Do you think karma exists? Provide examples

Quantum Jake

Dec 19, 2015
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Not in the terms of physics (every action has an equal and opposite reaction) but in a cosmic sense. Does everyone who commits an act of selfishness, evilness, cruelness eventually get what they deserve?

Please provide examples of people suffering from karma. And/or
Examples of people who have committed bad deeds and never see bad karma.
Most of my experience suggests the contrary.

It seems that knowing you have a conscience or a code has to be the primary reward for behaving in accordance with one.
Karma exists for all those that believe..the problem is most people believe even if they don't know it..
No I don't because shitty people get rewarded all the time and there are plenty of good people with shit lots in life.

Really? I mean, I will if you really want me to, but it seems quite obvious without digging deeper.

Shitty things happening to good people:

Ok, there were no doubt countless good Jews who died in the holocaust.
Princess Diana died in a car accident.
I used to do hospice work with a kid who died of a brain tumor. How could karma possibly factor into that?
Kids who work in sweatshops.
Ned Stark was beheaded.

Good things happening to shitty people:

Some of the biggest tyrants and murderers never got their comeuppance. Mao, Stalin, Sulla, Ghenghis Khan
Casey Anthony killed her daughter (I guess we can put the kid in the previous category) and got off.
OJ killed Nicole and Ron and got off.
Whoever killed Jean Benet Ramsay got away with it.
Hillary and Trump both have highly questionable moral character and one of them is going to be president.
Michael Jordan is by all accounts a real prick, but is widely considered to be the GOAT and is incredibly wealthy.
Cersei blew up the sept of Baelor and was given a crown for it.

I don't see how karma can account for this unless we get into metaphysics and spiritual rewards/suffering and other things that can't possibly be confirmed or denied.
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Stalin died of old age basically.
Not in the terms of physics (every action has an equal and opposite reaction) but in a cosmic sense. Does everyone who commits an act of selfishness, evilness, cruelness eventually get what they deserve?

Please provide examples of people suffering from karma. And/or
Examples of people who have committed bad deeds and never see bad karma.
Most think of "karma" as an almost-immediate reaction to a recent action.

This is not what "karma" is defined as.

"Karma", according to Budhism and Hinduism is basically getting what you "deserve" in a FUTURE existence, based on your actions NOW.
Most think of "karma" as an almost-immediate reaction to a recent action.

This is not what "karma" is defined as.

"Karma", according to Budhism and Hinduism is basically getting what you "deserve" in a FUTURE existence, based on your actions NOW.
What karma has fidel castro recieved