Media Colby trolling Chandler about Conor fight not happening

Lol Corey McCuckfuckington talking shit to lightweights again while ducking every single Welterweight under 38 years of age

dude is so washed it's almost comical

edit: Now I understand why this wet wipe is talking, Chandler just got eligible for his matchup demographic
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I feel like I should feel bad for Chandler, but I don't, honestly.

If he isn't looking at how Conor has lived his life these past years and thinking "Yeah, best have a Plan B", that's on him.
Colby ducked Ian so bad, he should never get to say anything again. Step in and fight if you’re so concerned Colby.

Pathetic. I don’t hate Colby for his politics, I hate that he’s a spotpicker who waits on the sidelines for a perfect, winnable fight he doesn’t deserve instead of just signing a contract.
i mean it is kinda funny, and colby was right
Colby is still funny. More cringe now that he's proven to be a choker, I wish he was better, but he was always funny I will die on this hill.