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Coffee shop Girl (Update on #205)

Being jacked as fuck, I would show up to cafes or coffee shows in a deep v neck, and the girls would giggle. The large pecs and v taper definitely leaves an impression. More importantly, i had a bigger chest then the babes there, and I just made it fun. Enthusiasm, passion, that gift for gab, chatter, initiate with high energy, and even chatting up random women like you already fucked them removes the element of awkwardness.

there is 18pgs of this nonsense. Pull the fucking trigger already. I have heard of slow playing it but, Jesus Christ. This is ridiculous. Tell her what you are doing this weekend and let her know you are inviting yourself over. Alpha as fuckkkkkk. Real men tell women. They don't ask. Like, place your phone out in front of her and let her type her digits in the phone. Even better during rush hour when highly populated. Its even more ballsy.

I don't mind striking out. Personality is so very individual. Not everyone is compatible. The thing is, I will sing like a mother fucker. Tomorrow ain't promised to nobody. New girls turning 18 everyday. I apologize to nobody. Life is just way the fuck too boring not to try.
Respect. How much you bench, bro?
But yeah, all joking aside, I'd rather create a moment of truth even in a way that turns out not so good than to always wonder what might've happened.
It's possible to go direct or indirect and still do it, but in this situation, I think TS should suggest meeting up alone, outside of her job, and if she says no or makes excuses, that'll settle this. If she agrees then maybe they've got something.
I don't know what's been tried yet, but I think TS needs to just try to make something happen... yesterdy. These obsessions end up renting a shitload of space in a person's head for something that may not even ever amount to something.
Sherdog is a rough spot for people that get offended easily.
Hardships creates leaders among men

Well even if I don’t ask her out, I still need a place to get my coffee and write. The coffee shop is perfect because it’s in the same building as the office.
You sure it wasn't "Fuck you"?
Respect. How much you bench, bro?


Lift more then her ^^^^


There are tons of dudes that lift more then me brah. Then again, many are on gear so, I never compare myself to anybody EVER. The point was to maximize everything to the best of your ability. It is not just looks but it sure as fuck doesn't hurt if you won the genetic lottery. Fairly attractive dude, jacked, ripped, and I just maximize the cards I was dealt to the best of my ability. You then stack the way you would in the gym. Each week, you pump out more sets or weights, progression overload. You do the same with girls. Stack numbers, lays, fwbs, and repeat. Some fall off the same as a workout routine but you find a new one the way you would a new girl.

But yeah, all joking aside, I'd rather create a moment of truth even in a way that turns out not so good than to always wonder what might've happened.

Not sure I am following. Let me take a stab at it though...!

I am offensive, a bit of an asshole, over the top, quick to call out female logic as well as gross female behavior. I can be a bit of a dick. Ironically enough, it translates better then being a cuck, beta male provider and or captain save a hoe. Its better to offend and leave an impression then play it safe and walk on fucking egg shells. I wont front. I strike out a lot too. You and I are not compatible with everyone. That is not real life but most want to seek approval, validation, and play it safe. Fuck that shit. Not reality.

It's possible to go direct or indirect and still do it, but in this situation, I think TS should suggest meeting up alone, outside of her job, and if she says no or makes excuses, that'll settle this.

Agreed. Then again, I am sensing a lot of hocus pocus simple pickup or whatever else. If that gives you the big happy, if that helps or gets you more girls, power to you but the act cannot be maintained as a man. The same with women putting on the good girl act to rope in some schmuck. Years as bootty call then its time to play homemaker once playboy stops calling. #nothanks!

Yes, stake your claim. Hit on girls. Do so in the masses. Absurd amount of options. Choose from that. Pick woman in peak SMV not single mother victimhood or good after she has hit the wall.

If she agrees then maybe they've got something.
I don't know what's been tried yet, but I think TS needs to just try to make something happen... yesterdy. These obsessions end up renting a shitload of space in a person's head for something that may not even ever amount to something.

It gets boarder line creepy and Elliot Rodgers like to obsess over one girl. The reality is dudes should obsess over themselves. Love yourself. Dedicate absurd amounts of time chasing yourself, your dreams, your ideal top form, gym life, lift heavy, travel, get that gwop like Mcgregor, live it up. Yes acquire women but not at the compromise or detour from your dreams.

I am looking to create freedom from myself. I want off this fucking rock and hamster wheel as employee. Needless to say, when that takes, if I am not settled with a good woman, a unicorn/NAWALT, I will never be. I will never trust.

For any young men out here seeking a good woman, ideally, start with youth, peak SMV, and if she is not down, next her. Hit it if dtf but not LTR after best years are done. She is not to be trusted. Then again, women come around or drunk dial. Maybe not today, not tomorrow but some day. Still you ain't waiting on her. New girls turning 18 everyday. Real talk. I wont apologize to anybody.

Happy hunting.
Sounds like a lot of pickup hocus pocus. Ideally, anybody trying to sell you something, you should be skeptical, and with good reason. Too many snake oil salesmen.

I am pretty high energy. I am all round big ups but, I am less that way with women. They are constantly seeking validation and approval through tinder or social media. They got cucks and white knights blowing up their ego. I am more or less kicking dumpty off her pedestal and fucking with her chit. Its even funnier to call skinny women fat. Many still have a complex. A simple, "are you bulking these days?" goes a long way.

I rather be that dude just blowing shit up and offending then playing it safe and walking on egg shells. Ironically enough, a woman will sleep with the man who got a reaction out of her, some sort of emo stimuli over the beta male provider walking on egg shells and had no fucking clue dude is alive let alone has a dick.

As long as it is working for you but, in the Asian culture, they love round eye. All about them white boys so, not necessarily that has a lot to do with "approach" as much as it has to do with people playing into stereotypes. In the words of Russel Peters, "I don't make stereotypes. I see them."
The techniques are effective with some women. There isn't a magical formula for getting every women out there because they're all different, just like your super alpha, man power approach gets results with some women but not all, as you admitted earlier.

One thing you touched on that I agree with is being congruent with your personality and who you are. People can tell when you're being fake and putting on a front. It conveys insecurity in who you are because you feel that you're not good enough to be yourself.

If being alpha is part of your identity, then go with that. It's a style that's not going to be for everyone though and that's fine. It doesn't mean that we can't adopt pieces of each other's style and evolve our approach.

OP doesn't strike me as the dick swinging, ultra alpha type, no offense to him. I'm not either, but a little of that can be good sometimes. One thing that rsdmax guy talks about is calibration. You will advance with more females if you can read how they're responding to you and adjust or calibrate your approach accordingly.

If you alpha to some chick and she doesn't respond, you could be missing out on an opportunity by immediately yelling 'NEXT'. Some girls just need the right emotional context to open up.

Arguing that one method is better than another is kind of like arguing about the best fighting style. It will really depend on the people engaged, their background, training, and energy that day.

I haven't spent a dime on rsdmax and he has some nice moves that I'm oversimplifying. It's good to be humble enough to take away pointers from everyone. Even the guys that appear to have no game can teach you stuff sometimes.

I would recommend watching his manifesto on YouTube. It's LONG, but he makes some really good points, especially from about the 1 hr 9 min point on...
A small update guys, because I want to maintain this legendary thread through the new year

Café chick is still there. I guess the guy last week was covering for her for that day. I went down to do some writing during my lunch hour and she was there. Still as radiant as ever in the new year. I decided not to ask her out this time but just to talk to her a bit. I asked her what she did for NYE and she said she just spent time with her parents.

I found a desk to write at and I could see her and her supervisor giggling and her glancing at me a couple times. They seem to be cognizant of my asking her out last time. I don’t know what all the giggling and glancing means but I’m not going to worry about it. I still can’t get over how beautiful this girl is though.
Go for it. It's like those high school chicks that stare and giggle at their crush. She enjoys you're interest in her. Just be persistent. Eventually, she will crack and open her legs for you.
Go for it. It's like those high school chicks that stare and giggle at their crush. She enjoys you're interest in her. Just be persistent. Eventually, she will crack and open her legs for you.
This guy gets it. Worst thing you can do at this point is be like 'fuck this shit! If you don't like me I'm going to be ice cold to you back'.

Treat her like your bratty niece. Nothing she says can piss you off.. like she's cute but not to be taken seriously.
The techniques are effective with some women. There isn't a magical formula for getting every women out there because they're all different, just like your super alpha, man power approach gets results with some women but not all, as you admitted earlier.

Maybe. I don't know. I suspect TS is about that life and it doesn't look at that effective to me. No diss. Just saying. At least he is going for girls. Tons of keyboard warriors and cucks that will talk shit and preach. No pics? Did not happen!

I did see that JB dude. The guy that got kicked off planet earth by feminists. I seen some shit go viral a few years. There was a journalist who followed him around. Naturally, I am skeptical when people want your money as you should be. He swore by what he did. Dude just was a machine getting girls. Who knows if he bed them but, it definitely is a step in the right direction compared to a lot of dudes raised by single moms and heading to a life of cuckoldry.

One thing you touched on that I agree with is being congruent with your personality and who you are. People can tell when you're being fake and putting on a front. It conveys insecurity in who you are because you feel that you're not good enough to be yourself.

I hate to go there but, it is fucked. You can be WK or you can be the asshole. Some women reciprocate to certain behaviors. Again, sounds cliche but, women who are conservative, traditional, come from a nuclear family, not banished father syndrome react to certain healthier behavior more so then the girl with daddy issues.

A chick I picked up would not reciprocate to captain save a hoe. The more aloof, the more you disregard, not acknowledge her, make her cry, be a dick, the more she chases. This is what she reciprocates towards and women will turn on the water works and manipulate if you are a punk. Fuck not given. TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF.

I got an early morning. You can come over for an hour but then you gotta go.

You got to play the game yet keep it real. Drop the hammer. Set boundaries. Women will test you. In a relationship, any ounce of ambiguity is grounds for dismisall. As in, said girl is dead to me. GONE. Over. FINISHED!

Many dudes get cucked because they tolerate it.

If being alpha is part of your identity, then go with that. It's a style that's not going to be for everyone though and that's fine. It doesn't mean that we can't adopt pieces of each other's style and evolve our approach.

We live in a girlie man society. Dudes urinating from the seated position; generation of men raised by women, no father figure, and mommy on the carousel running through dudes. Men are fucking lost. Even what most dudes deem as alpha is off the mark. The same for masculinity. Its all posturing or bravado. Girl puts on the good girl act and he is jello.

That pua shit is the same act but, when real life kicks off, the act wears thin. Again, if this is changing your life, power to you man. It beats being a cuck or the dude out raising the alphas children.

OP doesn't strike me as the dick swinging, ultra alpha type, no offense to him. I'm not either, but a little of that can be good sometimes. One thing that rsdmax guy talks about is calibration. You will advance with more females if you can read how they're responding to you and adjust or calibrate your approach accordingly.

I wasn't either but, I learned the hard way. If a woman pisses you off, you call her ass out or you kick her the fuck out. Not physically, you tell her GTFO. If a woman comes to my place with a shitty attitude or bad mood, she out stayed her welcome. PERIOD. Not up for discussion.

The same with some skank. Not in the mood? Cool story bro. Some other girl is. Next.

If you alpha to some chick and she doesn't respond, you could be missing out on an opportunity by immediately yelling 'NEXT'. Some girls just need the right emotional context to open up.

Real talk, what one girl wont do, another one will. Personality is very individual. You are not compatible with everyone. Neither am I.

Regardless, I swing like a mother fucker, I bring passion, enthusiasm, I build myself up, and the people around me.

I think it was Stephen Covey (author of 7 Habits of highly effective people) that said , "you are the sum of the 5 closest people in your life." That said, you must be around those that thrive, that are ambitious, go getter, swinging the hammer, and marching to the beat of their own drum. Tomorrow ain't promised to nobody.

Arguing that one method is better than another is kind of like arguing about the best fighting style. It will really depend on the people engaged, their background, training, and energy that day.

Chat up a tons of women. 5min in, you want to know whether or not she has a relationship with her father. Certain behaviors and reactions come about.

Simply put, I lead. They follow or next. No exceptions.

No offense to ts but this is bush league. Drop phone, let her put # in, take her out, and smash or next her already.

I haven't spent a dime on rsdmax and he has some nice moves that I'm oversimplifying. It's good to be humble enough to take away pointers from everyone. Even the guys that appear to have no game can teach you stuff sometimes.

For sure. Like I said, in my old age, I am jaded as fuck and pretty cynical too.

I remember once I broke the ice with "EWWWWWWWWW." When the girl was like "what?" I just said WTF is in your hair? Oh, its just your head and then I laughed before turning my back to chat up other girls. Sloot was begging for attention.

Similarly, I was going nuts during the MCG/Alv fight. I knocked over beers, I was smashing on the tables, I was obnoxious, and bellierent screaming up the place. Woman sees this, poon got moist, and she started hovering around me. Wants in the party.

This is what women respond to especially in peak SMV. Not the beta, not the Wk, the man with the baby dick urinating from the seated position. If someone told me this in my teens, I would call them a liar but after series of experiences, seeing the same patterns time and time again, there is no denying.

Women love an asshole. It makes her moist knowing a man wont take her shit or the worlds. He is coming in to conquer. Not play nice.

I would recommend watching his manifesto on YouTube. It's LONG, but he makes some really good points, especially from about the 1 hr 9 min point on...

Maybe. I don't know. I suspect TS is about that life and it doesn't look at that effective to me. No diss. Just saying. At least he is going for girls. Tons of keyboard warriors and cucks that will talk shit and preach. No pics? Did not happen!

I did see that JB dude. The guy that got kicked off planet earth by feminists. I seen some shit go viral a few years. There was a journalist who followed him around. Naturally, I am skeptical when people want your money as you should be. He swore by what he did. Dude just was a machine getting girls. Who knows if he bed them but, it definitely is a step in the right direction compared to a lot of dudes raised by single moms and heading to a life of cuckoldry.

I hate to go there but, it is fucked. You can be WK or you can be the asshole. Some women reciprocate to certain behaviors. Again, sounds cliche but, women who are conservative, traditional, come from a nuclear family, not banished father syndrome react to certain healthier behavior more so then the girl with daddy issues.

A chick I picked up would not reciprocate to captain save a hoe. The more aloof, the more you disregard, not acknowledge her, make her cry, be a dick, the more she chases. This is what she reciprocates towards and women will turn on the water works and manipulate if you are a punk. Fuck not given. TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF.

I got an early morning. You can come over for an hour but then you gotta go.

You got to play the game yet keep it real. Drop the hammer. Set boundaries. Women will test you. In a relationship, any ounce of ambiguity is grounds for dismisall. As in, said girl is dead to me. GONE. Over. FINISHED!

Many dudes get cucked because they tolerate it.

We live in a girlie man society. Dudes urinating from the seated position; generation of men raised by women, no father figure, and mommy on the carousel running through dudes. Men are fucking lost. Even what most dudes deem as alpha is off the mark. The same for masculinity. Its all posturing or bravado. Girl puts on the good girl act and he is jello.

That pua shit is the same act but, when real life kicks off, the act wears thin. Again, if this is changing your life, power to you man. It beats being a cuck or the dude out raising the alphas children.

I wasn't either but, I learned the hard way. If a woman pisses you off, you call her ass out or you kick her the fuck out. Not physically, you tell her GTFO. If a woman comes to my place with a shitty attitude or bad mood, she out stayed her welcome. PERIOD. Not up for discussion.

The same with some skank. Not in the mood? Cool story bro. Some other girl is. Next.

Real talk, what one girl wont do, another one will. Personality is very individual. You are not compatible with everyone. Neither am I.

Regardless, I swing like a mother fucker, I bring passion, enthusiasm, I build myself up, and the people around me.

I think it was Stephen Covey (author of 7 Habits of highly effective people) that said , "you are the sum of the 5 closest people in your life." That said, you must be around those that thrive, that are ambitious, go getter, swinging the hammer, and marching to the beat of their own drum. Tomorrow ain't promised to nobody.

Chat up a tons of women. 5min in, you want to know whether or not she has a relationship with her father. Certain behaviors and reactions come about.

Simply put, I lead. They follow or next. No exceptions.

No offense to ts but this is bush league. Drop phone, let her put # in, take her out, and smash or next her already.

For sure. Like I said, in my old age, I am jaded as fuck and pretty cynical too.

I remember once I broke the ice with "EWWWWWWWWW." When the girl was like "what?" I just said WTF is in your hair? Oh, its just your head and then I laughed before turning my back to chat up other girls. Sloot was begging for attention.

Similarly, I was going nuts during the MCG/Alv fight. I knocked over beers, I was smashing on the tables, I was obnoxious, and bellierent screaming up the place. Woman sees this, poon got moist, and she started hovering around me. Wants in the party.

This is what women respond to especially in peak SMV. Not the beta, not the Wk, the man with the baby dick urinating from the seated position. If someone told me this in my teens, I would call them a liar but after series of experiences, seeing the same patterns time and time again, there is no denying.

Women love an asshole. It makes her moist knowing a man wont take her shit or the worlds. He is coming in to conquer. Not play nice.

Yeah, interesting ideas. I got some book you recommended at home. I'll read it at some point.

I'm talking about this video, specifically from 1hr 9min mark on.. It's loong but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it. I was impressed by what he had to say.
Well thanks for keeping us updated TS. That said, I want to say you've been friend zoned, but you haven't even accomplished that. Not even friendly acquaintanced zone. You are basically customer zoned.
Yeah, interesting ideas. I got some book you recommended at home. I'll read it at some point.

I'm talking about this video, specifically from 1hr 9min mark on.. It's loong but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it. I was impressed by what he had to say.

Which part specifically? That is really long. Why were you impressed? Many videos have models paid to be in them and just ass pics or some tits. It may not be this guy specifically but, I have seen many like that for the gullible and naive.
Maybe. I don't know. I suspect TS is about that life and it doesn't look at that effective to me. No diss. Just saying. At least he is going for girls. Tons of keyboard warriors and cucks that will talk shit and preach. No pics? Did not happen!

I did see that JB dude. The guy that got kicked off planet earth by feminists. I seen some shit go viral a few years. There was a journalist who followed him around. Naturally, I am skeptical when people want your money as you should be. He swore by what he did. Dude just was a machine getting girls. Who knows if he bed them but, it definitely is a step in the right direction compared to a lot of dudes raised by single moms and heading to a life of cuckoldry.

I hate to go there but, it is fucked. You can be WK or you can be the asshole. Some women reciprocate to certain behaviors. Again, sounds cliche but, women who are conservative, traditional, come from a nuclear family, not banished father syndrome react to certain healthier behavior more so then the girl with daddy issues.

A chick I picked up would not reciprocate to captain save a hoe. The more aloof, the more you disregard, not acknowledge her, make her cry, be a dick, the more she chases. This is what she reciprocates towards and women will turn on the water works and manipulate if you are a punk. Fuck not given. TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF.

I got an early morning. You can come over for an hour but then you gotta go.

You got to play the game yet keep it real. Drop the hammer. Set boundaries. Women will test you. In a relationship, any ounce of ambiguity is grounds for dismisall. As in, said girl is dead to me. GONE. Over. FINISHED!

Many dudes get cucked because they tolerate it.

We live in a girlie man society. Dudes urinating from the seated position; generation of men raised by women, no father figure, and mommy on the carousel running through dudes. Men are fucking lost. Even what most dudes deem as alpha is off the mark. The same for masculinity. Its all posturing or bravado. Girl puts on the good girl act and he is jello.

That pua shit is the same act but, when real life kicks off, the act wears thin. Again, if this is changing your life, power to you man. It beats being a cuck or the dude out raising the alphas children.

I wasn't either but, I learned the hard way. If a woman pisses you off, you call her ass out or you kick her the fuck out. Not physically, you tell her GTFO. If a woman comes to my place with a shitty attitude or bad mood, she out stayed her welcome. PERIOD. Not up for discussion.

The same with some skank. Not in the mood? Cool story bro. Some other girl is. Next.

Real talk, what one girl wont do, another one will. Personality is very individual. You are not compatible with everyone. Neither am I.

Regardless, I swing like a mother fucker, I bring passion, enthusiasm, I build myself up, and the people around me.

I think it was Stephen Covey (author of 7 Habits of highly effective people) that said , "you are the sum of the 5 closest people in your life." That said, you must be around those that thrive, that are ambitious, go getter, swinging the hammer, and marching to the beat of their own drum. Tomorrow ain't promised to nobody.

Chat up a tons of women. 5min in, you want to know whether or not she has a relationship with her father. Certain behaviors and reactions come about.

Simply put, I lead. They follow or next. No exceptions.

No offense to ts but this is bush league. Drop phone, let her put # in, take her out, and smash or next her already.

For sure. Like I said, in my old age, I am jaded as fuck and pretty cynical too.

I remember once I broke the ice with "EWWWWWWWWW." When the girl was like "what?" I just said WTF is in your hair? Oh, its just your head and then I laughed before turning my back to chat up other girls. Sloot was begging for attention.

Similarly, I was going nuts during the MCG/Alv fight. I knocked over beers, I was smashing on the tables, I was obnoxious, and bellierent screaming up the place. Woman sees this, poon got moist, and she started hovering around me. Wants in the party.

This is what women respond to especially in peak SMV. Not the beta, not the Wk, the man with the baby dick urinating from the seated position. If someone told me this in my teens, I would call them a liar but after series of experiences, seeing the same patterns time and time again, there is no denying.

Women love an asshole. It makes her moist knowing a man wont take her shit or the worlds. He is coming in to conquer. Not play nice.


Jesus Christ on a stick you're a ling winded prick. Are you sure you're not female?
He broke the game down in a way that made sense to me and it improved my pulls.

You seem like a nice guy wanting to help betas be more alpha, but what's your story? What do you bring to the table besides v-neck shirts, insulting women, and the whole single mother empowerment thing? You use the same screenshot of the girl saying she'll call you tomorrow.

I'm not attacking you bro. You seem like a nice guy, but I wonder if you're compensating with the whole 'I'm alpha af' approach.

You bragged about your physical appearance a few times. The dude in the vid is a short manlet which actually gives more cred to his game because he pulls in spite of that.

Here are texts I got from a woman that were sent 2 and 3 days agoView attachment 193251 View attachment 193253

You basically pedal some dudes nonsense that wants to sell you a product. Wants your resources.

Pointed out a simple truth; dudes getting cucked, dudes raising some alphas babies, and the series of fuckery.

Your being deceived by a snake oil salesman. A buddy models. Do you think he watchs that shit? Do you think he spends his money on that to get models? Three somes?

He sells that. I have seen the same ads before where models are in the background hired to sell products. The advertising industry does the same to sell designer gear.

The idea to manipulate and the girls aren't falling in line with nonsense.

The only one buying that shit is dudes with low self esteem. Guys that can't get girls.

You posted an hour plus long video.

You posted text msgs of two people saying "i miss u?" I woke up to a girls text saying her lady parts are sore.
Another shit thread brought to you by me being bored out of my mind at work.

Anyways, I mentioned in another thread how there’s a café in the building where the office I work at is. I also mentioned there is a chick working there who is absolutely gorgeous. I see a lot of hot chicks where I live so I’m not often blown away by good looking women, but this chick is something else.

I bought something at the café once and saw how pretty this girl was when she was behind the counter. But the other day I was reading a book at the café during my lunch break and saw her walk around the café and holy shit her body matches how beautiful her face is. Legit one of the most beautiful women I’ve laid eyes on in person. I’m surprised she’s working at a café and not a model or celebrity. I talked about cute girls at my job but none of them can hold a candle light to this chick. Perhaps I’m hyping her up too much, but sorry no pics.

Yesterday I asked her for the wifi password and she answered, “I love you.” I looked at her dumbfounded and she giggled and said it’s all in lowercase letters. My heart was about to leap out of my chest. What little I know of her, she seems charming too. She always greets customers with a big smile and seems eager to help people out. Like she leaps to the counter to get an order or answer a question. Compared to a lot of young employees at these sort of places, she doesn’t seem nearly as lazy.

Naturally, I want to ask her out. I have never approached a chick who was working before so I’m pondering how to approach her. I could order something and be like, “Can I get a cappuccino… And your number?” Pretty stupid though. Or I could start small talk with her by asking her what she recommends that I get.

How do you recommend that I do it sherbros?

P.S. I will not open with a comment about pigeons.

*Update on post #108
I remember reading about this guy in Japan who met a woman at a coffee shop and they went on a date and afterwards she literally tried to eat him. Luckly though someone dropped some steel beams on them so she never got to eat him.
You basically pedal some dudes nonsense that wants to sell you a product. Wants your resources.

Pointed out a simple truth; dudes getting cucked, dudes raising some alphas babies, and the series of fuckery.

Your being deceived by a snake oil salesman. A buddy models. Do you think he watchs that shit? Do you think he spends his money on that to get models? Three somes?

He sells that. I have seen the same ads before where models are in the background hired to sell products. The advertising industry does the same to sell designer gear.

The idea to manipulate and the girls aren't falling in line with nonsense.

The only one buying that shit is dudes with low self esteem. Guys that can't get girls.

You posted an hour plus long video.

You posted text msgs of two people saying "i miss u?" I woke up to a girls text saying her lady parts are sore.
You can simplify your response greatly with 'too long, didn't watch'. The rest is a repeat of what you said earlier. You do your thing, and I'll do mine. No need for anger or justification. ☺
I remember reading about this guy in Japan who met a woman at a coffee shop and they went on a date and afterwards she literally tried to eat him. Luckly though someone dropped some steel beams on them so she never got to eat him.

sounds like the black mirror show whereby some dude is doing some pickup nonsense and this woman leads him to his demise. The only situations I have come across similar were women with crotch crickets passing that shit around like wild fire and not telling the dude she is ruined goods regardless of sex appeal.
"Do you have a boyfriend?"

NEVER ask this question to another woman again. It can only end badly by communicating your sexual interest in her and instantly causes them to raise their defenses against someone hitting on them.

I find that if I'm talking to a girl, I'll finish the conversation with something like, "You seem like a lot of fun. I'm doing <fun activity> on <upcoming day>, you should come out."

Then shut the fuck up and wait for her to respond. There's only a few responses she can come back with:

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend." - Either she does and is being honest, or she's not into you and is letting you down easy.

"I can't, I'm working/school/busy." - She didn't outright say she has a boyfriend, so you still have a chance. Just ask her when is better for her. Then shut the fuck up again and force her to respond. If she's into you, she'll offer an alternative date. If she mutters another bullshit excuse, she's not into you and you can wash your hands of her.

Easy as pie.
He know how to talk to womens
It was the GOAT thread of its year, some classics:

-guy who cucked this friendzoned guy (chick made him drive them to his place, and made cuck stick around so she'd have a ride back home afterwards, not the "ride" y'alls are thinking of)
-guy who smashed that :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:o de mayo and had to fight and showcase his UFC skills with her to flush his future sons down the toilet
-guy who met a nurse who's place looked like Buffallo Bill's place, and still did the deed despite all his spidey senses going off
-guy who took a shit at his girl's place and forgot to flush, then it strained their "relationship"