Social Brooklyn Students go Remote Learning - 2k Illegals transferred to sleep in Gym

Economic migrants should be deported and have their country of origin foot the bill.
Hello…. They wouldn’t be migrants if their country of origin could foot the bill for police and soldiers to ward off the cartels and god
knows what else they are fleeing from.

We are the richest country on earth.

We can spare a lousy high school gymnasium for a night or even a month if it means the migrants can start the asylum process asap.
you're pretending that politics suddenly don't exist. so it becomes "dems are rational do-gooders who want to fix the border but they can't because of evil republicans".

in reality it's "GOP refuse to help dems secure the election by fixing long term grossly negligent democrat policy".
No, I'm not pretending politics doesn't exist. I'm explaining what the politics are. Your whole air quote about the dems is not something I ever said.

You want to lay the entire blame on the democrats, a position that was more credible 2 weeks ago than today. Then when someone says "You know, blaming the democrats for the whole thing loses credibility when the GOP says that they won't do anything either," you want people to ignore the implications of it.

It's fine to say the Democrats are playing politics with the border. But it's also pretty obvious that the GOP is too. They're outright saying it's about politics and you want thinking people to ignore what they're saying. Even if you agree with why they're doing it, you still have to update your understanding of the situation to reflect that.

You can't have them say "We won't do something for political reasons," agree with them and still continue to say "It's entirely the other person's fault." No, now we have knowledge that both of them are part of the problem, even if for different reasons. I can't play the game where I ignore readily available information so I can continue internet arguments.
I have a disability and can't get remote learning at my college
Do you really think 10s of millions of dollars cuts it?

For the housing portion on a general city by city level? Yes.

Adams claims is, unfortunately, based on the fact that NYC doesn't have the facilities already in place to handle the problem, like cities in the South do. But even if his claim was credible, they would still be entitled to reimbursement from the federal government.

He's already received more than $140 million from the federal government. So, no, $10s of millions doesn't cut it but it's also not relevant to NYC.
2k people in a gymnasium would be a sweet game of bombardment.
Before I make my point, I'll reiterate that I have no problem with the busing of illegal immigrants. It's a clever political approach to the problem.

But we have another thread where the GOP openly stated that they don't want to pass some bill to address an aspect of border security because it would give the Dems political points.

This is what the backend of politics look like. They campaign about the problems regarding the border. Then they campaign on the idea that Democrats refuse to do anything about the border problems. Then they say they won't do anything about the border themselves because it would help Democrats. Then they continue to campaign on the same problems from the border as before...

...except now we know how complicit they are in extending the problem.

It's a problem, yes. But they won't help fix it so long as there are political points to win or political opponents to harm.

This isn't unique to the GOP or to border issues but it is emblematic of why problems don't get fixed. People champion this because they feel like they're getting a political victory out of it.
One, that was one Republican and not even close to representative of the main party. The supposed party nominee has long been consistent about stopping illegal immigration, even when he was relentlessly attacked for saying it. Second, does the supposed funding help prevent illegal immigration into America, or does it help move processing faster so that more illegal immigrants are allowed to be settled into the country, actually exacerbatimg the very problem?
For the housing portion on a general city by city level? Yes.

Adams claims is, unfortunately, based on the fact that NYC doesn't have the facilities already in place to handle the problem, like cities in the South do. But even if his claim was credible, they would still be entitled to reimbursement from the federal government.

He's already received more than $140 million from the federal government. So, no, $10s of millions doesn't cut it but it's also not relevant to NYC.
The South doesn't have the capacity to handle the amount of immigrants they get. And the few facilities they do have were attacked as inhumane because the material separating rooms was a cage rather than a solid wall (which for visibility purposes makes complete sense).

Also most of the South didn't claim they were "sanctuary cities" like these very same virtue signaling cities did. These cities thought they could get brownie points and never have to deal with the consequences of their actions. They thought they could create problems for other people and get credit for calling out those racist Southerners. Now they are given a tiny fraction of the problem that they claimed they wanted and are completely breaking down. And it's not like NYC or Chicago are some poor cities either. They are some of the richest cities in the world, they have way more money to deal with issues than some small border town ever could imagine having.

So this is classic virtue signal -> NIMBY behaviour that we see from primarily leftists who want to show their virtue to everyone else but not deal with the consequences.

Also people like AOC are saying the solution to undocumented aliens is to simply document them, as if the issue is their lack of documents rather than every single person in the world regardless of criminal status, poverty status, overpopulation in the cities they are going to, lack of low skilled labour jobs, etc. It's completely idiotic and possibly even intentional, as the Cloward-Piven strategy formulated in the 60s by leftist professors shows.
i hated school as a kid, it felt like prison for kids. We barely learned anythig. i wish they had closed it to house immigrants, then i could have smoked more weed with my friends and went skateboarding all day.
When the democrats want to spend the required money to close the border and built facilities to house the ones here in camps until they are processed and the Republicans block that, then I'll call out any republican that blocks or doesn't vote for it.

The only thing the democrats want funding for is to get more here faster.
LOL. You're gonna see just how quickly Leftists realize how idiotic "sanctuary cities" are as a concept, and in practice.
Maybe not full leftists, but democrat black folks sure are. They feel replaced and let down and claim they will show it in the next election. Harlem, Brooklen, Queens, Staten Island, The Bronx all have protests and town meetings led by black and Hispanic residents fed up with the scourge of migrants taking resources away from their communities.

The South doesn't have the capacity to handle the amount of immigrants they get. And the few facilities they do have were attacked as inhumane because the material separating rooms was a cage rather than a solid wall (which for visibility purposes makes complete sense).

Also most of the South didn't claim they were "sanctuary cities" like these very same virtue signaling cities did. These cities thought they could get brownie points and never have to deal with the consequences of their actions. They thought they could create problems for other people and get credit for calling out those racist Southerners. Now they are given a tiny fraction of the problem that they claimed they wanted and are completely breaking down. And it's not like NYC or Chicago are some poor cities either. They are some of the richest cities in the world, they have way more money to deal with issues than some small border town ever could imagine having.

So this is classic virtue signal -> NIMBY behaviour that we see from primarily leftists who want to show their virtue to everyone else but not deal with the consequences.

Also people like AOC are saying the solution to undocumented aliens is to simply document them, as if the issue is their lack of documents rather than every single person in the world regardless of criminal status, poverty status, overpopulation in the cities they are going to, lack of low skilled labour jobs, etc. It's completely idiotic and possibly even intentional, as the Cloward-Piven strategy formulated in the 60s by leftist professors shows.
No offense but 90% of that has nothing to do with what I said. He asked about the amount of money in reimbursement, in reference to a prior post where I mentioned that cities get reimbursed for what they spend attending to illegal immigrants.

I'm not even sure what you're arguing. Whether a city is a "sanctuary city" or not doesn't change the federal reimbursement element. And while the South might not have the capacity for the amount of immigrants they get, it doesn't change that the infrastructure was built in the South because of its proximity to the border.

I don't know what the AOC thing is about since it's not really relevant to the sheltering cost that I was talking about.
this migration thing showed how impotent the conservatives in america are, and it's sad.
dems just flood the country with trash that they will in turn transform in voters, and the republicans response to that is to autistically run and buy more guns and ammo, like that solves anything.

either that or write angry fan fiction about what should happen, without ever actually doing anything.

this is how it is when you're fighting activism. the activists infiltrated at levels of power don't give a shit about the law they are supposed to uphold. and nothing happens to them, not really, at most they are replaced by another activist. they control media, academia, politics, the way the country will look in 20 years.

you've lost the war. all you can do is build higher and higher fences and shiver in fear behind them, clutching your gun collection.

my only hope is that we will be able to stop the infection in europe to the west of the eastern euro wall. cause countries like france or germany are already dead.

Eastern Europe is screwed. Just look at what happened in Poland yesterday, arresting two conservatives. After stating they will take over the media.
Hello…. They wouldn’t be migrants if their country of origin could foot the bill for police and soldiers to ward off the cartels and god
knows what else they are fleeing from.

We are the richest country on earth.

We can spare a lousy high school gymnasium for a night or even a month if it means the migrants can start the asylum process asap.

Yeah... Fuck those kids

Because remote learning during COVID didn't set back students several years or anything
i hated school as a kid, it felt like prison for kids. We barely learned anythig. i wish they had closed it to house immigrants, then i could have smoked more weed with my friends and went skateboarding all day.

That's basically what happened during COVID to kids during school lockdown

Test scores show American students slipping further behind despite recovery efforts​

Eastern Europe is screwed. Just look at what happened in Poland yesterday, arresting two conservatives. After stating they will take over the media.
there's seriously no comparison.
you've got trannies in high government and are forced to go to tranny worship classes.
come on now.
One, that was one Republican and not even close to representative of the main party. The supposed party nominee has long been consistent about stopping illegal immigration, even when he was relentlessly attacked for saying it. Second, does the supposed funding help prevent illegal immigration into America, or does it help move processing faster so that more illegal immigrants are allowed to be settled into the country, actually exacerbatimg the very problem?
You should head over to that thread so that we don't rehash the problem here but I'll try to summarize.

First, the majority of your illegal immigrants do not come over the border. Almost 2/3 of them come from visa overstays. Meaning that they entered legally and simply did not leave when they were supposed to. Tracking them down and deporting is as important as deporting the 1/3 that come over the border. To repeat: The border is not the only place where illegal immigrants come from, it's not even the biggest place.

Second, deporting illegal aliens and evaluating asylum claims requires legal processing. A hearing, a judge, a ruling. This takes time. While the process is being carried out, the immigrant cannot be deemed illegal or denied asylum. The deportable conclusions come after the hearing, not before. The reason is that you cannot risk accidentally deporting a legal resident or denying asylum to someone who should get it.

This creates a problem. The government has to attend to the immigrants while their exact status is being hashed out in the legal system. They have to house them and feed them or they have to let them wander and hope they show up for their hearings. The longer it takes to get them through the system, the bigger the back up.

HERE'S THE IMPORTANT PIECE: Asylum applications are only accepted within the country or at a port of entry.

Why does the back up matter? Individuals who might be willing to wait for their time to file an asylum application at a port of entry aren't willing to wait indefinitely. This incentivizes them to enter the country illegal and file their applications from within the country where they have to be housed and fed while they wait. This extends the time for processing, increasing the backlog, increasing the benefit of trying to skip the line.

This is why the speed of processing is extremely important. If you have a backlog at processing then you get a backlog at the ports of entry. A backlog at the ports of entry means that people will prefer the other method of application - within the country. They will enter the country illegally because that positions them to file their asylum application and thus forces us to house them.

The faster you get people through the processing system, the faster you reduce the backlog at the ports of entry. Reduction of that backlog reduces the need to enter illegally to file an asylum application.

Got it? So, faster processing doesn't encourage people to come here and it doesn't allow them to be settled here. Faster processing means that you can more quickly deny asylum when appropriate and deport people without increasing the benefit of sneaking in vs. waiting for their hearing on the other side of the border.

I hope you read that because it's an important part of the border problem.

But I fear that too many people are not going to read all of that and not bother to understand why it matters.

And I'm sure that a bunch of people are going to read it and interpret it as somehow arguing for illegal immigration or open borders or some other inane narrative because they refuse to abandon a narrative they're invested in.
This is pretty disgusting. This is telling our kids/students that their education is less important that pandering to illegal immigrants…I am sorry, asylum seekers. I mean, I am absolutely sure that in order to be bestowed with asylum seeker, they would check all that information and affirm that they are coming from an area where their very lives were in peril.

I saw women and children getting off of that bus. They are here, so you absolutely have to find some place for them, but schools!? Seriously? There’s no where else they could go? What about a sport’s stadium? Oh wait, those are owned by very important and wealthy people and sports are so much more important and lucrative than education, so that would never happen. Take the fucking basketball arena and use that. Any events, such as a stupid fucking basketball game, can be played in another arena.

This is not a temporary situation-meaning in a few days. It will take weeks or months to get them out of there, and until then, oh well, fuck the kids’ education-we can go remote. Oh, and fuck the parents that now have to figure out what to do with their kids because they have a job-hire a babysitter at their expense, leave their kids home alone-what could go wrong? This is really fucking over Americans, and worse, the kids. Online education is far inferior to on site learning. Again, most parents rely on their kids being at school and supervised while they’re at work. What a total shitshow
You should head over to that thread so that we don't rehash the problem here but I'll try to summarize.

First, the majority of your illegal immigrants do not come over the border. Almost 2/3 of them come from visa overstays. Meaning that they entered legally and simply did not leave when they were supposed to. Tracking them down and deporting is as important as deporting the 1/3 that come over the border. To repeat: The border is not the only place where illegal immigrants come from, it's not even the biggest place.

Second, deporting illegal aliens and evaluating asylum claims requires legal processing. A hearing, a judge, a ruling. This takes time. While the process is being carried out, the immigrant cannot be deemed illegal or denied asylum. The deportable conclusions come after the hearing, not before. The reason is that you cannot risk accidentally deporting a legal resident or denying asylum to someone who should get it.

This creates a problem. The government has to attend to the immigrants while their exact status is being hashed out in the legal system. They have to house them and feed them or they have to let them wander and hope they show up for their hearings. The longer it takes to get them through the system, the bigger the back up.

HERE'S THE IMPORTANT PIECE: Asylum applications are only accepted within the country or at a port of entry.

Why does the back up matter? Individuals who might be willing to wait for their time to file an asylum application at a port of entry aren't willing to wait indefinitely. This incentivizes them to enter the country illegal and file their applications from within the country where they have to be housed and fed while they wait. This extends the time for processing, increasing the backlog, increasing the benefit of trying to skip the line.

This is why the speed of processing is extremely important. If you have a backlog at processing then you get a backlog at the ports of entry. A backlog at the ports of entry means that people will prefer the other method of application - within the country. They will enter the country illegally because that positions them to file their asylum application and thus forces us to house them.

The faster you get people through the processing system, the faster you reduce the backlog at the ports of entry. Reduction of that backlog reduces the need to enter illegally to file an asylum application.

Got it? So, faster processing doesn't encourage people to come here and it doesn't allow them to be settled here. Faster processing means that you can more quickly deny asylum when appropriate and deport people without increasing the benefit of sneaking in vs. waiting for their hearing on the other side of the border.

I hope you read that because it's an important part of the border problem.

But I fear that too many people are not going to read all of that and not bother to understand why it matters.

And I'm sure that a bunch of people are going to read it and interpret it as somehow arguing for illegal immigration or open borders or some other inane narrative because they refuse to abandon a narrative they're invested in.
You don't know how many illegal immigrants come across the border, you only know how many you catch crossing the border. And with overstayed Visas, we've at least done some sort of a background check to ensure they aren't criminals. Also we know they aren't human traffickers, drug mules, etc. We also know they have a job. I agree we should punish them but it's no where near the same issue as random people just walking in, especially now that we know that other countries are shipping over their criminals to relieve themselves of the costs and burdens of jailing them.

The republicans want stricter asylum claim laws as well. They want it so that if you had to cross multiple countries that are not at war to get into America, you are not a valid asylum seeker, which is completely valid. As it stands, granting asylum to anyone who shows up and expediting those cases could have the effect of incentivizing more people to show up, as they know they will get quicker documentation and permanent stay in America. It could actually have more people claim asylum while our asylum criteria are so generous.
You don't know how many illegal immigrants come across the border, you only know how many you catch crossing the border. And with overstayed Visas, we've at least done some sort of a background check to ensure they aren't criminals. Also we know they aren't human traffickers, drug mules, etc. We also know they have a job. I agree we should punish them but it's no where near the same issue as random people just walking in, especially now that we know that other countries are shipping over their criminals to relieve themselves of the costs and burdens of jailing them.
So, the issue isn't illegal immigrants? Only some kinds of illegal immigrants. I can't really subscribe to that approach.

And I know this isn't what you're saying but most illegal immigrants aren't criminals either. And you're right, we only know how many we catch. But that's the number. If we're not going to use the numbers we have to have the discussion, what's the point. You can claim that there are 8 bazillion illegals and I can claim that they're all working 6 figure jobs and paying taxes by leaving the money outside of the IRS offices, lol.

The republicans want stricter asylum claim laws as well. They want it so that if you had to cross multiple countries that are not at war to get into America, you are not a valid asylum seeker, which is completely valid. As it stands, granting asylum to anyone who shows up and expediting those cases could have the effect of incentivizing more people to show up, as they know they will get quicker documentation and permanent stay in America. It could actually have more people claim asylum while our asylum criteria are so generous.
How much stricter can they want it when Biden enacted the same asylum limitations that Trump did? Biden rolled out an identical policy including a requirement that if you can't prove that you sought asylum at another country first, you are automatically denied asylum here.

Think about for a moment -- anyone seeking asylum here had to go through the asylum process somewhere else first or they get denied. That means all of those people who just run up to the border to beg asylum are dead in the water. They're never getting in. And if they applied somewhere else and were denied there, we'll have the other country's filing for why they were denied, which is probably a good reason to deny them here. And if the other country granted them asylum and they still came here...they're going to have to explain why.

It's a very hard standard. And it mirrors Trump's asylum ban policies.

This paragraph of yours suggests that you're not familiar with the current state of asylum claim requirements.