Are we in a right wing clique?

But that's mostly just rightist propaganda. They don't like to run on regressive tax changes, higher deficits, or cutting the safety net (much less creepy NRx shit) so they run on pretending that every Democrat is an extreme leftist. You fall for that stuff yourself, though you also remain aware of what the GOP is up to on policy.
I know that the majority of democrats are moderates - Biden winning the primaries proved that. But that doesn't mean that mainstream Dems don't sometimes play into the GOPs hand. Their rather progressive appointments, like the kleptomaniac cross dresser, weren't necessary. That seemed to be pandering for the sake of being historical and progressive.
I know that the majority of democrats are moderates - Biden winning the primaries proved that. But that doesn't mean that mainstream Dems don't sometimes play into the GOPs hand. Their rather progressive appointments, like the kleptomaniac cross dresser, weren't necessary. That seemed to be pandering for the sake of being historical and progressive.

As much as I think Trump is unfit to be President (any election denier alone would suffice for me, let alone all his other baggage and idiocy), I have tremendous disdain for the far left. They aren't even socialists in my view as much as useful idiots for corporations that relentlessly endorse their brand of politics.
I know that the majority of democrats are moderates - Biden winning the primaries proved that. But that doesn't mean that mainstream Dems don't sometimes play into the GOPs hand. Their rather progressive appointments, like the kleptomaniac cross dresser, weren't necessary. That seemed to be pandering for the sake of being historical and progressive.
Sure. Politicians try to keep the tent big, but remember the discussion. I also don't think transfolk should be disqualified from working.
As much as I think Trump is unfit to be President (any election denier alone would suffice for me, let alone all his other baggage and idiocy), I have tremendous disdain for the far left. They aren't even socialists in my view as much as useful idiots for corporations that relentlessly endorse their brand of politics.
The far left is a cancer on American politics and they have a symbiotic relationship with the right (look at sleazes like Brand, Gabbard, Dore, Taibbi, etc.).
As much as I think Trump is unfit to be President (any election denier alone would suffice for me, let alone all his other baggage and idiocy), I have tremendous disdain for the far left. They aren't even socialists in my view as much as useful idiots for corporations that relentlessly endorse their brand of politics.
Exactly. They aren't communists, but they act like they're Che's kids in how serious they may be about this or that, without ever reading a single book about the subjects. From Israel/Palestine, to their disdain for American founding fathers and the consitution, to the "My way or the highway" attitude that has replaced compromise and pragmatism. And then have the gall to act confused and angry when reactionaries get the upper hand and go further right.

At this point, if everyone is just apart of the loud minority, then they've got quite the megaphone.
Ofcourse they shouldn't be disqualified from working. But they shouldn't be hired just because they're trans, either.
Sure, but do you think that has ever happened for real? You were alluding to Brinton, right? Check their resume.
Exactly. They aren't communists, but they act like they're Che's kids in how serious they may be about this or that, without ever reading a single book about the subjects. From Israel/Palestine, to their disdain for American founding fathers and the consitution, to the "My way or the highway" attitude that has replaced compromise and pragmatism. And then have the gall to act confused and angry when reactionaries get the upper hand and go further right.

At this point, if everyone is just apart of the loud minority, then they've got quite the megaphone.

While this may be overly simplistic, I think the worthwhile voices in politics basically have these traits:
- knowledge of political science including International Relations
- knowledge of history
- knowledge of economics (really underrated, but it's the principal driver of most everything - especially in IR)
- research like hell, willing to educate themselves on various schools of thoughts, even the ones that go against their leanings.

The far left generally have like a mickey mouse education in peripheral topics and a tiny comically slim knowledge of history, next to no credible knowledge of economics, and they base their ENTIRE view on the sliver of what they know, and are extremely committed to it and not accepting of other views. And they don't research like hell, they talk more than they are willing to listen.

It's part of the reason why every old-school far left person seems to want next to nothing to do with new far left folks and view them as ridiculous and useless.
Poor people are usually right wing so makes sense that human cock fighters are righties.
Yes. Parents having unwanted children causes all kinds of bad things for society.

Steven Levitt of freakonomics fame did a study that showed abortion directly leads to lower crime.

Basically if a mom has an unwanted child, the mom's miserable, she takes it out on the child who grows up miserable, then the child takes it out on society to make them miserable.

The only arguments against abortion are religious ones but if you're not religious then there's no reason to ban abortions. Especially now that they can be done with a pill.

And even if you are religious, we just need to adjust your belief about when life begins. No reason to think a baby has a soul when it's nothing more than a fertilized egg. When does it get a soul? Nobody knows, so let's just say around month 4. Everyone's happy! Yay
The left will not agree to this