overweight paramedic... And his honey badger haircut...
Could be trying to pick fights with an overweight paramedic... And his honey badger haircut...

If you think that's how he truly acts in real life, you're a fucking idiot. It's called a "television show" for a reason. Koscheck even apologized to him off the camera.
If you think that's how he truly acts in real life, you're a fucking idiot. It's called a "television show" for a reason. Koscheck even apologized to him off the camera.

Didn't mean to hurt them feelings.

Change your diaper and live to fight another day, brah.
I dont understand the Bisping hate. He says it how it is, is charismatic and brings it every time.

I think Bones deserves all the crap he gets. That's all I'll say, due to the ever present ban hammer.