Elections California bans voter ID

So if it's such an insignificant number, why do you care if they get free government issued id's? There's literally no reason not to support that.

I'm fine with it. I'm just saying that you're starting to believe in the liberal fantasy that there is a whole subset of people who do not have the means of getting an ID but are still active voters. The idea that there are a bunch of people in America that can't get to a DMV is ridiculous. People that are going through life without an ID are pretty much either illegal immigrants, children or people living in tents and halfway houses.
I'm sorry, I don't think you answered my question with all that. This isn't even a "gotcha" moment I'm more bewildered than anything.

Walk me through this if you can: The imposter just signed your "signature" and was allowed to cast the ballot. You now walk in to do the same and notice someone's already signed for you. The fraud has been spotted. Do you now say "hey, so I'm actually the real guy, I suppose you'll take my word for it and allow me to cast my ballot."

Like, what's the procedure at that point?
In most states you could still cast a provisional ballot, and of course you can sign an affidavit as to what occurred. I would wager that in most states the person’s provisional ballot would be counted.

But obviously we’d hear about these scenarios if they were happening in significant numbers.
Well your picture has to be updated for one dumb dumb. So you think people keep the same picture on their Driver’s License for 50 years? You really are one of the stupidest people who’s ever walked the earth.

Okay even if it takes 2 hours sit there and wait like a normal person.
They can't afford ID's but able to afford groceries right now. Oh and it's somehow racist the same arguments or 40 years or so.

If we can come up with 100 billion to send to Ukraine, surely we could give every citizen a ID
Fucking hell it's the same song and dance in all these voter ID threads.

Judges have consistently ruled that demanding voter ID via legislation is illegal because the implementation of the rule is broadly to prevent people voting, not because it's effective at solving the supposed problem of people illegally voting in elections.

The rules are often blatantly targeting groups of people that tend to vote dem and exclude/include forms of ID to have the largest effect on the numbers of people voting.

It's a fairly transparent attempt at disenfranchisement. You'll note that it's never coupled with an attempt to provide the registers voters with an ID free of charge, thus meaning it will be an expense people have to incur to stop them from doing something perfectly legal.
I was wondering this.

If its so important to have ID-

Why not propose free and easy voter ID for citizens as opposed to mandating something that is evidently hard for some citizens to get?
I don’t understand how voter ID makes a difference. I am registered to vote at a certain location. They have a book there with all the names of the voters in the district along with a copy of their signature when they registered. I sign my name next the copy of the signature on file and then am handed a ballot.

For someone to vote illegally using my name, they would have to know my district and show up there and then try and forge my signature in front of an official. Say they get by that and are able to cast a ballot. When I go in to cast my vote I will be told I already voted and then the fraud will be discovered.
It doesn’t, people are just gullible.
Imagine that some imposter would have to be willing to go through the trouble, risking a felony, just so they might cast a vote that they have no idea will even make any difference. It’s ridiculous and there’s no issue to solve here.
I mean, I’d support a voter id distributed to all citizens for free just to shut people up. But, election security is not really the goal, let’s be honest.
I was wondering this.

If its so important to have ID-

Why not propose free and easy voter ID for citizens as opposed to mandating something that is evidently hard for some citizens to get?
Right. I would be fine with an id law if they made them easy to get. It’s not something that could be enacted in within months or a year. They still haven’t gotten real id going which was passed in 2005.
I was wondering this.

If its so important to have ID-

Why not propose free and easy voter ID for citizens as opposed to mandating something that is evidently hard for some citizens to get?

They’re only hard to obtain for lazy people.
So maybe you should vote different in future. I'm guessing you will continue to vote democrats though even though you made that statement 😉 Dang I hope Kamala helps this nation the next 4 years
i've voted democrat twice and republican once, being trump. didn't vote for a president this time. so close.
They’re only hard to obtain for lazy people.
at minimum, it requires a computer, mailing address, and/or transportation. considering our country is one of the few in the world vastly dependent on personal vehicles and public transportation is damn near nonexistent in most of the country, it's not just the price of the ID that's the problem.
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Most developed countries require you to produce valid, government issued identification. This really shouldn't be controversial.

Lol @ all the bullshit excuses in this thread : "Hear me out! What if there is a woman who finishes her shift as a waitress, oh and she's POOR!........and she she can't afford bus fare to go home, so she has to hitch hike home,but before she goes home, she has to pick up her children from day care, so now she's with her kids, in a truck, with a stranger, going home! and when she gets home,she has to feed her kids food, but because she's poor, it's dog food! Then she has to rush off to her stripper job after the kids are fed and tucked in! We can't expect her to get ID! Did I mention she's poor?"

Like what the fuck are we doing here? Honestly.
I'm pretty sure most of them ITT are trolling. Notice the gaslighting statements like: "OMG they actually think voter id makes a difference, they are so gullible!"
at minimum, it requires a computer, mailing address, and/or transportation. considering our country is one of the few in the world vastly dependent on personal vehicles and public transportation is damn near nonexistent in most of the country, it's not just the price of the ID that's the problem.

Lmao you make America sound like a third world country. Need some proof that public transportation is damn near non existent in most of the country. Also need some proof that the majority of the country has less than $500 in their bank account…which requires an ID by the way. Dipshit.
anyone who supports this is an enemy of the usa. it’s that simple.
anyone who supports this is an enemy of the usa.
Sudden surge in "enemy" talk around here in the last few days. Fucking jabronis

Lmao you make America sound like a third world country. Need some proof that public transportation is damn near non existent in most of the country. Also need some proof that the majority of the country has less than $500 in their bank account…which requires an ID by the way. Dipshit.
Again with the insults. Where I live there is zero public transport, not even UBER and the taxi service is so remedial even if you book well in advance.