Media Esteban Ribovics KO Terrance McKinney GIFS

Man that last part is worthy of some editing..... the shoop is strong in the last frame.
Man, not one clean camera angle?
Man, was rooting for McKinney. He looked crisp until that nice kick.

He got backed up, tried to throw the check hook...crazy how many good UFC fighters don't bring their guard up to their chin on their hooks (Charles does I think)...if it was there I doubt he gets insta-KOed.
edit: tbf it was only a little low, the kick's timing got him more
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Man, was rooting for McKinney. He looked crisp until that nice kick.

He got backed up, tried to throw the check hook...crazy how many good UFC fighters don't bring their guard up to their chin on their hooks (Charles does I think)...if it was there I doubt he gets insta-KOed.
edit: tbf it was only a little low, the kick's timing got him more
Yeah, he was looking great for the first 30 seconds. Fell apart at the end, though. Massive comeback from Esteban.
Beauuuuuutiful KO! T-wrecks needs to consider other lines of work

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