Sherdog will blame Ramadan. These guys don't know how to loseThese guys don't know how to lose
Look I don’t like Ank even a little bit. But it’s wild the amount of people thinking this fight is a forgone conclusion.
Pereira is going to be 38 this year…let that sink in. After a career and then some of combat sports mileage. The amount of people writing Ank off better be very confident in their bets. Because this has the smell of upset all over it..
And I’m rooting for Poatan
Really? lol dam I didn't know all that.It is so utterly OBVIOUS that 90+% of SD, are ignorant.
There is quite literally
NOTHING that says Muslims HAVE to fast, etc, during the specific days allotted to Ramadan in any given year.
They CAN SUBSTITUTE ANY days on the calendar to fulfill their religious commitments.
Btw.. If they CAN’T fast any time during the year.
They can make a CASH donation to their mosque, etc.
I don’t understand how adults can be so ignorant of common sense things.
You all should be embarrassed. Scratch that.. Your parents need to be embarrassed for raising an idiot.
If you didn’t know..Really? lol dam I didn't know all that.