Brain Scans Reveal What Dogs Really Think of Us

Cats blow. Things aren't loving


Well if you give it some roids and avoid Tim Kennedy, it might be.
I wonder if it poops out side or in a litter box. So many questions.
I would like to think they're anthropomorphic like He-mans Battle Cat or that weird flying dragon dog from Never Ending Story. If they aren't I'll slap a diaper on it.
  1. This info is why I hate shitty dog owners with a passion. Only knuckle draggers crop a dogs ears to make it look more "Bad ass".
Can you post 10 links to pit bull ripping toddlers apart? Because otherwise you're contributing to a shit stereotype kept alive by ignorance

Why 10 specifically? And I don't need to post 10. Stop being lazy and use google. The examples are endless.

And I'm contributing to awareness of the dangers of pits. I'm saving toddlers from being shredded to pieces while you contribute to the stereotype that it should be acceptable to have them as pets.

And no it doesn't have to do with how they are trained. Even the best ones will go ballistic and rip several kids apart at a time.

Even if badly trained pits WAS the cause of their aggression, the only people who gravitate towards pits are morons who barely finished high school so it's always going to be a problem.
Basically highlighting what we already know, Dogs are fucking awesome and should be treated as such. Mans best friend is an understatement.

Here in Australia, everyone has a fascination of travelling to Bali in Indonesia since it's a short plane trip and very cheap. I personally won't step foot there again after finding out about their pet meat trade. They do some real sadistic shit there, torturing cats and dogs in the most barbaric way for the animals meat. Fucking savages.
Why 10 specifically? And I don't need to post 10. Stop being lazy and use google. The examples are endless.

And I'm contributing to awareness of the dangers of pits. I'm saving toddlers from being shredded to pieces while you contribute to the stereotype that it should be acceptable to have them as pets.

And no it doesn't have to do with how they are trained. Even the best ones will go ballistic and rip several kids apart at a time.

Even if badly trained pits WAS the cause of their aggression, the only people who gravitate towards pits are morons who barely finished high school so it's always going to be a problem.

I can't tell if you're a troll or retarded, my college degree sporting step sister keeps a rehabilitated fighting pit around a small child all the time with zero incident. Some breeds are bred more aggressive than others but it does come down to how you raise them whether you choose to believe that or not. Keep on keeping on trying to spread your hate though. I'm sure it'll get rid of those vicious creatures just like Rottweilers, Dobermans, and St Bernards.
my college degree sporting step sister keeps a rehabilitated fighting pit around a small child all the time with zero incident.


What good is her college education if she's going to be this stupid? I'm sure most families that had their child ripped apart like tissue paper said the same thing before it happened.
I can't tell if you're a troll or retarded, my college degree sporting step sister keeps a rehabilitated fighting pit around a small child all the time with zero incident. Some breeds are bred more aggressive than others but it does come down to how you raise them whether you choose to believe that or not. Keep on keeping on trying to spread your hate though. I'm sure it'll get rid of those vicious creatures just like Rottweilers, Dobermans, and St Bernards.

It's running the risk, and given that there are so many other breeds that don't reliably attack and kill kids, you're just an asshole if you get one.

Stop trying to prove some point that you can train a notoriously shitty dog. They're not misunderstood, and the point of a pet isn't the challenge. Your arrogance puts other people at risk.
Also the only animal that can read and respond to human facial expressions
You sound like a lot of fun
I didn't mean to be facetious to the TS, who's posts and threads I enjoy... Nor did I mean to come off as an asshole.

What I meant to portray is who in the fuck would commission a study like this? This is ridiculous. There's plenty of studies besides 'Do dogs love us' that are need of studying. This is clearly a gigantic waste of time and resources.
Thousands and thousands of pits and other aggressive dog breeds go every year with out attacking people but a few dozens incidence a year condemned the whole breed? I'm just curious if y'all use the same logic with people.

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