Exposing the Grift: Go Woke Go Broke

Well, I enjoyed it.

Not seen Saltburn, but I did hear that it sucked.
Saltburn is infinitely more infuriating for sure. Promising Young Woman does a lot of things well, but isn’t able to stick the landing. Saltburn is similar in that regard, but in a way that is insulting as fuck to the audience w/ how dumb/obvious it is
Not sure about movies, might not matter much.

For businesses, you need to stay politically neutral. Or you will lose customers. That goes for the right and the left.

Look at Michael Jordan: "Hey, Republicans buy shoes."
Not sure about movies, might not matter much.

For businesses, you need to stay politically neutral. Or you will lose customers. That goes for the right and the left.

Look at Michael Jordan: "Hey, Republicans buy shoes."

Spot on.
Once again, I didn’t even post in this thread.

Once again, I didn’t even post in this thread ya twat. At this point, your obsession with me is beyond cute but has become disturbing. Get off my nuts
Block me like you keep threatening to, but never seem to be able to find the motivation to go through with it you miserable internet-addicted fool.
Hollywood "white savior" movies starring Tom Cruise definitely aren't the "diversity" that bothers the sort of people to be upset about that sort of thing, and I don't think they are really anyone's idea of "woke".
Oh that's my fault, didn't mean to imply that I thought that was "woke", I was making the point that I doubt the people who've an issue with Yasuke have an issue with Tom Cruisington being samurai, for.... reasons
Then why use Ubisoft for a " Go woke, go broke" video? Thinking is hard for that guy. I could never give an opinion on Barbie as I haven't seen it but the rest of the movies he listed are definitely not woke.

You saiyan they're not woke is meaningless, you're not addressing how/why they're not nor providing counter examples (I think literally no one has), and is Barbie not woke? Conservative media pundits had a meltdown about it, like Benny Shapiro.

Also we'll see how Ubisoft does, haven't checked stock but, unless my sources weren't great, their sales were still good and Shadows has or had a lotta pre-orders in Japan. The Birdman also dunked on one of the Twatter guys someone posted lol.

Ubisoft's problems have been listed multiple times by everyone who's actually played their games. Hint: it ain't a black samurai
I quite like The3Birdman, it's a shame he's decided to go down the breadtube/left-wing grifter route.

The whole "Get woke, go broke" adage isn't "They included women/gay/people of colour, therefore it's bad", it's about media companies that eschew quality in favour of "diversity", and overt left-wing political messaging.

Inherently "woke" pieces of media often succeed because there is quality in the work, but now there is abject laziness where they take an existing IP, shoehorn in acceptable soundbites, change things around and call it a day.

Some of the examples he's used are absolute dogshit, and shows that he's painting it with the brush of "You just don't want X people in it!" which glosses over the issues the entertainment industry is facing right now because there's more interest in making things about what people are, not who people are, and it sucks more often than not.

Take a film like "Promising Young Woman", that ticks every single "woke" box you could think off, but that's still an EXCELLENT film, because they included the themes, and messaging, but actually focussed on making a good movie.
In summary, you compelety agree but arrive at the conclusion that stuff that sucks does so on purpose and not just cuz stuff sucks sometimes? I mean, sight lol
you laugh now but just wait until some comic book character that you, an adult human, really really care about and that character is a white man but then in a movie version the character is a black woman and it is the worst thing that has ever happened to you, an adult human, and then you are the one sitting in pants filled with shit and it won't be so funny anymore.
maybe it’ll awaken something in me
You saiyan they're not woke is meaningless, you're not addressing how/why they're not nor providing counter examples (I think literally no one has), and is Barbie not woke? Conservative media pundits had a meltdown about it, like Benny Shapiro.
What counter examples? Every movie he has on his list is woke because he said so? Again, I've seen all the movies he listed except for Barbie that's why I couldn't give my opinion on it. The rest of the movies are definitely not woke.

Also we'll see how Ubisoft does, haven't checked stock but, unless my sources weren't great, their sales were still good and Shadows has or had a lotta pre-orders in Japan. The Birdman also dunked on one of the Twatter guys someone posted lol.
Decade low.
Ubisoft's problems have been listed multiple times by everyone who's actually played their games. Hint: it ain't a black samurai
Yep. And they thought putting a minstrel dressed as a samurai would help their cause. It's like they're trying to go woke.
In summary, you compelety agree but arrive at the conclusion that stuff that sucks does so on purpose and not just cuz stuff sucks sometimes? I mean, sight lol

No, that's not even close to what I said.

I'll break it down further for you.

Birdman's whole video comes from the angle of "When you say X, what you're really saying is Y which is this definition that I have decided, and to support my case, here are some movies that did well that fall into the definition that I have decided upon". That's just as manipulative as the stuff he's accusing "the other side" of. Having minorites, queer people, and women in a movie doesn't magically make it "woke", that's the most bad faith, surface level interpretation of it that it's clearly done to gloss over everything, and gives a reason to just say "You don't like it because it has this in it, bigot!"

You can't say "This is what you really mean, and now here is a list of things that proves that I'm right". It doesn't work that way, because all you need to do is bring up Doctor Who, Star Wars, Marvel, Charlie's Angels, The American Society of Megical..., Dustborn, Concord, the American Comic Book Industry, and many others that prove the opposite, it does nothing to prove which is right or wrong, and becomes whataboutery, and petty point scoring and doesn't actually come to the crux of the problem.

Laziness, lack of creativity, and good old-fashioned hubris.

The whole point was that the entertainment industry are just saying "We're remaking this, but this time they're [insert the desired swap]" (eg Ghostbusters), and "We're reimagining it for modern audiences!" (eg pretty much all remakes) or doing sequels to popular properties where the main character is either denigrated, or takes a back seat in their own franchise (Mad Max, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny), and the fanbases of said franchises are walking away because they're changing too much shit.

I'm saying they can have "woke movies" that are successful, because they actually made the good, but the bad ones heavily outweigh the good because all they're bringing is "Look! It's diverse!", heavy handed political messaging, and nothing else.
What counter examples? Every movie he has on his list is woke because he said so? Again, I've seen all the movies he listed except for Barbie that's why I couldn't give my opinion on it. The rest of the movies are definitely not woke.

Decade low.

Yep. And they thought putting a minstrel dressed as a samurai would help their cause. It's like they're trying to go woke.
Deviante is desperate to defend to the death crap, woke TV shows, movies and games for some reason

Why does it hurt him so personally that these crap products are driving away previously fanatical fanbases

He's far too invested in denying the continual failure or these products
No, that's not even close to what I said.

I'll break it down further for you.

Birdman's whole video comes from the angle of "When you say X, what you're really saying is Y which is this definition that I have decided, and to support my case, here are some movies that did well that fall into the definition that I have decided upon". That's just as manipulative as the stuff he's accusing "the other side" of. Having minorites, queer people, and women in a movie doesn't magically make it "woke", that's the most bad faith, surface level interpretation of it that it's clearly done to gloss over everything, and gives a reason to just say "You don't like it because it has this in it, bigot!"

You can't say "This is what you really mean, and now here is a list of things that proves that I'm right". It doesn't work that way, because all you need to do is bring up Doctor Who, Star Wars, Marvel, Charlie's Angels, The American Society of Megical..., Dustborn, Concord, the American Comic Book Industry, and many others that prove the opposite, it does nothing to prove which is right or wrong, and becomes whataboutery, and petty point scoring and doesn't actually come to the crux of the problem.

Laziness, lack of creativity, and good old-fashioned hubris.

The whole point was that the entertainment industry are just saying "We're remaking this, but this time they're [insert the desired swap]" (eg Ghostbusters), and "We're reimagining it for modern audiences!" (eg pretty much all remakes) or doing sequels to popular properties where the main character is either denigrated, or takes a back seat in their own franchise (Mad Max, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny), and the fanbases of said franchises are walking away because they're changing too much shit.

I'm saying they can have "woke movies" that are successful, because they actually made the good, but the bad ones heavily outweigh the good because all they're bringing is "Look! It's diverse!", heavy handed political messaging, and nothing else.
Great seeing deviante getting his pants absolutely pulled down in debate once again

He'll just reply with "no you are wrong" even though your argument is well articulated and will destroy his non argument

He's too dumb to realise he is repeatedly getting shown up in this thread
Tbf, this thread was about Ubisoft. The video in the OP was about an idiot talking about "Go woke, Go broke". And Ubisoft is panic wrestling with cancelling an appearance in Tokyo Game Show when they have a game in their franchise that is finally set in Japan, and their stock prices plummeting. Allegedly, it's not about releasing subpar games and that this latest AC is not the hair that's going to break the camel's back.

Ubi isn't going broke because they went "woke", it's because they put out shitty games.
They released a game in July called BattleCore Arena. The last time I checked steamcharts, it had an all time peak player count of like 100 people.
Then there's Hyperscape, Extraction, and Roller Champions.
Wokeness had nothing to do with those 4 games, and they all flopped.
It's funny watching people mock the failure of these agenda driven crap shows and TV
Agenda driven stuff can be good, but these are terribly executed.

We can say Rebel Ridge was agenda driven, but it was good it did not treat anyone like idiots. It also has bipartisan appeal.
Ubi isn't going broke because they went "woke", it's because they put out shitty games.
They released a game in July called BattleCore Arena. The last time I checked steamcharts, it had an all time peak player count of like 100 people.
Then there's Hyperscape, Extraction, and Roller Champions.
Wokeness had nothing to do with those 4 games, and they all flopped.

They've got the Stuntman franchise. Why can't they just do a new Stuntman game?!

I loved those games, I just wish they'd do a new one.
Agenda driven stuff can be good, but these are terribly executed.

We can say Rebel Ridge was agenda driven, but it was good it did not treat anyone like idiots. It also has bipartisan appeal.

There's a British show called "Humans", which was a remake of a Swedish show, it's about androids that gain sentience. Fantastic piece of television.

It had messaging about immigration, workers rights, animal cruelty, racism, but was so well done, nobody had an issue with it, it was just a good show first and foremost.