Big bench attempt = bleeding eyes



Wait 'til the end...

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Seen it many times at events... still nasty though.
Wow, I had no idea this was a common thing.

I don't know if I'd say its "common". Some of the other posters can probably say though. I just know that in the few events I've seen live... I've seen this happen maybe once every other show. My wording of "seen it many times" may have been a slight exaggeration... depends how you look at it I suppose.
Christ. I've seen people with red eyes from burst blood vessels, but never their eyes actually BLEEDING after a lift.

Thats awesome. I'd immediately go walk around in public, screaming about the apocalypse.

Other peoples' blood really creeps me out. I can watch myself bleed for hours and it won't bother me but if I see a cut on someone else it's over.
I don't know if I'd say its "common". Some of the other posters can probably say though. I just know that in the few events I've seen live... I've seen this happen maybe once every other show. My wording of "seen it many times" may have been a slight exaggeration... depends how you look at it I suppose.

That's much more often than I would've expected, put it that way.
THat is so cool. People should train to just have their eyes bleed so they can do it on command.
I didn't even know this was possible... wtf? lol
I have to wonder if that wasn't a nose bleed that ran up into his eyes as he was lying down on the bench.
Either way...kinda cool.