Angry Joe Rogan goes crazy on a poor lady for telling him there's no such thing as Bondo Apes

Lol... in Joe's defense the O&A show largely revolved around being a complete asshole to callers and shutting them down with or without reason for entertainment, and also about having dumb arguments. The show was hilarious, but many stupid things were said. Patrice O'neall was hilarious, but he said some stupid shit about science and debated a doctor about vaccines and medicine that he knew nothing about. He wasn't this much of an asshole though. At the same time, Joe did seem to be taking himself a bit seriously here. He does sound aggressively douchy and dumb in that clip lol, but in the context of the show it’s nothing too unusual.
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not to get political but they were credited for a long time as being the most credible news source internationally.

also they were one of the first to accept letting all their news be fact checked but fox nows declined

You can be fact checked and biased at the same time. CNN is scum of the earth

Watched this when i was a kid. Everytime someone brings up a new species of apes, it takes me back to this.
Not sure if its that long ago but Rogan is still talking about his gigantic chimpanzee species as of 2019 with a 'conservationist' (Forrest Galante)

I tried looking for the original JRE episode but couldn't find it yet.

That clip everyone was listening to was from Opie & Anthony. If you go back to the dates that they had Joe on, they run all of the way back to 2005. Joe sounded younger in that clip. Just my observation. I know it’s kind of a popular thing to hate on him on here and he’s earned it in some areas, but I think this is a 15-year old soundbite.
Lol... in Joe's defense the O&A show largely revolved around being a complete asshole to callers and shutting them down with or without reason for entertainment, and also about having dumb arguments. The show was hilarious, but many stupid things were said. Patrice O'neall was hilarious, but he said some stupid shit about science and debated a doctor about vaccines and medicine that he knew nothing about. At the same time, Joe did seem to be taking himself a bit seriously here. He does sound aggressively retarded in that clip lol.
So Joe was in his mid 30s at the time. Comedians are just overgrown children, the product of easy times.
Rogan once again showing his deep rooted anger for being such a manlet.
Joe use to be like that a lot. He’s calmed it down since becoming more mainstream. He use to shit on people like they were idiots if they believed the moon landing
How long ago in the episodes was he scoffing at moon believers? If you know. Kind of blows my mind that he would do that
And yet he has a cult of his own.


It's a blessing to grow with a real, masculine father figure in the household. You can just laugh and go on with your day, when you see today's pseudo-masculinity proclaiming "alpha"-ness all over the Internet.

This is not now how a man sure of himself reacts, Joe - not even when he has to do with an idiot at the end of the line. Funny thing is...this time, the roles were reversed.
He didn't have to be such a douchebag about it but she should be more knowledgeable as a "PhD" as well. They're technically chimps but he wasn't wrong
OP is a Spotify employee, out to get Rogan