I am saying that in all of the cases of massive over-inflation of tech startups, I read about 5 or 6 of them, the massive over-buy-in with the 'charismatic CEO' was the common denominator
and when you have Tesla stock tanking, AS A RESULT OF THE ACTIONS OF THE 'CHARISMATIC CEO' who turns out to be a fucking flake who deliberately tries to turn half the world against himself, and when you have the Commerce Secretary gushing that 'I HAVE NEVER MET A BETTER PERSON TO BET ON THAN LEON', the same fucking thing is happening.
Leon was a very smart investor with a great eye for an infant market. He is not infallible. Tesla might still be a good investment, but Leon is clearly a fatally flawed human being who makes some very bad decisions. you can see this from what his actions alone have done to tesla stock in the last few weeks, and if Tesla is a good investment still, it is despite him, and not because of him.
you think Leon is infallible? you think he's a good guy to bet on? name the last time the actions of a single CEO tanked their own stock by tens of billions in a couple of weeks.