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Opinion E Pluribus Unum, or: How I Learned To Reject Partisanship and Love The USA


Ditat Deus
Dec 1, 2020
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TL;DR: Yeah, right. I don't expect much engagement out of this one. It's a thread nobody asked for (or even wants), and wild shit has been going down between the upcoming POTUS election and recent SCOTUS rulings. Nevertheless, it's an olive branch of optimism and positive vibes extended sincerely towards 'both sides' to court personal opinions and celebrate the 4th of July!


What Makes America Great? To You.

On an individual level of socioeconomic opportunity, it's given me an extraordinarily high quality of life and that is made a lot easier here when you have property to your name ("life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness property"). As a late '80s baby, I was fortunate enough to achieve the baseline 'American Dream' of home ownership before I turned 30 and remain a shareholder of the FFC for my family's multi-generational agriculture operations in the upper midwest heartland -- it's priceless stateside heritage that we plan on retaining indefinitely. On a sociocultural front, I've got more cherished memories of camping, road trips, rodeos, sprint car races, steakhouses, and late-summer harvests with family and friends than I can even count. America is where my life has played out since birth; this country is all I've ever known, and I'm so damn grateful for it.

In a collective sense, it's probably easier for people to rattle off what doesn't make it great. The scalding complaints and criticisms never cease and seem nearly endless these days. Ranging from gilded age 2.0 corporotacracy, crony capitalism, and omnipresent government corruption at all levels to de facto modern mainstream 'culture' of empty consumerism, excessive decadence, brain-dead forms of entertainment and yet further on to its bitter modern identity politics, polarized sociopolitical climate, and hyper-partisanship. That's to say nothing of the societal warts that are depression, drug addiction, and homelessness (to name a few). Listen, it's noted. I know. But fuck all that (lol), because today we celebrate America's Birthday in commemorating the Declaration of Independence of the American Revolution. You either feel this, or you don't...

If you still do, what then: Is it simply down to possessing by far the largest economy, most powerful military, and strongest entrepreneurial spirit for innovation on the planet? Err. They all factor heavily, to say the least, and all of us very likely go to our graves with that being the reality of the world we knew. But how about its extensive collection of elite and esteemed cultural institutions, national laboratories, and research universities of exceedingly brilliant people pooled from all over the globe? No doubt -- Smithsonian, The Met, Field Institute, DARPA, NASA, Los Alamos, Sandia, LLNL, JPL, Caltech, MIT, Stanford, and Harvard (amongst several others) are essentially second to none in their respective domains. They are a tremendous source of national strength and could all warrant their own big, bolded individual entries here in answering the question. A small handful of others that come to mind on a macro-scale for me...


"The happy Union of these states is a wonder; their Constitution a miracle; their example the hope of Liberty throughout the world.” -- James Madison

The US Constitution is the world's longest surviving charter of national government still in force. America was the original trailblazing secular western country, the first modern republic founded on a legal separation of church and state. The Bill of Rights written and presented by James Madison turned it into a full-blown enlightenment document for individual liberty, filled to the brim with entitlements of binding legal force: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, right to peaceably assemble, right to petition the government, right to keep and bear firearms, right to privacy and freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, right to due process, right to legal counsel, right to an impartial jury trial by peers and most if not all of these warrant their own entry. It forms the very core of national existence (fact) and identity (imo), it's something that every American shares lineage to by way of mere citizenship, whether inborn or naturalized.


"We have become great because of the lavish use of our resources...We have fallen heirs to the most glorious heritage a people ever received, and each one must do his part if we wish to show that the nation is worthy of its good fortune." -- Theodore Roosevelt

America is armed with arguably the most advantageous geography of any political entity to ever exist. It is a continent-sized virtual island with extensive coastlines, wide-open access with the built-in security buffer of the earth's two largest oceans, more miles of interconnected navigable waterways than the rest of the world combined and the largest contiguous region of arable land with the highest degree of cropland intensity and versatility on the planet. The primary sector of the economy is the foundation of human civilization, and the United States possesses a borderline insane combination of freshwater sources, fertile soils, expansive pastureland, and sprawling forests with heaps of shale oil, natural gas, coal, mineral deposits, and rare-earth elements. America is both the world's largest energy producer and biggest food exporter by notable margin. These could all be individual entries, and it's downright difficult for a country like this to ever fail even if it tried; it's the basis of how the USA became a global superpower.


"Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches, or its romance." -- Theodore Roosevelt

Often touted as being 'America's Best Idea'. The unprecented Yosemite Valley Grant of 1864 marked the first time that the potential for commercial, financial, and material advancement was eschewed with land set aside by a ruling government specifically for preservation, protection, and (most importantly) public enjoyment -- incredible foresight signed into law by Abraham Lincoln in the middle of a bloody Civil War, and something Theodore Roosevelt would later take to its apex with big stick energy. In 1872, Yellowstone became the world's first officially designated national park. In 2024, there are over 6,000 of them spanning the globe in no fewer than 100 countries. Several NPS sites hold UNESCO World Heritage status, including the crown jewels of Grand Canyon (AZ), Yellowstone (WY), and Yosemite (CA) as well as the Everglades (FL), Glacier (MT), Great Smoky Mountains (TN/NC), Mammoth Cave (KY), Olympic (WA), and Redwood (CA) which could all *most definitely* serve as individual answers to the question.


"The Cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be. Our feeblest contemplations of the cosmos stir us—there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation, as if a distant memory of falling from a height. We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries..." -- Carl Sagan

For a country that has made fundamental contributions to the development of statistical mechanics, molecular biology, quantum chemistry, and quantum computing with inventions ranging from airplanes, liquid-fueled rockets, and nuclear-powered submarines to thermonuclear weapons, integrated circuits, and the internet ("they all deserve their own..."), this area stands out. That's because perhaps none has been more thoroughly dominated by the United States than the realms of space science, exploration, and technology in expanding mankind's knowledge of the earth, solar system, galaxy, universe, and our place within it. From monumental projects such as the Saturn V and Apollo program to the interstellar Voyager mission, Hubble Deep Space Telescope, and all of the many successful planetary probes, orbiters, and rovers in between. There have been nine missions conducted of the solar system's outer planets (Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, Voyager 2, Ulysses, Galileo, Cassini, New Horizons, Juno) and all of them have been achieved by America.


"It is often said on the other side of the water that none of the exhibitions which we send to England are purely and distinctively American. If you would take the Wild West show over there, you will remove that reproach." -- Mark Twain (to Buffalo Bill Cody)

Subjective. The frontier of exploration, expansion, and settlement of the country's most challenging, dramatic, and scenic landscapes. The period spanning from the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 to Arizona's admission as the 48th and final contiguous US state in 1912 spawned a culture, folklore, and heritage of uniquely American character. From the explorers, natives, trappers, and traders to the cowboys, gunfighters, lawmen, and outlaws, these were hard times of small rewards but provided a storytelling canvas that was swiftly romanticized and wrapped into the country's identity through 20th-century art and entertainment mediums. The infamous wild west towns and specialty museums are fun, but for me the greatest surviving aspect of old west culture exists in the form of organized rodeo. In addition to the sheer spectacle and sporting value of bronc and bull riding, the unabashed display of patriotism to be found at these events is always a huge breath of fresh air.

"I thought of a remark...that the United States is like a gigantic boiler. Once the fire is lit under it, there’s no limit to the power it can generate." -- Winston Churchill



Happy 4th, y'all. God Bless America. 🇺🇸

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Happy Birthday 'Murica

For all our many faults, still the best nation on earth. Kiss my xenophobic ass if you don't like it, if I'm myopic IDGAF. It's pool party, smoked pork shoulder, cold beer and fireworks day.

Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans. Remember - fuck the politicians, they are the ones who make us hate one another. We all have more in common than we like to admit, #1 being we love this great country (and if you don't, get the hell out).

Enjoy your Independence Day and keep your fingers intact!

It has got its faults, and I will not deny that, but there is no other place I would wish to live.
Decent people, a great mix of cultures, low taxes(all things considered), amazing food and beautiful scenery no matter the location.

Happy Bday to us Muricans, and let’s continue to get better with every passing year!
I rate TDot 💯 but let's not get di ting all twist fam 🚫🌪️

USA is di gr8est country in di wholeazz world 🇺🇲🥇