British Man sentenced to 18 months in prison for offensive language

Wonder how long that Arab Muslim got in Germany for the racist rant against the German in that store. You know, basically calling for ethnic cleansing for Germans inside of Germany. Is that a crime, or no?
Yeah, for some reason I don't think this guy helped himself out during the trial. If it ends with you calling the judge a cunt and giving the Nazi salute while you talk about gassing jews, you can't be too surprised.
Some European states are much more free than many places in the US (my opinion), and the idea that Europe is overrun with lawlessness and islamism seems to only be held by people with no actual experience of it.

Dumbing down Europe to muslims is the same as dumbing down America to the hillbillys.
Most of the violent crime in Europe is committed by non-Europeans. I'm not sure how you can spin it into something positive for globalization or multiculturalism. Keep pushing it and there will be another Reconquista and I will happily be there to see it happen.
so wait I just saw a video where a man dressed in tradtional Jewish garb is walking thru the streets of Paris or London and was spit at, called jew this and that, every possible slang you can think of and even threatened. Will any of those individuals be imprisoned for "antisocial" behavior? this is a joke. The guy who got sentenced is a complete and utter piece of shit and deserves the worst in life no doubt, but his offense is not a civil crime, his offense was that he was born and grew up to be a piece of shit. He still has the right to say whatever he wants without fear of prison. This is a scary time to be a forward thinking freedomist. If you are a purveyor of free speech, free thought and live without prejudices excluding people that want to kill you, this is a shitty time to be alive.
The usual misleading narrative from the war room. Some normal guy didn't insult a black woman and get 18 months.

What happened was a antisocial scumbag with a history or bad behaviour and racism committed his 9th offence breaking a court order, called the judge a cunt and did a nazi salute and sang about gassing jews in court got 18 months.

I suppose in the US he'd walk away free and be applauded?

The cunt should have been jailed about 8 offences ago

He wasn't threatening anyone or stalking anyone he just said things people didn't like and did it more then a couple of times.

He was jailed over speech.
Yeah, for some reason I don't think this guy helped himself out during the trial. If it ends with you calling the judge a cunt and giving the Nazi salute while you talk about gassing jews, you can't be too surprised.

they were trying to send him to jail for saying he disagrees with something in public. the nazi salute was probably an attempt to speak the british courts language.
they were trying to send him to jail for saying he disagrees with something in public. the nazi salute was probably an attempt to speak the british courts language.

Yeahhhhhhh... I'm not buying it.

I doubt he was calmly talking to this woman and child while Big Brother just decided to pick him up. If you're willing to talk about how Jews should be gassed in court, you're probably talking about how :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:s should be lynched on the pier.

edit: fucking lol at sherdog's new censor method of emogis - that's fantastic.
The guy seems like a grade A asshole and probably needs mental aid.

18 months in jail? Absolutely ridiculous.
No matter how you slice it these are fascist anti free speech laws. He could have been charged with laws already existing like harrassment, mischief, and such.

Its like the cell phone laws while driving. There are laws in place for this kind of thing already with wreckless driving, driving without undue attention etc.

Fucking liberals, pretending to champion freedom while simultaneously fighting for an Orwellian society.
you know anti social behavior order sounds a lot like what the russians called sluggish schizophrenia when they wanted to send political dissenters to gulags. that was fucked up, too. you should read about it.
So now ASBOs are political dissent. Jesus this place is getting dumber and dumber. Being anti decency has become the cool thing in this forum. The government is all to get us, lets freak out. We have no freedom anymore. Some really funny people here
he was jailed for disagreeing with interracial relationships. that actually does sound a lot like political dissent.
ASBOs are civil orders to protect the public from behaviour that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress. An order contains conditions prohibiting an individual from carrying out specific anti-social acts or (for example) from entering defined areas

You telling me in America you can behave however you want in your neighbourhood and treat the people however you want and there is no laws against it? You have the exact same laws I am sure. Just named differently. If you guys knew the type of people who get ASBOs I dont think you would be so quick to defend them. Once again war roomers jump in things they really dont have much knowledge about

The law here is very narrow. It's called fighting words.
What do you think would happen in the USA if you are in court and call the judge a cunt?

The problem is that he's in court for nothing more than being an asshole. Either way he wouldn't be doing 18 months... likely no more than 30 days for contempt of court, of which he would probably only serve a week or so.
The law here is very narrow. It's called fighting words.

People take the concept of free speech too far. If you're gonna invade someone's personal space and hurl insults at them, you can't cry abuse when they retaliate.

The recent example that comes to mind is Aids Skrillex yelling in some old guy's face, and then calling the retaliation assault. Them be fighting words. Man up or don't abuse others.
The law of the universe is that an action is met with an equal reaction. When we, as as society, issue seizing and imprisonment for mere words, we are not reacting in a natural way. A man who abuses others verbally, may be subjected to similar verbal humiliation, but he should not be physically assaulted and imprisoned.

This gives the moral advantage to the Nazi, and makes him out to be the martyr, especially amongst his own kind. It justifies his own totalitarian ideology, to see the "liberal" state behave in the exact same manner as his ideal, fascist state.
The law of the universe is that an action is met with an equal reaction. When we, as as society, issue seizing and imprisonment for mere words, we are not reacting in a natural way. A man who abuses others verbally, may be subjected to similar verbal humiliation, but he should not be physically assaulted and imprisoned.

This gives the moral advantage to the Nazi, and makes him out to be the martyr.

Do you think it's okay for me to make lewd sexual remarks about a woman, or girl, and continue despite pleas for me to stop?
Do you think it's okay for me to make lewd sexual remarks about a woman, or girl, and continue despite pleas for me to stop?

Yes. And the woman is fully within her rights to oust you for being a pervert and a scumbag. A fitting punishment for such an offense.

1½ years in prison is not a fitting punishment.
Calling the judge a cunt might have had something to do with it.
