Crime FBI report reveals what most active shooter situations have in common

His own brother said he wasn’t pro gun. Him and his brother were anti trump far left wingers, dudes wife even was a person of color

By all means. Show me. What I read says differently. And being anti gun and owning multiple guns, hunting, getting pissed when the govt tried to take guns-early the feelings of an anti gun person.

Seriously, are you being dense on purpose?
I didn't see Trump mentioned at all, but your source does mention his anger about gun control. It's just wildly different than what you are claiming.

From your source:

The man said Paddock became upset and launched into a tirade about gun control when the man rejected an offer of $500 apiece to modify semi-automatic guns to fire automatically.

So, I am not the only seeing that what he is saying doesn’t match the links he nor I provided.
It seems clear you're misinformed. If only things were simple.
ah yes, world population review. The same
Site that… checks notes
lists Norway as having the most deaths from mass shootings in 2023, with 69 total deaths and 1.88 per capita. Though The population is somewhere around 5 million. If that doesn't seem to add up, it may be because those deaths happened in a single event in 2011, and the per capita figure is the median over a 7 year period (2009-2015). Again, the article with the interactive map claims this information is for 2023.

For bonus points they also defend the guatemalan coup by lying, claiming that Jacobo arbenz was "stealing land" from the US.
Interesting read from a journalist that happened to go to school with Paddock.
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ah yes, world population review. The same
Site that… checks notes
lists Norway as having the most deaths from mass shootings in 2023, with 69 total deaths and 1.88 per capita. Though The population is somewhere around 5 million. If that doesn't seem to add up, it may be because those deaths happened in a single event in 2011, and the per capita figure is the median over a 7 year period (2009-2015). Again, the article with the interactive map claims this information is for 2023.

For bonus points they also defend the guatemalan coup by lying, claiming that Jacobo arbenz was "stealing land" from the US.
Um, are you retarded? The WPR doesn't state Norway had the most deaths per capita from mass shootings in 2024. It mentions a study compared the US to European countries for the range from 2009-2015. It then goes onto to highlight why that study was controversial.

Does the United States have more mass shootings than other countries? It depends on the data.​

Exactly how mass shootings in the U.S. compare to those in other countries is a highly disputed subject. In a widely publicized study originally released in 2015, the pro-gun nonprofit Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) compared the annual number of mass shooting deaths per million people in the U.S. to that of Canada and several European countries from 2009 to 2015. The result? Norway led the world with 1.88 deaths per million, followed by Serbia, France, and Macedonia. Where did the U.S. rank? 11th place.

Statistics under scrutiny: Why some experts disagree with the CRPC report on mass shooters​

Many statisticians believe the reason the CRPC study's results seem so counterintuitive is that they are incorrect. One of the more detailed analyses appeared on the fact-checking website and concluded that the CRPC report used “inappropriate statistical methods” which led to misleading results.

According to the fact-checkers' analysis, one of those inappropriate methods was the leaving out of the many European countries that had not experienced a single mass shooting between 2009-2015. This data would not have changed the position of the U.S. on the list, but its absence could lead a reader to believe—incorrectly—that the U.S. experienced fewer mass shooting fatalities per capita than all but a handful of countries in Europe.

A more important oversight was the report's use of average deaths per capita instead of a more stable metric. Because of the smaller populations of most European countries, individual events in those countries had statistically oversized influence and warped the results. For example, Norway’s world-leading annual rate was due to a single devastating 2011 event, in which far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik gunned down 69 people at a summer camp on the island of Utøya. Norway had zero mass shootings in 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.

But since you're so obtuse you can't even be bothered to read the very article you're impugning from a Google after the fact, here is an alternative source, you may have heard of it, Wikipedia, which draws its figures for this table from the U.N.

In the most recent year it can be compared, 2020, the USA ranked #21. Yes, in fact, you are still deeply misinformed. If not for your ignorance perhaps you wouldn't reach such simple conclusions about gun violence. The US has a gun problem, and this is no doubt impossibly entwined with our gun freedoms, but it's not as simple as a linear correlation between gun prevalence and gun homicide rates.

Perhaps think for yourself a little bit. Also trying learning a few things before reaching your conclusions.
I had a sneaking suspicion that he was full of shit.

Yep. Not quite as infuriating as some of the dick-tucking trolls, but with his insistence on arguing even in the face of his own link, I wonder
Um, are you retarded? The WPR doesn't state Norway had the most deaths per capita from mass shootings in 2024. It mentions a study compared the US to European countries for the range from 2009-2015. It then goes onto to highlight why that study was controversial.

But since you're so obtuse you can't even be bothered to read the very article you're impugning from a Google after the fact, here is an alternative source, you may have heard of it, Wikipedia, which draws its figures for this table from the U.N.

In the most recent year it can be compared, 2020, the USA ranked #21. Yes, in fact, you are still deeply misinformed. If not for your ignorance perhaps you wouldn't reach such simple conclusions about gun violence. The US has a gun problem, and this is no doubt impossibly entwined with our gun freedoms, but it's not as simple as a linear correlation between gun prevalence and gun homicide rates.

Perhaps think for yourself a little bit. Also trying learning a few things before reaching your conclusions.
I swear to god poking at you and getting these long posts I’ll never read makes me so happy and idk why.
Here’s my biggest bitch. Even the active line shooters use handguns more than rifles yet rifles are currently under fire (pun intended) and biden et al want to ban them despite them being used only 16 times in 2023. Meanwhile, they flee from declaring mass shootings as such an issue because it has been shown to not be the lone racist white male shooter in most instances.

If you told me there was a lone gunman that shot up a school or a hospital, I would assume it was a white male but I would also know those are more rare than the two groups or gangs get into a fight and a few shooters open up on each other and hit multiple people. Those shooters are often more prone to melanin but the left doesn’t like to single out those shootings or comment much on them or the fact that they most always use handguns because they are more concealable.

I am just sick of the narrative by the left that it is always a white male using a rifle. They don’t want to acknowledge when a juneteenth block party leaves five or six dead and dozens injured
i think this is disingenuous. im far left but have NO problem calling out bullshit on the left when its true but I just cant be brought to equate gang members shooting each other with some random psycho going in an killing random people they don't even know. those are not even in the same category of scary and messed up frankly....

how can you?
i think this is disingenuous. im far left but have NO problem calling out bullshit on the left when its true but I just cant be brought to equate gang members shooting each other with some random psycho going in an killing random people they don't even know. those are not even in the same category of scary and messed up frankly....

how can you?
So do you really think all 21 people shot during the Chiefs Super Bowl parade were gang members?

So do you really think all 21 people shot during the Chiefs Super Bowl parade were gang members?

you have missed my point clearly. I'm speaking in general. the right always tries to make gang shootings equal to random mass shootings and I cant relate to equating that.
you have missed my point clearly. I'm speaking in general. the right always tries to make gang shootings equal to random mass shootings and I cant relate to equating that.
I'm not the one who thinks 21 people shot at a Super Bowl parade were all gang members.

FBI excluded incidents if the incident were "found to be involved in or a result of gang violence, drug related violence, or shootings where the shooter's actions were part of another criminal act."

Well shit, good to know that some active shooter incidents don't meet the criteria to be included in their report. I wonder why the FBI chooses to exclude such incidents and also chooses to exclude any identifying features of the shooters besides their age and sex / gender?
It's definitely a male problem, we need to do a much better job as a society. I huge portion of the male population is plugged up emotionally and don't know how to function.

I don't think any single intervention is going to do it either.

I never did like how gun ownership became tied to hyper-masculinity. When I was a kid running home and grabbing a gun because someone hurt your feelings would get you laughed at, now kids threaten to shoot each other, skipping the fighting step altogether. While I do think how easy it is to get guns is a bit absurd, I agree there is a deeper issue tied to how males view themselves:

Another one from Ali Sadiq:

me either. are you on drugs or something?
"the right always tries to make gang shootings equal to random mass shootings and I cant relate to equating that."