Duke Roufus: Muay Thai is not worth it.It doesn't take much talent to kick to the leg

I train since 5 months and I feel like I kick better than him, but I might be delusional...

To all the people acting like this means his whole life, obviously a non native speaker saying I have trained for (only) 5 months
This thread, so much LOL. :D
To all the people acting like this means his whole life, obviously a non native speaker saying I have trained for (only) 5 months

I don't think anyone thought that.
Hillbillies everywhere hit hard. It's those deformed farmer hands. I can see some wiry hillbilly with farmer hands knocking joe out. Joe could prolly see it happen too, he's not above realizing how unpredictable fighting is.

That being said, powerful joe rogan chokes out your village hillbilly Frankenstein 99/100 times man, and this is while high.
I've thought Muay Thai was overrated for a while. They literally have no defense, it's basically just you hit me and I'll hit you as hard as I can. You can see it when they hit pads, they throw so stiff/slow/hard.

I think Conor's style is perfect for MMA striking.

This is some grade A BS right here.

Also LOL at thinking you and your buddies can beat Joe Rogan, national HW TKD champ and legit black belt. He would son you.

Not only are you ignorant, you are also delusional :D

And he punches like a girl when he spars.

I never competed in fighting sports on profesional level, but I am a very good athlete who's been doing sports and training how to fight since I was 7 and I've been fighting for real since I was 6.

I know what I'm talking about. And I'm not the only not famous guy who can fight very very well. It's in my blood.

Not only do I expect to beat Rogan. I expect to win a fight vs anybody. I'm strong enough, fast enough, skilled enough and tough enough and I feel no pain when I fight (thanks to I don't know what).

I have 23 years of training and real fighting experience in me. I think you are talking about somebody you know nothing about, with a bit too much of confidence.

I'm not saying I can't be beaten, but I do expect to win every fight and have so far, except 1 when I was 6 to a much bigger guy, whom I KOed the next year.

Not only that. I have even kicked Rogan's head off and played watter valleyball with it once...

Kiki kick Rogan's head.jpg


I'm having a bit of fun, but I am a real life badas*:)

And don't worry. I respect Joe's kicks and his ground skills:) As well as his passion for MMA.
He later reformed his views and developed a passion for Thai Boxing- however his preference for Karate/TKD-Boxing is evident in the fighters he develops.

Very misleading thread title. That's a novice, 18 year old talking there.
Hillbillies everywhere hit hard. It's those deformed farmer hands. I can see some wiry hillbilly with farmer hands knocking joe out. Joe could prolly see it happen too, he's not above realizing how unpredictable fighting is.

That being said, powerful joe rogan chokes out your village hillbilly Frankenstein 99/100 times man, and this is while high.

OK. I don't know what hillbillies you are talking about, but I'm talking about actual guys who Rogan wouldn't be able to even move. The guys I have in mind have natural fighting abilities + freak physical attributes. Either a shredded 220+ pounders or a bit chubby 260+ pounders who deadlift tractor trailers FFS.

I don't know about Rogan's actual fighting abilities. His kicks and ground game are very good, but this doesn't tell me much about his real fighting prowess. He might be very good at fighting, but I think he needs great TDs for that. And I don't know whether his TDs are good or not.
it doesn't take talent but it sure does take technique. Anyone can kick but without learning how to probably kick, they would likely break their bone or hurt themselves. But glad he learned muay thai and that one form of martial arts isn't always the best than others.
I was going to say that but it's obvious he's already gassed from his training that day. It's nice he can throw big kicks at a heavy bag but they are too slow and lumbering to be effective in a fight. Can you imagine him missing a kick like that? He'd spin 720 degrees before stopping.

Can you imagine him kicking you like that? You'd make a 720 degree summer sault before hitting the ground.
He later reformed his views and developed a passion for Thai Boxing- however his preference for Karate/TKD-Boxing is evident in the fighters he develops.

This. Roufus went on to become very passionate about Muy Thai and one of it's biggest proponents. At the time of the video Duke was simply ignorant of the martial art.
COMPLETELY exhausted after throwing 5 kicks? Do you hate Sapp that much that you had to post this video?

Retarded. He was breathing heavy before the kicks. Clearly his workout did not begin when the cameraman pressed play.
OK. I don't know what hillbillies you are talking about, but I'm talking about actual guys who Rogan wouldn't be able to even move. The guys I have in mind have natural fighting abilities + freak physical attributes. Either a shredded 220+ pounders or a bit chubby 260+ pounders who deadlift tractor trailers FFS.

I don't know about Rogan's actual fighting abilities. His kicks and ground game are very good, but this doesn't tell me much about his real fighting prowess. He might be very good at fighting, but I think he needs great TDs for that. And I don't know whether his TDs are good or not.

Maybe you misunderstand American hillbillies. Think Roy Nelson without his Kung Fu training.

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