Elections California bans voter ID

And easy to obtain. That second part is key to the Republican strategy.
How much easier does it need to be?

Can't the application for one be submitted online in most states?
If you dont understand the difference between a vote and a gun, and you're going to conflate the two because either you feel salty about perfectly reasonable gun regulations (which the right itself specifically says "well-regulated"), and even saltier about people you dont like having easier access to deciding who Governs their lives as citizens, then you're the kind of voter people actually should be worried about and not the brown ones who actually cant vote.
Holy crap . . .
But it is broken. You're completely rejecting it because you dislike Republicans. Stop looking at the vote for a second. Look at life in general. Having a free, valid ID will help millions of people. Proving who you are in a job interview, being recognized by the government, etc.

How can you be against that?
Who is against that? I gather that people are against making voter id laws when data shows there are barriers to obtaining it for many Americans.
I'm too lazy to go through all this. Someone tell me if they actually did ban voter id or if this is just rage bait
You still need some proof of identity to register to vote. The trumped up controversy (no pun intended but opportune) is putting into law that poll workers may not ask for ID unnecessarily when people show up to vote, as I understand it.
I never said rights are absolute. I said:

I've been told that certain things aren't infringements, but are more inconveniences . . . yet in this thread, I've read where exercising rights shouldn't be made harder or citizens shouldn't need to jump through more hoops (becoming disenfranchised).

I'll say it again:

Anything that prevents any of us from fully expressing a right, even if that entails something you might deem as unnecessary to exercise that right is an infringement. This does NOT say rights are absolute.
lmao isn't that what the word "anything" means in this statement? You can't be fucking serious here ROFL
Oh I don’t think having ID is a bad thing by any means. I just don’t think the government is helping much, because I don’t think that these laws are designed to help people get ID. They are written purposely to make it harder for certain demographics to vote, that’s their real purpose.

If every registered voter got a government-issued photo voting ID free of charge, along with the law having a very expansive list of other things a voter could use to prove identity should they lose the free ID, I probably wouldn’t care so much. It’s still an issue for the homeless though. A lot of states will let them use a park, bench, or whatever as their residence, but you can’t mail an ID there. They typically also don’t have a lot of money, may not have photo ID, and aren’t carting around their birth certificate or whatever to get a replacement.


That’s what you got from our last exchange?
I don’t care if you want to bring up the 2A. I didn’t object to it, I offered rebuttals to your points. What I objected to is you bringing the 2A up, then not liking my rebuttals and saying “can we just move on already” when you’re the one who introduced the topic. It’s like you’re annoyed with me for debating you in a debate you initiated.

But I’ll offer my .02 that I don’t really see a difference between fully expressing a right p, as you put it, and the right being absolute. What do you feel is the difference?

And this isn’t just a 2A thing. Is a cigarette company who is forced to put a warning on their product fully expressing their 1st Amendment right? What about people sued for libel or slander?

The exchange is ridiculous. It seems to me he started his weekend early, namsayin'?
lmao isn't that what the word "anything" means in this statement? You can't be fucking serious here ROFL

The exchange is ridiculous. It seems to me he started his weekend early, namsayin'?
Thanks for your input Andy.
nobody is stupid enough to not get this, the guys in this thread continuing to argue how this is a good thing are pathetic.
I don’t think people are saying it’s a “good thing”, just that it makes a negligible difference where it concerns fraud, and makes a much bigger difference where it concerns voter suppression.

But, hey, maybe you’re right. If you wanted to get candidate x elected, walk me through your process of making that happen by illegally voting in-person in Cali.
Well how are you supposed to let dead people, illegal aliens and anyone else that will vote dem vote if you can ID them?

It is just hilarious how Dems think voter ID is a bad thing, like a legit bad thing. They cost like $20 in most places. Republicans have proposed giving free IDs and dems still refuse then saying people can't get to the DMV if they're poor. Really? Like in most cities you can walk to the the DMV from most places. You can take a bus. Get a fucking ride? It's all just fucking nonsense. Everyone needs an ID to live these days so if you don't have one, you're not really engaging in society so maybe you shouldn't vote anyway.
Ok so a non citizen can buy a gun. Either way it's the right of the American people to be able to bear arms, yet you have to provide identification to do so. The logic applies to both guns and voting yet left wingers are only mad about one and not the other.
well one is the right to shoot people and the other is the right to participate in democracy, so surely you can understand the perceived double standard.
Well how are you supposed to let dead people, illegal aliens and anyone else that will vote dem vote if you can ID them?

It is just hilarious how Dems think voter ID is a bad thing, like a legit bad thing. They cost like $20 in most places. Republicans have proposed giving free IDs and dems still refuse then saying people can't get to the DMV if they're poor. Really? Like in most cities you can walk to the the DMV from most places. You can take a bus. Get a fucking ride? It's all just fucking nonsense. Everyone needs an ID to live these days so if you don't have one, you're not really engaging in society so maybe you shouldn't vote anyway.
not only is basically everything you said wrong, it doesn't really matter. if you want voting to be harder for even one person, you are anti-democracy
Well how are you supposed to let dead people, illegal aliens and anyone else that will vote dem vote if you can ID them?

It is just hilarious how Dems think voter ID is a bad thing, like a legit bad thing. They cost like $20 in most places. Republicans have proposed giving free IDs and dems still refuse then saying people can't get to the DMV if they're poor. Really? Like in most cities you can walk to the the DMV from most places. You can take a bus. Get a fucking ride? It's all just fucking nonsense. Everyone needs an ID to live these days so if you don't have one, you're not really engaging in society so maybe you shouldn't vote anyway.

I'm starting to become convinced that anyone who makes this kind of idiotic statement has never actually voted.
I don’t think people are saying it’s a “good thing”, just that it makes a negligible difference where it concerns fraud, and makes a much bigger difference where it concerns voter suppression.

But, hey, maybe you’re right. If you wanted to get candidate x elected, walk me through your process of making that happen by illegally voting in-person in Cali.
All fraudulent votes should be suppressed, that's what requiring ID does.

You want step by step process ? easy because there is only one, pass a law making it impossible to figure out who is voting illegally. I suggest you check out the very first post in this thread.
not only is basically everything you said wrong, it doesn't really matter. if you want voting to be harder for even one person, you are anti-democracy
If you want to make it easier for people to vote who shouldn't be allowed to vote or make it easier to vote illegally then you are anti-democracy.

Not a single thing I said was untrue. Dems make up every fucking reason under the sun on how to make sure nobody has to prove who they are to vote. Explain where i'm wrong.
I'm starting to become convinced that anyone who makes this kind of idiotic statement has never actually voted.
Explain. How the fuck is it so hard to get an ID? I was poor AF growing up and my Mom had an ID, it's not that fucking hard. The only reason you don't have an ID is because you're a lazy ass that just doesn't go get it done.
then surely fraudulent voting is just rampant in non-voter-ID states yeah?
Yes, it is.

How many people would not get to vote if they didn't have an ID that would vote otherwise? I bet you can find at least as many votes that are fraudulent.
If you want to make it easier for people to vote who shouldn't be allowed to vote or make it easier to vote illegally then you are anti-democracy.
everyone getting a say is literally the tenet of democracy. wanting more access to voting is the opposite of anti-democracy.
Not a single thing I said was untrue. Dems make up every fucking reason under the sun on how to make sure nobody has to prove who they are to vote. Explain where i'm wrong.
ID's aren't $20 in most places, and basically everything you said after that was based on "most big cities" which is retarded. you can't "walk to the DMV in most places" and you can't get public transportation in like 45% of this country. we don't make laws that suppress the voting of (minimum) 45% of the country.