Are you political?

I don't stay all that informed anymore. The presidents and other leaders are just figureheads. The agenda of corporate America chugs along regardless. I'd say 2 or even a 1.

The sad thing is, not too many people realize this. You see them on TV yelling and cheering like morons for their favorite puppet.
The sad thing is, not too many people realize this. You see them on TV yelling and cheering like morons for their favorite puppet.
Eh people love to feel like they're part of a team. The rich and powerful ain't on the same team as the rest of us regular fuckers.
Call me when voting makes a significant difference in, let's say, USA's Middle East policy.


I was really into American politics in the 90's, was feeling optimistic. Then Bush happened...again. America has had some amazing leaders in its history, but its been on a slide over the last several decades. IMO.

When 911 happened, I made the decision to view things from a relatively non emotional viewpoint. Thought it would be a rare opportunity to observe the human condition. To me the horror of that day pales in comparison to what happened in the subsequent aftermath. Made me realize just how much we fucked up during a crucial point in our evolution. Oh well, nothing new really, life goes on.

Civilization is a festering madhouse atm, where are the visionary's, and true leaders at? They don't have a chance, but trump on the other hand:rolleyes:

The ideological and cultural aspects of today's "professional" politicians is very cynical, to the point of being anti human.
I would give first hand examples of politicians I have had access to, but people would be allll.....source! bullshit! etc... but for many of us it would provoke nothing more than a shrug.

Geezus I'm rambling tonight..
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0 as i hate political alligned peoples like few other things

On some themes i may even sound extreme left or right, but i like to pretend that's only based on the situation i'm trying to have an opinion about

Specially today both Teams are enemy of the middle class man, still the middle class man seem to be so willing to full supporting one of the two

Politic, religion, sport supporters, brands fans: all the same

Are all bugs of our mind, once our brain chose a "side", our logic get fucked pretty bad

At least for most peoples i know
I was really into American politics in the 90's, was feeling optimistic. Then Bush happened...again. America has had some amazing leaders in its history, but its been on a slide over the last several decades. IMO.

When 911 happened, I made the decision to view things from a relatively non emotional viewpoint. Thought it would be a rare opportunity to observe the human condition. To me the horror of that day pales in comparison to what happened in the subsequent aftermath. Made me realize just how much we fucked up during a crucial point in our evolution. Oh well, nothing new really, life goes on.

Civilization is a festering madhouse atm, where are the visionary's, and true leaders at? The don't have a chance, but trump on the other hand:rolleyes:

The ideological and cultural aspects of today's "professional" politicians is very cynical, to the point of being anti human.
I would give first hand examples of politicians I have had access to, but people would be allll.....source! bullshit! etc... but for many of us it would provoke nothing more than a shrug.

Geezus I'm rambling tonight..
Go for it. I would be interested in hearing your stories.
0 as i hate political alligned peoples like few other things

On some themes i may even sound extreme left or right, but i like to pretend that's only based on the situation i'm trying to have an opinion about

Specially today both Teams are enemy of the middle class man, still the middle class man seem to be so willing to full supporting one of the two

Politic, religion, sport supporters, brands fans: all the same

Are all bugs of our mind, once our brain chose a "side", our logic get fucked pretty bad

At least for most peoples i know

This all day.



Sports fanatics

Trendy brand loyalists

Any "justified" violence group, or individual (insert your own image, its to easy)

Anyone who is balling like an idiot around famous people.

list goes on....

Is normal?
Go for it. I would be interested in hearing your stories.

Sounds paranoid, but there are several people who actually know who I am in "real life" that are aware of my Sherdog account.

For the most part, I can defend every post I've every made here, but revealing specifics goes against my code. I have always had good direct access to the dirt on both sides of the law, and in . Most of the time I'm speaking from direct experience but I always leave out specifics. I don't think I will ever f@ck someones game up directly, no matter how evil they are, but when it comes to large scale structure I may find myself exploiting that knowledge. It can certainly be used for good. Money, fame, power being the least of my desires. Besides, right now I am not in the economic, or political shape, to do much with that info.

man I'm rambling tonight...had 6 Molson Excel, That's probably it.
No and partially (maybe mainly) because I'm not well informed on it even when I try to be. If I don't understand something I'm not pretending like I do. But I don't like socialist I know that.
Compared to most people I know, very.
Compared to the majority of the War room, not very.

7ish plus or minus I guess.
Excel eh? you pregnant or driving?

Ha...surprised an Irishmen would the one to call me on it. Yeah, I dropped booze for 4.5 months ago to deal with a health problem. This bunk swill acts as a placebo when I'm needing to trick my brain a bit. Its no life.
Ha...surprised an Irishmen would the one to call me on it. Yeah, I dropped booze for 4.5 months ago to deal with a health problem. This bunk swill acts as a placebo when I'm needing to trick my brain a bit. Its no life.
I'm a Cannuck. That was my drink of choice while my wife was pregnant and I wasn't drinking.
1.5 i know who the resident is and i think he has a vice president i am not sure about that though, i also know that that one dude's last name is not pronounced like boner.

a reason for why i am not politically motivated is i think politics suck and are all corrupting and the types of people who would seek any type of power or success in that field are ultimately sociopathic or just scum bags in general. People that i would not like to associate myself with.

so i guess i am pretty jaded with the whole process my go to answer for these is a whore is a whore even if she has a heart of gold, a politician is a politician even if he/she swears he will change the system.
1.5 i know who the resident is and i think he has a vice president i am not sure about that though, i also know that that one dude's last name is not pronounced like boner.

a reason for why i am not politically motivated is i think politics suck and are all corrupting and the types of people who would seek any type of power or success in that field are ultimately sociopathic or just scum bags in general. People that i would not like to associate myself with.

so i guess i am pretty jaded with the whole process my go to answer for these is a whore is a whore even if she has a heart of gold, a politician is a politician even if he/she swears he will change the system.

Had a beer with an ex Mayor. At the beginning of our conversation he was going on about the great privilege and nobility of serving the public through his honorable profession, an hour later after he put his guard down he was going on about "the people being to ignorant to be more involved with the political process".

I've had several mind blowing conversations with a vast array of people in positions of power, and have seen a definite pattern. I wouldn't call any of them evil, but resigned to their own lack of vision, and being products of the time. Most seem very cynical in their understanding of the human condition, and have a detached pragmatism in obtaining what they want. Should say though, that I have had many on the other hand that bought in, but struggle with the frustrations of power for powers sake structures.

Funny you say they are sociopaths, as businessmen, lawyers, politicians, think and act in predatory ways. (yes, a brutal generalization)
Just for fun, try talking to them about art, science or philosophy. Typically this type of talk is to organic, visionary, open etc....they hate that. Linear, black and white, zero's and one's. With certainty comes control, with control comes the ability to exerciser, or acquire power.

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