Exposing the Grift: Go Woke Go Broke

If the complaint was that Assassin's Creed treats Japanese characters badly or something similar, that would a completely different discussion than the one that rose up around this instance. (BTW I watched Yasuke on Netflix, good but not memorable. But most of Netflix's anime aren't memorable so...)

The majority of the complaints that I've read complain about them forcing diversity into the series by sticking a black samurai into the narrative instead of a Japanese character (while ignoring that the black samurai is only half of the main protaganist story and a Japanese character is the other half...but that's another conversation).

The complaints were about forced diversity and an insistence that the black character shouldn't be portrayed as positively as a "samurai". Which is absurd to me because of the long history this specific real life individual has in both Japanese and American media portrayals. He's almost always portrayed as a well regarded member of Nobunaga's retinue, not a curiosity or a pet.

This wasn't forced diversity. It's a well trodden road, regarding Yasuke. Probably the most insane thing about this to me is that it was a bunch of predominantly white Americans complaining about the portrayal of a black character in a video game set in feudal Japan. The people who were most outraged were the people least connected to the story itself.

I might have been more sympathetic if the complaints originated in Japan but they didn't. The Japanese didn't care until the American bleatings reached their ears. And this outpouring of faux outrage from the US into other countries is exactly why places like Australia shouldn't grant Candace Owens a visa, lol.
People should be able to travel, i do not care.

So the Japanese cannot pick a side?

If it was someone loudly apolitical or the Czech guy who did that Eastern Euro knight game people would be willing to give it a pass.
People should be able to travel, i do not care.

So the Japanese cannot pick a side?

If it was someone loudly apolitical or the Czech guy who did that Eastern Euro knight game people would be willing to give it a pass.
Not what I said.
Made an alt back in August and this is his coming out post. Intardesting strategy, cotton. Let’s see how this plays out

it wont since you need 500 post IIRC to post in the WR.
There is some glitch that makes white belt post 1 -2 post before the cant post kicks in,

Lets see if he survives to 500...
I saw the dude with a forehead bigger than the rest of his face and instantly turned it off.

Give me the cliffs, what's hurting the feelings of insecure white men this time?
The video shows a clip of a creature in the game lecturing other characters about being non binary. Its very out of place and strange. People don't want this shit.
I know deviante is William's biggest fan so will have seen this already, but some of the rest of you may also get a laugh

If Trump can sit back and let people handle things who are smarter than him this go woke go broke things will be very interesting.

Also massive layoffs at CNN so the shield is melting away.