Are you political?


Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
Simple , on a scale of 1-10 ...10 being an in your face kind of person loudly professing your political affiliation and explaining how things should be run. 1 being someone who at any given time might not know who the president is...also give the reason.

I will put myself at a 2-3...not really interested, think it's mostly all bullshit, and will rarely engage..
Unfortunately your scale seems to equate degree of knowledge with degree of proselytizing.

I'd rather come across as uninformed than a Tea Party Patriot.

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Probably around a 4. I like to engage with other interested people who haven't yet become partisan hacks, but I'm far from posting in the War Room regularly.
Extrapolating your scale proportionally, I'd have to put myself around a 6. I'm fairly well informed with a moderate interest but I'm not involved in the war room socialist circle jerk this go around nor was I involved in the libertarian circle jerk 4 years ago (which I find hysterical when comparing Paul and Sanders). I read a lot of it and learn as a result whether I agree with it or not.
I don't care for political parties but I'm a staunch activist for rights of indigenous people throughout the world. Especially for those whose land was taken and way of life was disrupted by western colonization.
I don't know who is who in the cabinet in my home country and I didn't vote.

I know the prime minister is David Hameron though, and i don't like him, nor his kind.

I guess that makes me like a 2-3
Seeing how we all, by definition, are political animals, I assume you mean knowledge and action as applied to civilizations formalized structures.

Practical political awareness 8
Practical political application 4
Historical political education 7
Political Philosophy and science ed 7
Political alliance 3
Personal defined ideology 7
Political opportunity's 9
Political current events 1
Interest in acquisition and application of power 2 (at least in today's political climate)

I'm not pragmatic enough, and to idealistic to be a professional politician.
If I lacked a conscience, I could make for a good meat puppet.

“Politics: “Poli” a Latin word meaning "many" and "tics" meaning"bloodsucking creatures".” ― Robin Williams.
Straight 0. Don't believe voting makes a difference even.
I don't stay all that informed anymore. The presidents and other leaders are just figureheads. The agenda of corporate America chugs along regardless. I'd say 2 or even a 1.
2 I guess. I like Trump because he is funny and doesn't give a shit. That being said I don't know if he should lead the country. Also on the democrat side neither one seems like a good option. So we are faced once again with the South Park scenario of Douche vs Turd Sandwich
My views are repulsive to the average person or at least tend to be so I keep them to myself. A good 1.
7 I believe I am informed, well educated, know the ins and outs of the political system, and have a viewpoint that isnt created around sound bytes. I also think politics absolutely matter, but the apathy systematically created to ensure its not cool to be in the know or strive for change is funny to see. I also know enough to know that you can make change, but there will always be blockades and limits to what someone can do, usually self imposed, or imposed to keep the status quo, however the power of one is not to underestimated.
Trying to head toward 0 ASAP

But, unfortunately, I have a long background studying politics and keeping up with current events. Trying to avoid that shit as much as possible.
I'm technically very political. I don't do extensive research on every issue, but I watch debates and follow things pretty closely. And I have strong opinions on issues that are important to me. I'm not overly eager to discuss politics with people that have differing views though, I don't really see the point.