Are you for or against Cloning long dead creatures and people?

The Shroud of Turin seems worthy of trying to do something with.

If you took all 6 billion of us and put us in the square miles available in Kansas every human being on this planet could live there in relative comfort.

I think that the good lord put more than enough space, and food for 20 billion humans. Only if we followed his rules of behavior,

eliminated country's and borders,

coexisted peacefully,

shared resources,

and above all treated each other with love and respect I could see it.

And since you took this to a more serious tone. I think it would be a great boon to humanity's eventual colonization of other planets if we had a Nikolai tesla or cloned Einstein ,or other once in ageneration genius level men of math, and science.

All the ifs, could have, would have, possible are the reasons why most humans live their life like they are doing now.

If this tech was made possible, "they" will publicise that they will clone Testla/Einstein/Edison/Franklin. But what they will actually do is use the tech to make money. Human greed knows no boundaries. It's native to think that a tech like this which would probably cost upwards of trillions to R&D, will be use to make good to the overall human populations. It would be use to make quadrillion, sextillion and whatever shit that is higher than 20 zeros in their paycheck.

We ARE destroying our Planet Earth as we speak, as much as most people deny, why should we be given the chance to "colonise" another planet? We won't be doing shit but repeating the mistake of destroying the new ones we live in. Because by then, people will think that since we can "just live on another planet", why save?
All the ifs, could have, would have, possible are the reasons why most humans live their life like they are doing now.

If this tech was made possible, "they" will publicise that they will clone Testla/Einstein/Edison/Franklin. But what they will actually do is use the tech to make money. Human greed knows no boundaries. It's native to think that a tech like this which would probably cost upwards of trillions to R&D, will be use to make good to the overall human populations. It would be use to make quadrillion, sextillion and whatever shit that is higher than 20 zeros in their paycheck.

We ARE destroying our Planet Earth as we speak, as much as most people deny, why should we be given the chance to "colonise" another planet? We won't be doing shit but repeating the mistake of destroying the new ones we live in. Because by then, people will think that since we can "just live on another planet", why save?
I'm not at all against it. We should see how many Hitlers it takes to kill a T-Rex.
I'm not at all against it. We should see how many Hitlers it takes to kill a T-Rex.

If I had Photoshop installed I'd Photoshop a Rex in a field of Hitlers.

And it would be awesome.
Clone away, but keep the human clones brainless so we can just use them and harvest their organs.

I'm trying to imagine the cosmic shitstorm it would take to let something like that be legal.

There are people out there bombing abortion clinics, I shudder to think what they'd do if anyone tried clone farms.
I'm all for it. I'm genuinely optimistic about my species, and believe we will achieve greatness, reaching farther out than the moon. Even to the stars...

It's destiny, and I am for our advancement by all means available.
I don't really care. For people, nurture would most likely end up making them unrecognizable from who they were a clone of. Don't see the point beyond research.

Dinosaurs. Yes, on an island, but absolutely no flying or ocean species.

I died at bold lol

Flying chit and ocean shenanigans is where the man draws the line.

Lulz had
I don't really care. For people, nurture would most likely end up making them unrecognizable from who they were a clone of. Don't see the point beyond research.

Dinosaurs. Yes, on an island, but absolutely no flying or ocean species.

Life will find a way, and we'll end up with flying raptors and oceanic rexes.
I'm trying to imagine the cosmic shitstorm it would take to let something like that be legal.

There are people out there bombing abortion clinics, I shudder to think what they'd do if anyone tried clone farms.

I think the movie Gattica with Ethan hawke had something to do with cloning or genetic engineering. I don't remember it's been so long. Though I wouldn't be for a vegetative soulless clone of me hanging around for spare parts in some goulash meat locker. But genetic be lying if I said I Wouldnt want my son to be 6'5, handsome,with a high IQ and naturally athletic(essentially a direct clone of dad)...if the science was proven and probably pay for it.

Essentially parents are trying to give their kids every advantage to be able to compete for jobs and mates after they leave the home anyway(that's responsible parents)why not give your kid a genetic advantage?

I saw some documentary somewhere were these ladies that wanted a "frozen pop" to be their kids dad almost always went for highly educated,European male, between 6'3 and 6'5 in height.

To the point where this one tall dorky looking goofball had fathered like 30 kids and the donor agency wouldnt let him "donate" any more of his as they say " genetic material"
Finally a good thread topic, Jack. Props, sir.

This dude got arrested for trying to clone a woolly mammoth. Biggest scientific injustice ever, IMO.
They could clone some unicorns or giants when they find the fossils.

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