Anyway to get out of av bets and still be respected in the morning?

When I first began focusing on bringing up my bench (which was probably around a 205 1rm at the time) I used the westside template and brought it up to about 240-245 in 3 weeks. The dynamic work helped a ton since I was having problems getting out of the bottom. That template + learning how to REALLY tighten up when you're benching helped a ton and my bench went up quickly from there.

In 3 weeks? No shit? That's something I'm interested in.

Plus the ice pack sounds like a slick little trick.
Not to sound like a braggart, but I think it was bloodangel was lookin' through my log and commented that I went from an estimated max bench of 245 to hittin' 275 easy in like 20 days when Bama had his race. Would I be able to do it again, I dunno, but my rep and set schemes are there for ya to look at if you want...
Okay, I consulted with Old Man, and as far as we're concerned, Bubbles and Stoney can ditch the CC avs when they see fit, regardless of their bench max.

It's been a couple of months, it's more important to focus on fixing America's mortgage crisis now.
I'm late on your comments from yesterday Bubbles, but kiss my ass.
Sure. Ill be happy to tell you what I see. I would consult Brandon as well though. He's excellent at picking apart video.
shave your head again while youre at it, so you dont go back to looking like Harry Potter.

Nah, i grew a beard instead.
Teh alan sechs is nice....but is it goode alan sechs?

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