Just a good fighter but has wins over:

Max x 2
Conor x 2

In terms of big names/former champs/some of the best fighters LW has ever seen, Poirier has 1 of the best resumes. I think of current LWs, only Charles has a better resume. Islam is better than Poirier but even his resume doesn't have that many big names. Funny definition of "just a good fighter"
For some reason, I never took you for the "you tap, you are a pussy/quitter type". It's something a Dagestani would say lol

Do this thought experiment, pretend a Muslim Dagestani said what Arman and IronGolem said, maybe it will help in seeing the issue with it. I'll help:

"Bratha, Dustin he give up easy, he tap like chicken because of smol heart, me I never tap, I willing to die in the cage, choke me out or broke my arm, never tap bratha never tap, he not tough, biggest fight of his life and he don't even try , bratha just go to sleep, it's ok"

Lemme know if it helps
I never said tapping makes you a pussy.

I said Dustin should've fought that harder than he did. It was non-existent despite having 90 seconds left for his last ever chance at a belt. Which is what Arman also said and what prompted this entire thread by TS.

You guys are all only complaining because it's Dustin being criticized.

Poirier didn't fight any of it as hard as you'd expect from someone with 90 seconds left to make or break their career.

Clock clearly reads 2:18. Reading is hard.
I never said tapping makes you a pussy.

I said Dustin should've fought that harder than he did. It was non-existent despite having 90 seconds left for his last ever chance at a belt. Which is what Arman also said and what prompted this entire thread by TS.

You guys are all only complaining because it's Dustin being criticized.
I have to rewatch, but I thought that he immediately went to fight the hands. Maybe he thought he was safer than he really was.
Wait wait wait Arman has no place to talk, he didn't tap because he didn't take nearly the amount of damage AND he's been avoiding this fight like his heart depended on it.

Apples and oranges.

Another acclaimed thread by the master of both street and prison fighting, the killer of men, the destroyer of human souls @IronGolem007

Idiotic thread and even made more retarded with TS' stay to "emphasize" words WITH silly asterisks or ***quotations*** or capitalizations that make HI$ thread look more juvenile.
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That clip starts after the sub is set up and basically locked in, but it does look like he thought he was safer than he was and maybe assumed Makhachev was just going to blanket him for the rest of the round.

He had nothing left in the tank and was trying to think of way to survive, but I dont think you can call this quitting, he gave everything throughout 5 rounds against a guy who kept on coming at him and he kept on bringing it to Islam right before the finishing sequence, its the opposite of a guy quitting.
People are pretending like this wasn't the sequence where Poirier just lets Islam grab his neck and go for it instead of fighting his hands long before Islam's actually squeezing and down:


He doesn't even try to shrimp or roll out until after Islam's wrapped up his leg to prevent that. By which point it's been like 6 seconds since Islam first grabbed his neck.

Nobody's saying Islam doesn't have a then locked in sub that would likely submit you at that point via tap or going out. Arman's point is Poirier didn't fight any of it as hard as you'd expect from someone with 90 seconds left to make or break their career.
i think its also fatigue - you are not the same person in round 5 as you are in round 1. well unless you're Sean Strickland or Demetrius Johnson.
not just physical fatigue but mental fatigue as well. additionally Islam was pretty sneaky in setting that choke up.
Arman hasn't really been in long drawn out wars like Dustin has, so he doesnt have the frame of reference. we'd have to see him in one to see how he reacts in a situation like this.
You can bait me with a basket of baby back ribs but this dry chicken is #1 bullshit
Alex quit too:

P4P worst poster bro. He didn't go out like a warrior. Yeah don't tap let Islam limp you unconscious gonna be a legendary look for his highlight. Hey mama, look, I'm sleeping in the cage. Real warriors let the enemy make them lose consciousness in front of 1 milion people. Warrior code.
Dustin had nothing left in the tank after the last TD defense..
We can see after the last scrambe, makachev bouncenon the ground and goes back to Dustin, meanwhile Porier kind of três to take a breath while on his knees.
Obviously its fractions of seconds.. but you can see HIS delayed reaction.
He was out of gas
OP probs in his troll wagon messing with his snake right now.

Thinly veiled fighter hate thread, making out he’s somehow a lesser man or fighter because he tapped.

Disrespectful tool. Dustin would crack your face.


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