Cain Velasquez vs Fabricio Werdum 2 (Confirmed) (Poll)

I cant believe they are making this fight, complete BS. He got dominated and beat up after holding up the division for 18 months only to get another shot. This is very annoying as all we have seen are rematches at HW
Terrible. Cain doesn't deserve the rematch at all.

But I'm calling it now. Cain wins.
The UFC had plenty of other worthy opponents for Werdum and instead we're getting a fucking undeserving rematch. Joe Silva sucks and so does Dana for okaying this bullshit. I'd love to hear Dana or Joe Silva explain why Cain is getting a rematch. Fucking morons.

"Listen, here's the thing, Cain was a guy that was fucking destroying everybody in the HW divison, literally cleaning it out. And now here comes a guy in Werdum who walks into Cain's country, comes into Cain's own backyard and brings the fight to Velasquez in the GREATEST FUCKING FIGHT I'VE EVER SEEN IN THE HISTORY OF FIGHTING, okay? So of course the guy's gonna get an instant rematch. This is the greatest UFC Heavyweight title fight rematch in UFC history, you fucking goof, and the fight that the fans wanna see.

Also, go out and buy some Reebok."
Agreed, and I am disappoint. :icon_cry2 Shouldn't Cain have to fight his way back to another TS, especially since he let 18 months elapse between his last two fights?

This is bullshit, I don't give a damn about sea level Cain.

It's unbelievable bullshit. Right when Werdum comes in to save the division, Dana & company get high as fuck & ruin it with this stupidity. Do they just want to put Cain in a JDS type situation or what??

Now watch Frank beat AA & fuck everything even further. UFC intentionally making HW a joke.

What a bullshit fight. At least its not a headliner. The Co Main of McGregor/Aldo is pretty much the only way theyd get my $ for it.
Cain at sea level, Werdum at high altitude. lulz. Horrible match making.
This tells me Zuffa STILL believes that Cain can be a big draw some day and bring the Mexican demographic into MMA.


Cain has been such a bust from a promotional standpoint, they are hoping he loses 2 fights in a row so he can be excluded from the title picture for a while.

Werdum TKO Rd 2.
What there was nobody else for Werdum to fight??


There are


I that order I feel they deserve it, the Fedor fight was just a fun match up to think about obviously Fedor doesn't deserve it but if they are just gonna give it to Cain then fuck it I'd rather see Fedor
Wait a second, let me adjust my tin-foil hat a bit...


They know Cain is gonna pull out due to injury, then they could give Fedor a title shot in his place!

Ya probably not.
does a single person outside of cormier or rockhold want to see this fight? Even cain himself probably doesn't want it. this is ridiculous.

is there any way to voice fan opinion directly to the ufc that this is a stupid fucking fight to make?

Believe it or not you are doing it now

Sometimes the UFC puts feelers out there to gauge the interest in a fight, they basically said Lawler vs Hendricks 3 was gonna happen right after the 2nd fight but the fans bitched so much about it they scrapped it

Not only did they scrap it then but Dana seems very uninterested in it happening since all the uproar. Hopefully this turns out to be a similar thing
Why did they fight in the first place if there was just going to be a rematch when Cain lost? This is so pointless.


UFC is only one step away from being WWE at this point. Politics are now playing a role just like they did in the WWE.

UFC desperately wants guys like Cain, Condit and Gus as champions. Rankings don't matter. It's all about business and politics and it's completely unacceptable. If in any other sport, a team or player was given a rematch because the promotion wanted them to win, there would be outrage.

As MMA fans, we just accept it and we shouldn't. UFC needs to decide if they are a sport and if rankings matter of if they just want to be a entertainment company that makes fights on a whim to sell PPVs. You can't be both. It's becoming a circus.

This, but people have been deluded to think this resembles anything close to a real sport. it hasn't forever. The way it is now, the UFC can never BE a sport, as a business it has a conflict of interest from the get go

In reality its entertainment dressed up with a vaneer of sporting legitimacy such that it can maintain consistency for the viewer but in reality its simply the best way to extract the most cash from the cow (us MMA fans).

At worst, the UFC is simply a money making exercise USING MMA as the mechanism to turn profit. Part of me thinks it could be a paper plane contest or thumb wrestling for all they care as long as it was profitable.

The stupid thing is, people are deluded in thinking Zuffa are really in this to help mixed martial arts. I do think Dana and the Frettitas love MMA, but they are conflicted as the bottom line is if MMA benefits, its more to do with being an enabler to make Zuffa more money. When push comes to shove, the motive is not to grow MMA for the sake of MMA, its to grow MMA so they can make more money.

My worry is that if MMA ceases to be as profitable in the future, look at Zuffa dropping it like a stone.

But lol, a sport this is not, and to think its some kind of bastion of integrity when looking down on entertainment like Pride, that's also amusing
I refuse to vote, because:

Why did they fight in the first place if there was just going to be a rematch when Cain lost? This is so pointless.

You don't know why?


Also they had no idea that their 'Mexican Hero' loved Mexico so deeply that he would refuse to stay there any more than contractually obligated to & thus couldn't get acclimated to altitude

Zuffa rewarding Cain after that display is disgusting IMO
Oh fantastic, Cain in another rematch so he has the chance to win and hold up the division with injuries for 2 years.

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