Cant eat like I want to. Intermediate progression instead of SS?


Brown Belt
Jan 7, 2012
Reaction score
I am staying as a guest with a host family for the next two months.
The family is great, but just dont give me enough food. Right now I'm eating about 1800 calories a day, including me buying my own food. I just dont have the budget to splurge.

Before I moved in with this family my lifts and stats were as follows using SS

Olympic Squat: 335x5x3
Deadlift: 385x5
Bench: 235x5x3
Power Cleans: 195x3x5
OHP: 155x5x3
BW: 179 lbs
Since then:

Olympic Squat: 255x5x3
Deadlift: 305x5
Bench: 195x5x3
Power Cleans: 165x3x5
OHP: 135x5x3
BW:165 lbs

So a pretty drastic decline. My bench has been re-progressing decently as well as my deadlift, but I just haven't able get my squat up in the past two weeks. I've never been in a situation where I couldn't eat enough, so I figure thats the main issue.

If I were to do a less strenuous program such as a weekly linear progression would that help me go up in weight at more regular intervals? Thanks.

Reduce reps, go pure strength.

That being said, did you really lose 13lb? How big were you previously?
Why is your host family starving you? Your basal metabolism should be more than 1800 calories.
Find a way to eat more. How much money do you have to spend on additional food?
Why is your host family starving you? Your basal metabolism should be more than 1800 calories.

The sad part is shes feeding me twice as much as everybody else in the house.

In the morning I'll usually have 2 mini muffins, four biscuits a glass of OJ and a cup of tea
For lunch I will have soup and maybe 200 grams of some other food.
For dinner I will have four hotdogs a couple of french fries and maybe like 1 chicken wing.

What I'm usually used to is eating through my university's all you can eat meal plan where I'll have about 5 eggs, two slices of whole grain toast, sausage and home fries.
Lunch would be a chicken sandwich, 2 slices of pizza, a plate of stir fry, a burger and a couple bowls of pasta.

Dinner would be similar to lunch.

You can see why I've lost so much weight here

Reduce reps, go pure strength.

That being said, did you really lose 13lb? How big were you previously?

I dont really know how much more 'pure strength I can go than 5 reps across 3 sets.
I've been here for about a month and a half and, yea I lost ~13 pounds :(.
Dont know how to answer how big I was. Pretty skinny and lean with oversized legs I guess.
I'm about 5'11"

Find a way to eat more. How much money do you have to spend on additional food?

I spent most of the money I earned this summer on summer classes. I was dumb and was banking on being stuffed silly by my host family. I have about 700 dollars.

I'm planning on going over my friends apartment a lot to cook groceries I can buy in bulk, but I still assume Ill be on a large caloric defecit
I dont really know how much more 'pure strength I can go than 5 reps across 3 sets.
I've been here for about a month and a half and, yea I lost ~13 pounds :(.
Dont know how to answer how big I was. Pretty skinny and lean with oversized legs I guess.
I'm about 5'11"

5 rep is not strength.

2-3 rep is. Keep the reps low and easy, but over 90% of your 1rm.
Are you planning on getting a job? Do you think you can get through school with that amount of money?
TS, what type of food do you buy on your own? I was on a ridiculously tight food budget for a while, Im sure some others around here have been too, perhaps we can help there.
Buy oats, eat 1lb oats daily on top of your current diet. That's +1800 calories, problem solved.

If you don't have those 20$ (should be less) to buy 30lb of oats for the month, I feel very sad for you.
don't do 3 sets of 5 if you're eating less than 2000 calories a day.

keep the volume even lower. try 3 sets of 3 or work up to 1 set of 5 and increase weight.
If you mean 1 rep max strength then doing nothing but sets of 5 can definitely drive up 1RM capability, so you're wrong again.

I mean that 5 reps for 3 sets is not the best approach for someone who lost 13lb in a month due to under-eating.
Buy oats, eat 1lb oats daily on top of your current diet. That's +1800 calories, problem solved.

If you don't have those 20$ (should be less) to buy 30lb of oats for the month, I feel very sad for you.

Other cheap food:
Peanut butter
Whole milk

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