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drinking beer

A long time ago, way back in history,
when all there was to drink was nothin but cups of tea.
Along came a man by the name of Charlie Mops,
and he invented a wonderful drink and he made it out of hops.

He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.

The Curtis bar, the James' Pub, the Hole in the Wall as well
one thing you can be sure of, its Charlie's beer they sell
so all ye lads a lasses at eleven O'clock ye stop
for five short seconds, remember Charlie Mops 1 2 3 4 5

He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.

A barrel of malt, a bushel of hops, you stir it around with a stick,
the kind of lubrication to make your engine tick.
40 pints of wallop a day will keep away the quacks.
Its only eight pence hapenny and one and six in tax, 1 2 3 4 5

He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.

The Lord bless Charlie Mops!
Sonny said:
I love booze!!!

Haha, didn't you post before that you gave up drinking and you felt 100% better? If I remember correctly you said we could all get hooked on not drinking. Welcome back ol' friend :D
Rjkd12 said:
Haha, didn't you post before that you gave up drinking and you felt 100% better? If I remember correctly you said we could all get hooked on not drinking. Welcome back ol' friend :D

Did I really say that? I must've been drunk out of my mind!!!
I need at least 2 beers a week. I friday night i go out with my gf to this club, where she dances to crappy music, so i watch footy, on the tv or play pool. Being in a club without a drink is painful and i think it isnt possible for the normal human. Friday night, i had 6 bourbon and cokes, i wasnt really too drunk. When i got home from the club i drank heaps of water. Woke up and i felt fine, i even lifted weights and drank protien powder.

In two weeks time i am going to start using creatine, i would like to know, when on that stuff for the first week ( 20g a day ) would it effect the body to drink at all?
I have heard before that beer contains Estrogen, and by drinking to much beer you can grow breasts.. might explain why guys who drink all th time are fat with manboobs... danno if this is bs or not.
Drinking will not give you breasts. Jeez, comon man, think about that for a minute. If that was the case 50% of college males would have huge breasts and 50% of college females would have bigger breasts. Both are obviously not true.

Creatine drags water into your cells, and therefore you do not have as much extracelluarly which can promote dehydration. I would just make sure to drink lots of water and probably cut back on the booze a bit. I would assume that after loading your body will reach more of an equilbrium and therefore it isn't as necassary to load up on tons of water all the time.
What is the point of drinking two beers? Do you actually like the taste of beer? Can you get buzzed from just two?
I enjoy the taste yes, i like VB on tap.. hmm you are American and ive been told your beer is watered down and tastes like piss.. Yes i do enjoy a beer, it is relaxing...
For the first week of 20g of creatine a day i will not drink booze at all.. but for the next 3 weeks at 5 g a day i will drink my 2 beers or every now and then my 6 drinks... will that really effect me? i dont know much about creatine.. i dont want my organs to disfunction because the booze and creatine didnt mix.
I drink mostly imported shit! I like to drink a lot but I have a pretty low tolerance, I usually puke every time I drink. I'm a cheap date!
Your organs won't fail you beacuse of the booze. Don't worry about it at all. And comon sonny, puking up imported shit? Please, that is such a waste of money.

Dutch, our beer isn't that watered down, except the fact we have a TON of light beer. Miller light and Budlight are the most popular beers now and they taste like water. I"m a big guiness fan myself, but I"m just as happy with a Crown Royal/Segrams VO or a nice glass of white (preferably chardonnay )wine (if I'm eating).
drinking alcohol strengthens the liver...against alcohol.

alcohol drains you of vitamins, is tough on the digestive system, kills brain cells, and keeps the liver busy from it's normal duties.

beer has lots of empty calories, and yeast.

don't drink unless there's pussy involved. that's my rule.
Yeah pussy is involved... so thats a relief then, so i wont start gettting crapms in the stomach then start puking blood, because i was not suppose to take creatine and alcohol
QingTian said:
drinking alcohol strengthens the liver...against alcohol.

alcohol drains you of vitamins, is tough on the digestive system, kills brain cells, and keeps the liver busy from it's normal duties.

Alcohol strengthens the liver against anything. Does benchpress only make you stronger in the benchpress? No. Similar to the immune system, by constantly being introduced to small amounts of germs you get a good immune system. Kindergarden teachers are sick for the first 2 years they are a teacher (beacuse of all the germs with little kids) After that, they have immune systems like fortresses.

Alcohol does drain you of vitamins, but that can be modulated by taking vitamins and eating food. It isn't tough on the digestive system in the moderate amounts. It has been shown to delay demensia and mental decline associated with againg with the elderly, and therefore in moderate amounts doesn't negatively affect the brain. I forget the study, but one said that moderate drinking helps the brain, something along the lines of increasing blood flow and increasing circulation.

It also helps the heart, a study on heart attact victims found that moderate drinkers had a lower risk of dying from a heart attack (the study was done on almost 2000 patients over the course of 5 years). Moderate drinkers were defined as at least 7 drinks a week. It increases amounts of HDL and helps by thinning the blood.

It is also associated with less silent strokes. Moderate and light drinkers (1-7 and 7-15 drinks a week) had the least. Heavy drinkers (15+) had more. READ: Non drinkers had the most strokes and white matter disease.

There is more out there, this was just from a quick search. I'm not saying get drunk every night, EVERY study shows that excessive drinking is much much worse than not drinking, but everyone who says "don't drink at all, its a waste, put down that glass of wine with dinner and dont' have that beer after work" are completely wrong, and even worse off than light to moderate drinkers.
I have decided to supplement my diet with 2 beers a night because of this thread.
Urban said:
I have decided to supplement my diet with 2 beers a night because of this thread.

I trust you are kidding, this thread is a joke.

All the damn weaklings who rationalize drinking because they arent dedicated enough to quit.
48LawsOfPower said:
I trust you are kidding, this thread is a joke.

All the damn weaklings who rationalize drinking because they arent dedicated enough to quit.

Telling someone to stop drinking moderatly to prove their toughness is like me asking you to stop drinking protein shakes to prove yours. I have provided actual data, not my own personal values and beliefs, that moderate drinking is not bad for you. My data actually shows it IS GOOD FOR YOU. I am completely ready to stop all drinking if you can convince me that moderate drinking is bad. Rationalizing would be extrapolating from this data and getting drunk every night, when I have clearly said that excessive drinking is much worse than not drinking.

Please, I would love to be educated and enlightened by you. Show me actual studies/data that show I am wrong. I think I have proven you wrong, please do the same for me. Everybody is ready to open their mouth and spew personal ideas which prove nothing. I am reminded of a wonderful quote.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.
Rjkd12 said:
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.

i couldnt agree more, you drink I dont. period.

Lead dont follow, I could give a fuck less about your "facts" and "statistics". alcohol dehydrates you, alcohol changes the motor functions of your brain. Protein drinks dont make me slur, lose basic motor functions , beat my wife etc.....
I think drinking is a weakness, and a vice. You can think whatever the fuck you want and drink all you want. I dont do or not do things because some turd on sherdog says he has statistical backing for his weak ass arguments. i go on personal experience and the way MY body reacts to what I do or dont have in my life. Alcohol is one of the donts...

thanks for playing, enjoy your beer
Two drinks a night is not going to make me beat my wife, lose basic motor functions, or slur. After two drinks I can legally still drive a car. You can mock somebody's statistical backing all you want but when you use fallacious arguments (slippery slope to be exact) you only make yourself look like a fool. You need to loosen up a bit, I live a healthy life (lots of exercise and low stress) and have a good diet (low in processed foods, refined sugars, high in good proteins like fish and chicken, fruits and veggies, and nuts and moderate amounts of complex carbs and grains), I work hard in school (EMT and Firefighting classes) and for some asshole out of texas who doesn't know me, doesn't listen to good arguments to tell me I'm weak for having a drink or two a night really bugs the fuck out of me. your argument does not hold ANY water against somebody with only moderate drinking habbits. and until you find some evidence to say it does, I'd advise you to shut the hell up.
Urban said:
Two drinks a night is not going to make me beat my wife, lose basic motor functions, or slur. After two drinks I can legally still drive a car. You can mock somebody's statistical backing all you want but when you use fallacious arguments (slippery slope to be exact) you only make yourself look like a fool. You need to loosen up a bit, I live a healthy life (lots of exercise and low stress) and have a good diet (low in processed foods, refined sugars, high in good proteins like fish and chicken, fruits and veggies, and nuts and moderate amounts of complex carbs and grains), I work hard in school (EMT and Firefighting classes) and for some asshole out of texas who doesn't know me, doesn't listen to good arguments to tell me I'm weak for having a drink or two a night really bugs the fuck out of me. your argument does not hold ANY water against somebody with only moderate drinking habbits. and until you find some evidence to say it does, I'd advise you to shut the hell up.

Different strokes for different folks. You may be Mr Health King Shit in your own mind, but in MY
mind drinking is a weakness and a vice. You want evidence that drinking is a vice? Pick up the bible, or maybe the Dhammapada. Martial Arts arent just about diet and nutrition and training, it is about moral fortitude and character. You can think I look like a fool all you want, but Im not the one trying to convince myself that drinking alcohol is somehow healthy. Ban me card me, do whatever the fuck you want Mr 7000 posts , internet forum King, but the fact remains alcohol is not good for your body, your character , your mind, or your spirit.

and what does me living in Texas have to do with anything?