If you don't mind me asking Gfreak which army are you going to start collecting?
I've been thinking about stripping the paint off my old Imperial Guard army and having another go with them with a new colour scheme...
Logs are more functional than barbells anyways.
I sucked so bad at painting my Dark Eldar back in the day...
I don't know if they've improved but the first generation of DE models were less than spectacular. They mad deciding on a good color scheme tricky and most people went with a generic black-dominant theme to avoid it.
Monday, DEC 31, 2012
Squats for Reps
260# 1x8
Wide-Stance GMs:
115x8, 135x8, 135x8 --E
Walking Lunges, barbell:
95# 4x15 --E
50 Rep Set, Squats(lol):
135# x25+15+10 --H
Roll-outs, knees:
BW 3x20
---Overall very easy training tonight. Set of 8 was smooth with a little speed drop off on reps 7 and 8. If I'm feeling good on the next rep day I'll definitely try and push it.
---I sandbagged the GM's just a bit as my low back was a little sore coming into today. Also, wide stance was weird.
---Lunges were easy. No knee pain.
---The fifty rep set was horrendous. I had to take a break and some deep breaths at the intervals noted but the entire set didn't take me too terribly long. My metric for this is that "My name is mud" had started before I did and I was finished before it ended.
j/k. We're all some sort of nerd here. Probably.
Monday, DEC 31, 2012
--The fifty rep set was horrendous. I had to take a break and some deep breaths at the intervals noted but the entire set didn't take me too terribly long. My metric for this is that "My name is mud" had started before I did and I was finished before it ended.
That looks like a vile, puke-inducing and yet awesome workout.
The fifty rep set was horrendous. I had to take a break and some deep breaths at the intervals noted but the entire set didn't take me too terribly long.
Gotta admit that looks quite nice.