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Originally posted by Iron Angel
I guess we can take Cap's non-answer as his answer.
I'm down, down to fight anyone, anytime. Just bring yourself over to no. california. we can do it at a local gym over here in san francisco.
I live in SF, Calfornia. Tell me what GYM you'll be fighting in so I can watch/record. I'm really interested in seeing this "Darker Side" of capoeira because i've had more trouble with TKD then capoeira. I'm 'not' trying to say CAP sucks... i'm just saying that it hasn't been prooven effective yet.

BTW if you do throw down with 'Masterless' will you use pure capoeira? Because if you win by a MT Knee or a Triangle Choke that just means that you won because of your KB and BJJ expierance.
BTW I can chip in for gas money as well. (KEYWORD: "Chip-in"... gas prices are bitches now...)
Originally posted by King of Hearts
BTW I can chip in for gas money as well. (KEYWORD: "Chip-in"... gas prices are bitches now...)
We can do it on 22 mission, where I do my capoeira, hardwood floors. I will be using bjj, muay thai AND cap by the way.
Originally posted by Capoeira
We can do it on 22 mission, where I do my capoeira, hardwood floors. I will be using bjj, muay thai AND cap by the way.

LOL... wasn't that the point? I'm betting we'll see very little (if any) capoeira.
Originally posted by Capoeira
We can do it on 22 mission, where I do my capoeira, hardwood floors. I will be using bjj, muay thai AND cap by the way.

thats cheating. then if i wanted to advertise drunken boxing, i can like do wat i usually do (BJJ, MT, wrestling), then after i win, i can do a drunken form. then i give credit to drunken boxing.
Originally posted by Capoeira
We can do it on 22 mission, where I do my capoeira, hardwood floors. I will be using bjj, muay thai AND cap by the way.

So, in other words, you'd be using MMA. That hardly advances the theory of capoeira as a viable fighting art.

And if you were inviting me to play, I'd love to but I'm on the wrong coast.
Originally posted by Capoeira
We can do it on 22 mission, where I do my capoeira, hardwood floors. I will be using bjj, muay thai AND cap by the way.

AHa so now u finally change your tune!

Even u now agree that Capoeira isnt as great as u thought.

Lesson learned.
Capoeira, like I said before (and what e eryon else is saying), by saying:

"I will be using BJJ, Muay Thai, and Cap by the way..."- Capoeira

That obliterates the point of sparring with 'Masterless'. No one is doubting that your a "capable" fighter. If someone was, then you'd be justified to using KB and BJJ. However, since the intitial challenge is "capoeira is ineffective...", the only way for you to proove that it's not is to defeat 'Masterless' without using BJJ or MT or anyother MA.

I like how 'BlackBeltNow' put it:

"thats cheating. then if i wanted to advertise drunken boxing, i can like do wat i usually do (BJJ, MT, wrestling), then after i win, i can do a drunken form. then i give credit to drunken boxing."
Originally posted by King of Hearts
I like how 'BlackBeltNow' put it:

"thats cheating. then if i wanted to advertise drunken boxing, i can like do wat i usually do (BJJ, MT, wrestling), then after i win, i can do a drunken form. then i give credit to drunken boxing."

to be more sarcastic, i could've just said "thats cheating. i can like do wat i usually do (BJJ, MT, wrestling), then after i win or KO, i cartwheel over the loser. then ~~*capoeria zoom zoom zoom*~~"
Hey Capoeira, you still haven't answered me about explaining what you mean by the darkside of capoeira. I'm not challenging you to a fight, I'm just trying to make sense out your statements. Seriously, give a little more explanation to what kind of training you do that makes capoeira more effective.
This just came into my mind. In UFC 31(I think), Pedro Rizzo said he did capoeira as a kid, but he always wanted to hit people and they didn't let him do that. He said he started kickboxing because he wanted to be allowed to hit people. Rizzo is from Brazil, so he's not as ignorant to capoeira as most other people are, yet he still did muay thai because he felt it was a better standup art.
what about pure cap vs pure muay thai or pure bjj? or even pure cap vs pure wrestling? its pretty obvious what moves are cap... and its pretty obvious which moves're mt/bjj/wr.

cap, who'd u think would win? u said u can beat tons of mt guys... w/ mt training or w/o?
Originally posted by RearNekkid
what about pure cap vs pure muay thai or pure bjj? or even pure cap vs pure wrestling? its pretty obvious what moves are cap... and its pretty obvious which moves're mt/bjj/wr.

cap, who'd u think would win? u said u can beat tons of mt guys... w/ mt training or w/o?
Pure cap will not do any good vs a pure bjj, i know that for a fact; however i will do pure cap vs pure muay thai. cap do incorporate some elbows and knees, not much but there are some. we cannot use our hands to combat though.
Originally posted by Gongchu
Hey Capoeira, you still haven't answered me about explaining what you mean by the darkside of capoeira. I'm not challenging you to a fight, I'm just trying to make sense out your statements. Seriously, give a little more explanation to what kind of training you do that makes capoeira more effective.
The darker side of cap is simply a NHB match in a roda. Its a real fight where we try and knock out the other opponent. Anything is legal.
C'mon guys... every body knows that the Capoeira guys let the Chute Boxe guys beat them to a bloody pulp in order to give Chute Boxe a false sense of security. Any year now Kunta Kinte and the rest of the Capettes are gonna pop out of a cake at Vanderlei's birthday and wipe out Chute Boxe with their Dark Capoeira.
sorry capoeira but this thread started to suck. ive already seen capoeira in action enough to state that it is only a good sport to stay fit, but against muay thai or jiu jitsu is almost uselless.
Whoops, never mind.

If Cap is so good why have we never seen in it MMA?

The techniques must be too deadly, or perhaps you guys have a special credo that you all have to follow which forbids competition.

I understand...